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Jainism. Generation Jain: Jainism Your Way 2008 YJA Convention Chicago, Illinois Presenter: Ameet Shah. What is Jainism?. ‘Jina’ ‘Spiritual Victor’ over inner enemies Distinct and independent of other Indian traditions such as Hinduism and Buddhism

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  1. Jainism Generation Jain: Jainism Your Way 2008 YJA Convention Chicago, Illinois Presenter: Ameet Shah

  2. What is Jainism? • ‘Jina’ ‘Spiritual Victor’ over inner enemies • Distinct and independent of other Indian traditions such as Hinduism and Buddhism • Way of life based on ahimsa (non-violence) and compassion • Believe in philosophy of karma, reincarnation, heaven/hell, and liberation (moksha) • Soul is ignorant of its true nature and bounded by karma since eternity • To overcome suffering, you need (1) Right Faith, (2) Right Knowledge, and (3) Right Conduct • Whole truth cannot be realized from single viewpoint- Anekantavada (non-absolutism)

  3. Namokkar Mantra NamoArihantanam I bow to all Arihants (Tirthankars) who have destroyed all 4 Ghati karmas NamoSiddhanam I bow to all Siddhas (liberated souls) who possess no karma NamoAyariyanam I bow to all the Acharyas, the heads of various Jain congregations NamoUvajjhayanam I bow to all Upadhyays, learned scholars and teachers of Jain scriptures • Most revered prayer • Rosary has 108 beads representing 108 qualities of these 5 supreme beings Namo Loe Savva Sahunam I bow to all Sadhus/Sadhvis (ascetics) who strictly follow 5 great vows of conduct EsaPanchaNamukkaro To these 5 types of great souls, I offer my prayers SavvaPavaPanasano May such prayer help diminish all my negative vibrations and sins Mangalanam cha Savvesim PadhamamHavaiMangalam Offering this prayer is the foremost amongst all auspicious benedictions

  4. Concept of God • FOUNDER • Jainism – eternal philosophy • Tirthankars continually modify code of conduct/practices based on their time in history • TirthankarMahavir, 24thtirthankar established a religious order based on Jain philosophy • CONCEPT OF GOD • Not a creator, protector, destroyer of universe • Various “gods” – all have conquered inner enemies and achieved ultimate goal of liberation • At death, arihants become siddhas • LORD MAHAVIR • Prince raised as Vardhaman • Left family/royal household at 30 • Emphasized celibacy and six daily observances for followers • At age 72, attained Nirvana (final death) – Diwali is celebrated to honor this achievement • Preached universal love, reduction of wants/desires • True nature of reality is timeless • Jain scriptures: Agams (12 books)

  5. Three Cardinal Principles of Conduct Ahimsa (Non-Violence) Anekantavada (Multiplicity of Views) Aparigraha (Non-Possessiveness)

  6. Five Great Vows • Ahimsa (Nonviolence/Compassion) • Satya (Truth) • Asteya (Non-Stealing) • Brahmacharya (Chastity) • Aparigraha (Non-Possession/Non-Attachment) Laypeople have 12 vows (“Anuvrats”) that include the above 5 (to a limited extent) plus 7 related to merit (3) and discipline (4)

  7. Six Universal Substances • Only living substance – conscious and possesses knowledge • Invisible, infinite numbers in universe Jiva (Soul/Consciousness) • Nonliving substance – visible and nonvisible • Many types – soul interacts with 8 types of matter Pudgal (Matter) • Helps the soul and matter migrate from one place to another in the universe – not cause, but helper Dharma (Medium of Motion) • Helps the soul and matter rest, not cause, but helper Adharma (Medium of Rest) • Lokakash (universe) – occupied by 5 substances; finite • Alokakash – limitless space surrounding Lokakash; empty/void Akasha (Space) • Two views: time – imaginary thing with no real existence or it has real existence made up of innumerable time atoms Kal (Time)

  8. Space and Time Space Time Cycle Regressive Half Cycle Alokakash Moksha 6. Very Happy 1. Very Happy 6 1 Upper World 5. Happy 2. Happy 5 2 Middle World 4 3 Lower World 4. Happy-Unhappy 3. Happy-Unhappy 3 4 Lokakash 3. Unhappy-Happy 2 5 4. Unhappy-Happy 1 6 2. Unhappy 5. Unhappy 1. Very Unhappy 6. Very Unhappy Progressive Half Cycle

  9. Karma Philosophy: Nine Fundamentals (Tattvas) Karma that bind to our soul are due not only to our actions of body, mind, and soul, but more importantly to the intentions behind our actions Jiva (Soul/Consciousness) Bandha (Characteristics of Bondage) Samvar (Stoppage of Attachment) Ajiva (Non-living Substances – Karmic Matter) Punya* (Merit of Good Deeds) Nirjara (Exhaustion of Accumulated Karma) Asrava (Causes of Bondage) Pap* (Sin of Bad Deeds) Moksha (Total Liberation from all Karma) * Sometimes included in Asrava, since they are the result of Asrava

  10. Four Passions Wrong faith/perception of reality, lack of self-restraint, spiritual laziness, passions and activities of body, speech, and mind, lead to the attachment of karma A nger G reed E go D eceit

  11. Types of Karmas Asrava causes karma particles to attach to the soul – once attached, karma’s bondage is explained in 4 forms: type, duration, intensity, and quantity of karma particles Ghati Karmas (Destructive Karma) Aghati Karmas (Non-destructive Karma) Vedaniya (Feeling Pertaining Karma) Mohaniya (Deluding Karma) Nam (Body/Physique Determining Karma) Jnanavaraniya (Knowledge Obscuring Karma) Gotra (Status Determining Karma) Darshanavaraniya (Perception Obscuring Karma) Ayusha (Life Span Determining Karma) Antaraya (Obstructing Karma)

  12. Path of Liberation One can detach from one’s karma and attain liberation by understanding the true nature of the soul Three Jewels of Jainism SamyakDarshan (Right Conviction/Faith) SamyakGnan (Right Knowledge) SamyakCharitra (Right Conduct)

  13. Questions? Michchhami Dukkadam! ameetshah@gmail.com

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