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Internationalising Learning

Internationalising Learning. Internationalising Learning . Fairtrade One Goal Connecting Classrooms International Days Teacher to Teacher. What are the aims of the project?. Develop awareness of what Fairtrade really means

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Internationalising Learning

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  1. Internationalising Learning

  2. Internationalising Learning • Fairtrade • One Goal • Connecting Classrooms • International Days • Teacher to Teacher

  3. What are the aims of the project? • Develop awareness of what Fairtrade really means • To provide a context for teaching about global interdependence and developing empathy as global citizens. • Give pupils the knowledge to make their own choices • Provide opportunities to be involved in making a difference. • FT links to other internationalising schools initiatives such as eco schools, Unicef RRR, international schools awards • School gets local and national recognition - Certificate to display in school and publicise on website etc. It is not just about a badge...

  4. Fair trade game Gist: Pupils in groups and take on different links in the supply chain of chocolate. Each group starts out with different equipment and resources, which favour the big chocolate companies. Through various ‘seasons’, the rules change to replicate market forces. Pros: Active learning Enjoyable despite some initial reluctance Pupils were able to talk about their experiences an begin to relate to real scenario Teacher as facilitator Stimulated debate Probs: Careful organisation of groups needed Setting up of resources etc a bit time consuming.

  5. Learning Outcomes: Pupil enjoyment Realisation that they had been ripped off in the early stages. Frustration at lack of bargaining power Noticed that the fair trade coca bean farmers were not so badly affected, so increased awareness of why the trade system is not fair and how buying fair trade works. Improvements Evaluation form to provide more structure to feedback Teacher to teacher Discussion for planning and reflection Continuity of ideas for the children

  6. Send My Friend to School Starter: Did you want to come to school today? What do you get out of school? What if you couldn’t go to school? Rights of the Child, Article 28: Every child has the right to be educated

  7. Millennium Development Goals In the year 2000, the leaders of 192 Nations met and agreed 8 things that need to be done by 2015 to reduce poverty and improve the lives of the world’s poorest people. These are known as the Millennium Development Goals. Goal #2 = Primary education for all Unfortunately the world is a busy place and leaders often change their priorities…. or forget their promises Has anyone ever made you a promise they didn’t keep? Rights of the Child, Article 28: Every child has the right to be educated

  8. Here is one I made earlier... • Outcomes • Scarves nearly all completed and will be used during Brazil Day to raise awareness and get further signatures • Some pupil reluctance to take part in this Rights of the Child, Article 28: Every child has the right to be educated

  9. Internationalising Learning Connecting Classrooms • Link school • Baseline survey • Brazil week • Sharing work

  10. Brazil Day RRR Uniceff - rights Connecting classrooms – link schools Student leaders – running sports events Fair Trade Sustainability - rainforest issues

  11. Internationalising Learning International Days • Brazil Day • Japan Day • Spanish

  12. Internationalising Learning Teacher to Teacher • Discussions • Review • Future plans

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