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Outreach: Charity & Nonprofit Jekyll Website Theme

Outreach Jekyll theme has 20 pages and is designed specifically for donation system, non-profit events, fund raising, crowdfunding campaigns for cause or charity group/organization , call for volunteers, vision and mission page, and many more.

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Outreach: Charity & Nonprofit Jekyll Website Theme

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  2. OutreachisaCharity & NonprofitJekyllThemethatwillhelpyou forfundraising. OutreachJekyllthemehas20pagesandisdesignedspecifically fordonationsystem,non-profitevents,fundraising,crowdfunding campaignsforcauseorcharitygroup/organization,callfor volunteers,visionandmissionpage,andmanymore. OutreachJekyllistheperfectthemeforCharityandfundraising.

  3. Wehavebuilteverythingyouneedtogetstarted. All-in-One Charity themefor Jekyll Outreachhasbeendesignedtoputyourcontent firstandgivesyoualltheflexibilityyouhavewith Jekylllibrary. Wehaveincludedpages,causes,formsand memberarea.

  4. Features OutreachJekyllusesbootstrapasthebaseCSSlibrary,givingyou thepowerandflexibilitytobuildfast.Wehaveoverlayedour propertyDarkoutFrameworkbySCubetheme,whichprovides accesstoblocksandadvanceJekyllfunctions. Jekyll Blocks Page Title OutreachispoweredbyDarkout blocksandifyoupurchaseour otherthemes,youcancross- propose & interchangetheblocks withdifferentSCubethemes. Aslideshowcomponentfor cyclingthroughelements— imagesorslidesoftext—likea carousel. Call to Action Page Title Acalltoaction (CTA) isaprompt onawebsitethattellstheuserto takesomespecifiedaction. PageTitlesectiondisplaysatitle, descriptionandabuttonwithlink.

  5. OtherIncludesfileare asfollows: Sidebar HeroContent InfoBlock CarouselTestimonial Breadcrumbs Formsection Footersection

  6. Mainmenuwithdropdownoption Herocontent CTAcontent JEKYLLDATA LAYERS Carouselcontent CarouselTestimonialcontent Infoblockcontent Sidebarcontent Footerlinks

  7. Build for SEO WehavetobuildOutreachJekyllthemetohelp youstandoutintheSEO.Fastloading, breadcrumbs,schematagsaresomeofthecore featuresyouwillgetoutofthebox. Charity Friendly Design Responsive design you can control Outreachworksonalldevices; thelayoutsadapt basedonthebrowseranddevicesize.Wehave goneonesetfurther,andinsomeblocks,youcan nowdecidehowitrendersonmobile. We have sold over 10K worth e-commerce themes, using our experience, we have created a comprehensive Jekyll charity theme. Paged you need for Charity Wehaveincludedeveryjourneyyourcustomers makesbeforetheymakeapurchase.Causeslisting page -> CausesPage -> DonateNow -> Payment -> Register & Login.

  8. Blog section Charity Friendly Design Jekyllincludesblogssoyoucanpostcontent aboutyourCausesorEvent.Pagenavigation, fullimagepreview,meta-informationabout thearticleanddedicatedCTAsection. Mega menu navigation We have sold over 10K worth e-commerce themes, using our experience, we have created a comprehensive Jekyll charity theme. Navigationisthefirstitemwebuild.Itsbuild formobileandincludesrichfeaturessuchas thedrop-downmenu,donatenowbuttonand sectiontoaccessthemenu.

  9. ForMore Information: Visit: https://scube.co Call: +447446967401 Mail: info@thescube.com

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