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Space-based information for reducing loss from disasters

Space-based information for reducing loss from disasters. Veronica Grasso GEO Secretariat vgrasso@geosec.org. GEO, the Group on Earth Observations An Intergovernmental Organization with 79 Members (+ EC) and 56 Participating Organizations (as of June 2009).

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Space-based information for reducing loss from disasters

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  1. Space-based information for reducing loss from disasters Veronica Grasso GEO Secretariat vgrasso@geosec.org © GEO Secretariat

  2. GEO, the Group on Earth Observations An Intergovernmental Organization with 79 Members (+ EC) and 56 Participating Organizations (as of June 2009) U.S. Department of State, Washington DC July 31, 2003 © GEO Secretariat

  3. GEOSS: A Global, Coordinated, Comprehensive and Sustained System of Observing Systems © GEO Secretariat

  4. Strategic Guidelines -Coordinate and Sustain Observing Systems-Coordinating, enhancing and interlinking existing systems in order to form coherent global networks-Ensure Access for All- Integrated, interoperable data sets to whom who need it - Develop End-to-end Services-Regionalend-to-end disaster management projects © GEO Secretariat

  5. A globally coordinated approach:International Charter Charter internal Organization © GEO Secretariat

  6. Extending Charter on Space and Major Disasters Access In response to GEO request for access for all GEO Members to Charter, the Charter Board unanimously endorsed the principle of « universal access » for all states. GEO has defined a mechanism for providing Charter access to all GEO Members (45 GEO Members do not have an Authorized User to activate the Charter ). The GEO proposal was discussed at the Charter Board Meeting April 2009. © GEO Secretariat

  7. Extending Charter on Space and Major Disasters Access Regional Approach: The Regional Center will activate the Charter on behalf of Countries in the region. © GEO Secretariat

  8. Disaster Management Clearinghouse • A centralized source of information for disaster management providing integrated and interoperable observations and derived maps for: • Vulnerability/Risk assessment: Relevant observations and derived maps will be made available. • Crisis Management: Users will be able to make requests on-line. The GEO Disaster Management Clearinghouse will generate maps and other products and publish them through the GEO Portal. • Related Forecasts: Products in support of disaster management will be made available through the Clearinghouse (i.e. weather, population migration, fire risk etc). © GEO Secretariat

  9. Disaster Management Clearinghouse 3 4 Observations and maps produced and made available On-line Retrieval of coordinated products and maps Disaster Management Clearinghouse a.Vulnerability Risk GEO Portal b. Crisis Management Providers Users other portals c. Related Forecasts 1 2 Request sent automatically On-line request © GEO Secretariat

  10. Contributions to GEOSS Monitoring regional risks in Central America and Asia Sentinel Asia SERVIR © GEO Secretariat

  11. Contributions to GEOSS GeoHazards SuperSites Initiative An open and seamless data access to a wide range of key observations (spaceborne, airborne, ground-based), from raw data to processed information over a number GeoHazards SuperSites The Geohazards SuperSites would: • stimulate scientific progress, • maximize the beneficial use of and access to Earth observation data, • foster the development of new applications, • allow integration and assimilation of observations into models (for hazard mapping and forecasting), • allow the exchange of knowledge and experience in the scientific community, • and constitute an ideal framework for building capacity. Contributors include NASA, ESA, USGS and CNES, BRGM, University of Miami, University of Zurich, University of Madrid, IREA Naples, JPL, INGV, University of Leeds, GFZ Postdam, University of Purdue and others). Vulnerability analysis will be carried out for the selected sites by EUCENTRE. Join us in this effort!! © GEO Secretariat

  12. Contributions to GEOSS Flood Pilot Project for the Caribbean & Namibia By NASA, CSA, CEOS, UNOOSA and others The World Bank – Natural Disaster Hotspots: A Global Risk Analysis © GEO Secretariat

  13. Contributions to GEOSS Flood Pilot Project for the Caribbean & Namibia • During the July 2008, UN-SPIDER Workshop, held in Barbados, the idea of the project was presented, and endorsement was achieved from over 6o decision-makers and senior experts from disaster management institutions from within the region, national and regional institutions, UN agencies, space agencies, academic and research institutions as well as from the private sector. • The project has been included in the GEO Work Plan 2009-11. © GEO Secretariat

  14. Contributions to GEOSS Flood Pilot Project for the Caribbean & Namibia The main objectives of the Caribbean Flood Pilot are: • To demonstrate the effectiveness of satellite imagery to strengthen regional, national and community level capacity for mitigation, management and coordinated response to natural hazards; • To identify specific satellite-based products that can be used for disaster mitigation and response on a regional level; • To identify capacity building activities that will increase the ability of the region to integrate satellite-based information into disaster management initiatives. The Caribbean Flood Pilot began its planning activities earlier this year and aims to provide an operational demonstration this hurricane season. The pilot will include activities for every phase of disaster management: mitigation, warning, response and recovery. © GEO Secretariat

  15. Thank you! vgrasso@geosec.org © GEO Secretariat

  16. Wildland fires, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, land subsidence, landslides, avalanches, storms and floods are unpreventable and inevitable natural events due to Earth's constant process of change. Fortunately, we can often minimize its associated risk. One way we can reduce risks is to use Earth observations for monitoring and predicting emerging hazards, providing early warnings and responding and adapting to those disasters that we cannot fully avoid. © GEO Secretariat

  17. SERVIR Response to Flooding in Panama, November 2006 Met products such as MM5 (left), WRF, and SPoRT model outputs, along with GOES imagery (above), provide a continuous support mechanism for decision makers. Panamanian President Martin Torrijos (left) consults with meteorologist Annette Quinn and Director of CATHALAC Emilio Sempres at the SERVIR facility in the City of Knowledge, Panama. Rio Indio Bridge Bridge out Coastline changed TRMM data (below) are used to show total rainfall accumulation over the period November 20-28, 2006. SRTM RADARSAT 10 Oct 2006 RADARSAT 24 Nov 2006 Change detection analysis (above) based on RADARSAT data near Rio Indio, Panama. These images help the Panamanian disaster response agency to focus their efforts in the areas of the flood’s greatest impact. © GEO Secretariat

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