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‘Mind Control’ How powerful is mind – over matter? How might we harness that power?

‘Mind Control’ How powerful is mind – over matter? How might we harness that power?. Harriet Ennis. Blind Sight. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACkxe_5Ubq8 TN blindsight avoiding obstacles. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ahg6qcgoay4&feature=related (awareness test – stop at 0:53).

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‘Mind Control’ How powerful is mind – over matter? How might we harness that power?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ‘Mind Control’ How powerful is mind – over matter?How might we harness that power? Harriet Ennis

  2. Blind Sight • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACkxe_5Ubq8 TN blindsight avoiding obstacles

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ahg6qcgoay4&feature=related(awareness test – stop at 0:53) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAnKvo-fPs0 change Blindness (1:15 to 5:30)


  5. Visual Saccades it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae...

  6. Placebo Effect – latest • Subtle - branded placebo more effective than shop’s own • 4 are better than 2 - objective measurement of stomach ulcer recovery 9

  7. Placebo Effects... • Noceboeffects • Can even work when you are in on it • Not just perceptual – Parkinson’s dopamine (physical changes) • Pain and endorphins…real power... 10

  8. MRI plus PET

  9. Can you change the world using thought?

  10. The self-fulfilling prophesy • Maze bright rats (Rosenthal, 1971) • SFP in the Classroom (Rosenthal & Jacobson, 1972))

  11. The self-fulfilling prophesy • Anaesthetists study • Witchdoctors and Magic

  12. What is a human brain? • A survival by filter and short-cut device? • A cross-modal synthesis box? • A prediction machine? • An infinite probability drive…

  13. Our enormous brain ‘The runaway brain’ Brain size has trebled in three million years!!

  14. It has happened before and usually in spurts – where is our evolution headed? Homo sapiens to Homo sapiens perspicax?

  15. Co-existing at the end of the last ice-age (circa 35,000 to 10,000 years ago) Carved cave bear teeth Neanderthal flute? H. sapienssapiens (Cro-Magnon - AMH) H. sapiens neanderthalensis Last evidence of living Neanderthals 22,000 years ago

  16. Cro-magnon technology - bone harpoons and stuff Mousterian tool kit Neanderthal technology Tool use

  17. Corvids use tools And sea otters

  18. Modern Technology But we are the only living animal species that uses tools with more than one moving part… We started simple stone tool technology between 2.3 and 2.5 million years ago…but the tool kits took thousands of years to change Yet now technological advancement increases at an exponential rate (Moore’s law - computing power doubles ever 18 months and genetics knowledge even faster!)

  19. New technology… Better than normal... Ocular and Cochlear implants… Infrasound and ultrasound…UV and IR …and so on... 24

  20. http://www.ted.com/talks/juan_enriquez_shares_mindboggling_new_science.html – 13.05 Nanotech and cyborg – a reality... Scary and exciting?

  21. Brain change and virtual reality 26

  22. http://moneylinked.blogspot.com/2011/01/more-autistic-savants.html Alsonza 2.10mins in to clip he speaks Alonzo Autistic savants… Are you capable of multiplying 147,631,789 by 23,674 in your head, instantly? Physicist Allan Snyder says you probably can, based on his new theory about the origin of the extraordinary skills of autistic savants Nadia Ping LianYeak Steven Wiltshire

  23. Mental inability (usually mental retardation or autism) is coupled with exceptional ability in some domain -usually in one of the following six areas: calendar calculating, lightening calculating, visual art (drawing or sculpting), music (usually perfect pitch), mechanical abilities and spatial skills (Treffert, 1999). Autistic savantism… Nadia aged 3 Normal IQ Age 4 Can you draw a horse? http://discovermagazine.com/2002/feb/featsavant Snyder

  24. http://weburbanist.com/2009/07/12/stroke-of-genius-abilities-borne-of-brain-damage/http://weburbanist.com/2009/07/12/stroke-of-genius-abilities-borne-of-brain-damage/

  25. Unlocked creative talent We now realize that when specific, dominant circuits are injured or disintegrate, they may release or disinhibit activity in other areas. In other words, if one part of the brain is compromised, another part can remodel and become stronger.” Migraine art with repeating ’autistic’ detailed compulsive elements Brain degenerative diseases can unlock talents…as the damage disinhibits that part of the brain ‘Unravelling Bolero’ art depicting Ravel’s famous piece called ‘Bolero’ in tapestry - weirdly Ravel had the same rare brain disease as the artist..

