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Tundra. Biome Research By Kathryn Felty. Tundra Geography & Climate. Location: The Tundra is located South of the North Pole , Arctic circle. The Tundra is a cold, dry ,and treeless region. The soil type is a frozen soil called Permafrost.

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  1. Tundra Biome Research By Kathryn Felty

  2. TundraGeography & Climate • Location: The Tundrais located South of the North Pole , Arctic circle. • The Tundra is a cold, dry ,and treeless region. • The soil type is a frozen soil called Permafrost. • Precipitation in the Tundra is 25 centimeters per year. • The temperature range is winter can be 12 degrees Celsius 6 to 9 months long. • The climate is snowy and cold.

  3. TundraBiodiversity • A few plant species in the Tundra are mosses grasses and small shrubs. Lichens grow on the rocks. • Animal species: ducks, geese, shore birds ,hawks ,snowy owls ,and mice. time.com thegreathoohoo.com plantpreview.blogspot.com

  4. TundraAdaptations Needed for Survival • PLANTS Mosses- they can survive through droughts and freezing cold weather. Lichens and small shrubs have adapted to low temperatures and low light intensities. • ANIMALS: Ptarmigan’s feathers help it through the freezing cold winters. Extra feathers on its feet keep it from sinking in the snow. nps.gov

  5. Tundra Interactions of Biotic and Abiotic • Biotic : birds and trees. The tree provides shelter for all kinds of birds. • A biotic : Rain provides a little bit of snow that is needed. destinationknowlton.com

  6. What is Biodiversity? • Biodiversity is the variety of life .It can be studied on many levels . At the highest level, you ca look at all the different species on the entire Earth. Identifying and understanding the relationships between all the life on Earth are some of the greatest challenges in science. environment.nationalgeographic.com

  7. How does biodiversity contribute to the sustainability of an ecosystem? • Biodiversity is an important part of Ecological services that make life livable on Earth. They include everything from cleaning water and absorbing chemicals ,which wetlands do , to providing oxygen for us to breath ___one of the many things that plants do for people.

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