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Making Disciples & Planting Churches

Making Disciples & Planting Churches. What God can do when the local church accepts her responsibility to “Go and make disciples.”. Purpose of the Church. Why did Jesus come? God so loved the world . . . . (Jn. 3:16) Seek and save the lost (Lk. 19:10)

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Making Disciples & Planting Churches

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  1. Making Disciples& Planting Churches What God can do when the local church accepts her responsibility to “Go and make disciples.”

  2. Purpose of the Church • Why did Jesus come? • God so loved the world . . . . (Jn. 3:16) • Seek and save the lost (Lk. 19:10) • Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest (Jn. 4:35). • This is eternal life that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent (Jn. 17:3) • they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me (Jn. 17:23). • Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation (Mk. 16:16). • As the Father has sent Me, I also send you (Jn. 20:21).

  3. Purpose of the Church • The character of the church is to represent God’s purpose on earth by honoring God and making the way of reconciliation through his son known to all people through spiritual and physical service in His name.

  4. Purpose of the Church 1 Corinthian 3:6, 8 • I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. . . The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose. • Church planting is the deliberate process to plant: • New Churches in New Places for New People

  5. Christianity in America Challenge #1 • The late 20th century generation of churches is declining • U.S. churches are losing over 3 million people a year to non-religious lifestyles • 50% of U.S. churches did not record 1 conversion the previous year

  6. Christianity in America Growth/Decline 1990-2005

  7. Christianity in America Attendance Growth Percentage of Protestant Churches 1994-2004

  8. Christianity in America 400,000 Churches in America

  9. Christianity in America Challenge #2 Each American generation since WWII has become less churched

  10. 1977 - 1994 1965 - 1976 1948 - 1964 Before 1948 Thom Rainer, Sept. 2005

  11. Christianity in America Generational Church Attendance I believe I can have a good relationship with God without being involved in a church. Ed Stetzer, Lost and Found, 2009

  12. Christianity in America Generational Church Attendance The church is the only place to learn what it means to be a Christian. Ed Stetzer, Lost and Found, 2009

  13. Christianity in America Generational Church Attendance The church is the only place to learn what it means to be a Christian. Ed Stetzer, Lost and Found, 2009

  14. Churches of Christ in the U.S. Churches of Christ have been a plateaued movement since 1985 • 1980-1990 gain of 415 new churches • 1990-2000 loss of -126 churches

  15. Religious Groups by Churches - 2000

  16. Religious Groups by Churches - 2000 1980s 3.3% growth

  17. Religious Groups by Churches - 2000 1990s –1.2% growth

  18. Churches of Christ in the U.S.

  19. Churches of Christ Plantings1967-2007 New Churches Schaller’s 1% Rule 1% Rule: Each year an association of churches should plant new congregations at the rate of 1% of their existing total just to maintain their existing numbers otherwise they will experience a decline. If the want to grow at 50% they would need plant 2% to 3% per year.

  20. Church Plant Facts • Average plant size is 40 at year 1 and 84 at year 4 • 68% of plants survive at year 4 • 60% of plants are self-supporting at year 4 Ed Stetzer, Church Plant Survivability and Health Report, 2007. Center for Missional Research, North American Mission Board.

  21. Evangelism in America • 20th century evangelism • Head – Intellectual Approach • The question asked: “What is Truth?” • Our answer was: “Here is Truth” • 21st century evangelism • Heart – Service Approach • The question asked: “Does it give me meaning?” • Our old answer doesn’t answer the new question • Our new answer puts truth into action - service

  22. Conversion Patterns Modern: Information Faith Conversion Community Post-Modern: Conversion Community Faith Information

  23. Evangelistic Conversations Community • Spiritual Diagnosis 2. Introduce Jesus Intellectual Life-style Oppression Bad Experience 3. Gospel Specifics

  24. People Will Listen The unchurched population in America = 180 million U1: Highly Receptive 11% U2: Receptive 27% U3: Neutral/Unsure 36% U4: Resistant 21% U5: Antagonistic 5% 133 million people to talk with! Thom Rainer, Surprising Insights and Effective Evangelistic Churches

  25. People Will Come Will people come to church if invited? • 80% of all people asked said they would come to church if invited • 80% said they had never been invited Did they actually come? • 69% did when the inviter took them • Only 12% did when they went alone Thom Rainer, 2005

  26. People Will Come If someone wanted to tell me what she or he believed about Christianity, I would be willing to listen.

  27. People Will Come I would be willing to join a small group of people to learn more about the Bible and Jesus.

  28. People Will Come If a church presented truth to me in an understandable way that relates to my life now, I would attend.

  29. Resources • David Olsen, www.theamericanchurch.org • David Olsen, The American Church in Crisis, 2008. • Glenmary Research on Religion in America, 2002, www.glenmary.org • Stephen Gray. Planting Fast Growing Churches, 2007. • Flavil Yeakley, Jr. Good News and Bad News: A Realistic Assessment of the Churches of Christ in the United States, 2008. • Ed Stetzer, Lost and Found: The Younger Unchuched and the Churches that Reach Them • Ed Stetzer, Church Plant Survivability and Health Report, 2007. Center for Missional Research, North American Mission Board.

  30. Resources • George Barna, www.barna.org • Tom Clegg & Warren Bird, Lost in America, 2001. • Thom Rainer, Surprising Insights from the Unchurched, 2001.

  31. Major Religions of the World 1. Christianity: 2 billion 2. Islam: 1.3 billion 3. Hinduism: 900 million 4. Secular, Nonreligious, Agnostic, Atheist: 850 million 5. Buddhism: 360 million

  32. Religion and the World Living in a Religious World

  33. Major Religions of the World • 1. Christianity: 2 billion • 2. Islam: 1.3 billion • 3. Hinduism: 900 million • 4. Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 850 million • 5. Buddhism: 360 million • 6. Chinese traditional religion: 225 million • 7. Primal-indigenous 190: million • 8. Sikhism: 23 million • 9. Yoruba religion 20 million • 10. Juche 19 million • 11. Spiritism: 14 million

  34. Major Religions of the World • 12. Judaism: 14 million • 13. Baha’I: 6 million • 14. Jainism: 4 million • 15. Shinto: 4 million • 16. Cao Dai: 3 million • 17. Tenrikyo: 2.4 million • 18. Neo-Paganism: 1 million • 19. Unitarian-Universalism: 800,000 • 20. Scientology: 750,000 • 21. Rastafarianism: 700,000 • 22. Zoroastrianism: 150,000

  35. Major World Religions% of World Population 1900-2000

  36. Religious Change – 20th Century

  37. Distribution of Evangelicals – 2000Mission Frontiers, December 2001, p. 31

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