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IL CONDIZIONALE. Il condizionale presente corresponds to “would + verb” just as in English, it is used in the following cases: 1. To express polite requests : apriresti la finestra ? would you open the window? 2. To espress wishes :

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Presentation Transcript

  1. IL CONDIZIONALE • Il condizionale presente corresponds to “would + verb” just as in English, it is used in the following cases: 1. To express polite requests: apriresti la finestra? wouldyouopenthe window? 2. To espresswishes: Oggi il tempo è bello. Andreivolentieri a fare una passeggiatina a piedi. Weather is nice today. I would gofor a short walk. 3. To express preferences: Preferirei un bicchiered’acqua. I would prefer a glass of water

  2. FORMAZIONE DEL CONDIZIONALE • Il ondizionalepresente, like the ilfuturosemplice is formed by dropping the final –e of the infinitive and adding the conditional endings –ei, -esti, -ebbe, -emmo, -este, -ebbero. -ARE verbs change the –a of the infinitive ending to –e. • With verbs ending in –CARE and –GARE an H is add before the E. SPIEGARE (explain) → spiegherei CERCARE (look for) → cercherei • Verbs ending in –CARE and –GIARE drop the i. COMINCIARE (to start) → conmincerei MANGIARE (to eat) → mangerei

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