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Personal overview Lars Hartenstein

Personal overview Lars Hartenstein. Lars Hartenstein Managing D irector of sentiso GmbH University degree in cultural studies , knowledge management and logistics Management consultant for innovation- und knowledgemanagementprocesses Projectmanager for professional development

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Personal overview Lars Hartenstein

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Personal overview Lars Hartenstein • Lars Hartenstein • Managing Directorofsentiso GmbH • University degree in culturalstudies, knowledgemanagementandlogistics • Management consultantfor innovation- und knowledgemanagementprocesses • Projectmanagerfor professional development • lecturerforseminars in knowledgemanagementattheuniversity Otto von Guericke in Magdeburg

  2. A few numbers The numberofpeopleabletoworkisreducingabout 6,5 millionuntil 2025 70 year-oldsarementallyandphysicallyequalto 50 year-oldsrelatedtoworkingprocesses 72 % ofcompaniesare not ableto find enoughqualifiedemployees 47,3 % of 55 - 64 year-oldswanttokeep on working after theirretirement In 2020 germanyhas a lack ofbetween 2 and 4,1 millionqualifiedemployees 54,0 % of 60 – 69 year-olds are using the internet regularly Demograficchangeleedsto a lack ofqualifiedemployees Pensionistswanttoworkandtheyareableto do so

  3. How many pensionists wait to be reactivated in germany? Senior Experts 20.242.823pensionists potencialtargetaudience4.402.000(betweentheageof 60 and 70 withtheabibilitytowork) 48,5%of 60 - 69 year-oldsreusingtheinternetregularly 67,3%arequalifiedand35%wanttowork 502.000 as potential users

  4. Survey of the motivational aspects why retirees want to work

  5. sentiso (re)-activates seniorexperts offerofexperiencemeetsdemandofexperience

  6. Win-Win-Situation Addedvalueofwww.sentiso.de • Retirees • Beingactive, feelingvalued • Simple andfreeofcharge • Variousinformationabouttaxand legal issues • Selfstructured, solutionorientated, self-determentand flexible modeofoperation • Mental andphysicalfitness • Companies • Pool ofqualifiedskilledworkers • Keep/ safe/ regainexperienceandknowledge • Flexible andunbindedworkingconditions • Skilledworkersespeciallyfor rural areas(economicallyunderdeveloped) Win-Win-Situation Pool ofexperiencedskilledworkersfor flexible capabilities. Alternatives forengagement in theiroccupationalarea

  7. Change of capabilities during ageing process

  8. Best Practice Examples SuccessStories • Senior Experts • IT projectmanager bridging the gap between the old PM retiring and the time needed to find a replacement • Experienced multilingual worker • Technician • CNC technician für holiday replacement • Mentor for company expansion • Expert for the chinese market • Human resources expert for jobinterviews • Mentor for a young feminin CEO • Companys • Service companyformalls • Marketing organisation • Consultancy • Bank (database) • Automotive supplier • Contractmanufacturer • Security agency • Engineering serviceprovider

  9. What should be done to support the use of potential Human resourcemanagement • Age-mixed teams, experienced and young potencial-tandems, Mentoringsystems • Age structureanalysis • Age-oriented Workplacemanagement • Process- and Project-based work • Diversity und Wertschätzungskultur • Ergonomic- and health-oriented workplaces • Familiy friendly labour enviroment • LLL • Creation of reduced output workplaces • Knowledgetransfer/ Knowledgemanagement (Know-how-Tandems, mentoring, qualitycircle)

  10. Time for your questions?

  11. Contact sentiso GmbH Schimmelmannstr. 7 22043 HamburgTel: +49 (0)40 39 99 13 61 Internet: http://www.sentiso.deE-mail: lars.hartentenstein@sentiso.de www.sentiso.de

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