  26. Latest Research – TED talks • fMRI – Taking control of your brain Chris deCharms http://www.ted.com/talks/christopher_decharms_scans_the_brain_in_real_time.html (2.30 3.50) • TMS – transcranial stimulation Rebecca Saxe http://www.ted.com/talks/rebecca_saxe_how_brains_make_moral_judgments.html -TCMS 11.40 mins in • Reboot cells to do as we please – Craig Venter http://www.ted.com/talks/craig_venter_is_on_the_verge_of_creating_synthetic_life.html

  27. TED talks on Happiness... • http://www.ted.com/talks/matthieu_ricard_on_the_habits_of_happiness.html • MattieuRicard Buddhist monk - scientific study of transcendental meditative adepts, compassion and happiness brain scans – mind training and control (about 18 mins in data…) - 16.25 start

  28. Meditation – mind control technology • Meditation - aging process slowed • Buddhist adepts - startle reflex controlled and using ‘compassion’ to reach happiness using prefrontal left hemispheric activity (4sd) RicardMattieuhttp://www.ted.com/talks/matthieu_ricard_on_the_habits_of_happiness.html - 16.25 18.01 graph • Reach Nirvana!! Enlightenment!! (Jill Bolte Taylor stroke of insight) AGAIN find her on TED • CBT and neurochemical change

  29. Summary Through brain change - Are we about to evolve into the next ‘new species’ of human - Homo sapiens perspicax? Even if changes coming through nanotech, GM and neuro-imaging don’t radically alter our brain capabilities – You can use natural ‘mind control’ technology – self-hypnosis, meditation, practice love and compassion - to change your brain/world

  30. A sort of levitation?

  31. Franz Anton Mesmer Mesmerised – using animal magnetism

  32. Pictures under hypnotic regression

  33. Stroop Task • redgreenbluepurplebrownblue • redpurplebrownredgreenblue • greenpurplebluebrownredpurple • bluegreenpurplegreenbrownred

  34. The science of hypnosis – use mind-control magic

  35. Brain wave states - EEG

  36. Animals in a trance state

  37. Positive Psychology… • http://findingyourownfrontier.com/Happiness.htm The Nun study plus Duchene versus PanAm smile • http://www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu/Default.aspx – Seligman - signature strengths…

  38. How to live to be 100+ • Dan Buettner – on blue zones http://www.ted.com/talks/dan_buettner_how_to_live_to_be_100.html

  39. ‘Positive Psychology’ research findings on happiness • Striking a balance • Exploring creativity • Having ‘me time’ • Practising mindfulness & savouring • Including novelty and challenge • Having social support • Laughing • Experiencing music • Having relaxation skills

  40. Some other things that make for happiness... A Love of learning Time spent in nature every day A society that values its Elders A Sense of Control

  41. THE FUTURE • Technological wizardry (genetic and cyber) (watch TED talks Craig Venter and Juan Enriquez) • Unlocking our abilities • The future of human mind – transcendence to altered state of consciousness Homo perspicans 46

  42. Blindsight - ESP • QUALIA – crick - conscious experiences - OW ! • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuNDkcbq8PY Blind sight patient….up to 6 mins 4 lizard up to Rama in the car…thought exp. Imagine doing the talking unconsciously • Consciousness….why some things and not others? How does langauage and the Left hemisphere interpreter play a part…is consciousness uniquely human…is free-will an illusion? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuNDkcbq8PY 2 mins Left and Right and atheism • Priming – • The knight thought he could see a damsel in distress waving at him from the ramparts - then he realised that she was playing a trombone…

  43. 1 2 3 4 SYNAESTHESIA Some people’s brains cross modalities easier than others... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R_A4tUMOtI synaesthete and memory in first few seconds – upto 3 mins is worth it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_muogMyTfI tasting faces

  44. Synaesthesia test

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