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Segmentation Propagation in ImageNet

Segmentation Propagation in ImageNet. ECCV 2012, Florence, Italy October 11 th , 2012 Daniel Kuettel, Matthieu Guillaumin , Vittorio Ferrari ETH Zurich University of Edinburgh. Goal: s egment every image in ImageNet.

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Segmentation Propagation in ImageNet

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  1. Segmentation Propagationin ImageNet ECCV 2012, Florence, Italy October 11th, 2012 Daniel Kuettel, Matthieu Guillaumin, Vittorio Ferrari ETH Zurich University of Edinburgh

  2. Goal: segment every image in ImageNet • Segmentations can support shape models, object recognition,pose estimation… • 10k+ classes, 10M+ images • 0 segmentations transportation aircraft wheeled vehicle car [Deng CVPR09, ShottonICCV05, Tu IJCV05, Jiang ICCV09]

  3. Exploit all availableinformation External GT segmentations Bounding boxes Object class Semantic hierarchy (WordNet) transportation aircraft wheeledvehicle car cat PASCAL VOC10 aircraft • Segmented images help segment images with similar objects • Bounding boxes constrain segmentations • Semantically related object classes can share appearance

  4. Segmentation propagation in a hierarchy VOC10 • segmented images (source) help segmenting new ones (target):segmentation transfer • Proceed recursively: propagation transportation wheeled vehicle aircraft car

  5. Segmentation propagation in a hierarchy Source VOC10 • Start from the easiest images transportation wheeled vehicle aircraft Target car

  6. Segmentation propagation in a hierarchy VOC10 transportation Source wheeled vehicle aircraft Target Segmentationtransfer car

  7. Segmentation propagation in a hierarchy VOC10 transportation wheeled vehicle aircraft Joint segmentation car

  8. Segmentation propagation in a hierarchy VOC10 Source transportation Segmentationtransfer wheeled vehicle aircraft Source Target car

  9. Segmentation propagation in a hierarchy VOC10 transportation wheeled vehicle aircraft Joint segmentation car

  10. Segmentation propagation in a hierarchy VOC10 transportation wheeled vehicle aircraft Semantic relation car

  11. Segmentation propagation in a hierarchy Source Target 1 VOC10 transportation wheeled vehicle aircraft Source car Target 2 Target 3

  12. Segmentation propagation in a hierarchy VOC10 transportation wheeled vehicle aircraft car

  13. Segmentation propagation in a hierarchy VOC10 transportation wheeled vehicle aircraft car

  14. Segmentation propagation in a hierarchy VOC10 transportation wheeled vehicle aircraft car

  15. Segmentation transfer Source Target image • Related to earlier annotation transfer works[Russel NIPS07, Liu CVPR09, Guillaumin ICCV09,RosenfeldICCV11, KuettelCVPR12, Rubinstein ECCV12]

  16. Segmentation transfer Source Target image • Sample windows on objects Objectness sampling [AlexeCVPR10]

  17. Segmentation transfer Source Target image • Sample windows on objects • Find visually similar windows HOG + compact binary code for efficient retrieval [Dalal CVPR05, TorralbaCVPR08, Gong CVPR11]

  18. Segmentation transfer Target image • Sample windows on objects • Find visually similar windows • Aggregate their segmentations [KuettelCVPR12]

  19. Segmentation transfer Target image • Sample windows on objects • Find visually similar windows • Aggregate their segmentations [KuettelCVPR12]

  20. Segmentation transfer Source Target image • Sample windows on objects • Find visually similar windows • Aggregate their segmentations • Initialize and run GrabCut [RotherSIGGRAPH04]

  21. Segmentation transfer Source Target image • Window-level: compositionality • But: increases the number of descriptors in the source-> 1M images X 100 windows = 100M descriptors-> Compact binary codes [Gong CVPR11] 200x faster, 500x smaller [Gong CVPR11, KuettelCVPR12, Liu CVPR09]

  22. Segmentation transfer Source Target image • Code available online: http://groups.inf.ed.ac.uk/calvin/software.html

  23. Joint segmentation with shared appearance Target = Dog Segment jointly • Related to co-segmentation[Winn ICCV05, RotherECCV06, JoulinCVPR10, Vicente CVPR11, Batra IJCV11] • Related to knowledge transfer[Salakhutdinov CVPR11, Guillaumin CVPR12, Fei-Fei ICCV03] Related class = Canine Transfer appearance

  24. Joint segmentation with shared appearance

  25. Joint segmentation with shared appearance Transferred mask from source S to image i

  26. Joint segmentation with shared appearance Appearance model for image i

  27. Joint segmentation with shared appearance Appearance model for class C

  28. Joint segmentation with shared appearance Appearance model for related classes

  29. Joint segmentation with shared appearance Label smoothness

  30. Joint segmentation with shared appearance Iterate minimization and appearance model re-estimation, as in Grabcut [RotherSIGGRAPH04, Batra IJCV11]

  31. Joint segmentation with shared appearance

  32. Joint segmentation with shared appearance • Learning α: fixed appearance models --> independent images • Use structured SVM: • Loss Δi=sum over pixels: exact and efficient computation of most violated constraint with GraphCut • Learn specific α for each stage of the propagation [TsochantaridisJMLR05, SzummerECCV08]

  33. Experiments on iCoseg • 38 classes, 643 images. No propagation, no related classes • Within-class appearance sharing helps • Segmentation transfer helps • Outperforms Joulin10, Vicente11and much faster(using unrelated segmented images from PASCAL VOC10) [RotherSIGGRAPH04, Joulin CVPR10, Vicente CVPR11, Batra IJCV11, Kuettel CVPR12]

  34. Experiments on ImageNet Kangaroo Lemur Killer whale

  35. Experiments on ImageNet Sail boat Megaphone Monitor

  36. Experiments on ImageNet • Overall experiment: 0.5M images, 577 classes • Full propagation scheme • 10 images X 446 classes annotated with AMT • 77.1% accuracy vs 71.0% for GrabCut • Performance degrades gracefully over stages

  37. Conclusion • Segmentation Propagation: • An efficient scheme to recursively segment images in ImageNet • Successfully combines ideas from segmentation transfer,co-segmentation, binary codes for image retrieval, structured output learning • Excellent results on: • iCoseg • ImageNet

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