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One of the elements that have most defined us as a center in recent years has been our dedication to project work and mo

Service-learning is a methodology that links the learning that takes place in the classroom with the performance of a service that meets a social need. In this way, service is carried out that provides an improvement to society associated with the learning necessary to be able to carry out this service effectively, learning that will be developed largely in the different curricular subjects. If the service that we are going to provide is, for example, the production of a video to promote recycling among the population of our municipality, our PHC project will include the necessary learning in the different subjects involved. In this way, learning is oriented towards the realization of a project that gives meaning and functionality to the entire teaching and learning process. <br>

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One of the elements that have most defined us as a center in recent years has been our dedication to project work and mo

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  1. SEO Service One of the elements that have most defined us as a center in recent years has been our dedication to project work and more specifically to Service-Learning Projects. Service-learning is a methodology that links the learning that takes place in the classroom with the performance of a service that meets a social need. In this way, service is carried out that provides an improvement to society associated with the learning necessary to be able to carry out this service effectively, learning that will be developed largely in the different curricular subjects. If the service that we are going to provide is, for example, the production of a video to promote recycling among the population of our municipality, our PHC project will include the necessary learning in the different subjects involved. In this way, learning is oriented towards the realization of a project that gives meaning and functionality to the entire teaching and learning process. Project-based learning that transforms the environment, or what we have called APS, offers a very attractive educational proposal for all students, since it involves the development of various types of competences, facilitating the development of different bits of intelligence, and using multiple ways to assess progress. This richness in its educational approaches allows all students access to knowledge, which makes sense to the extent that it is discovered through action, it is useful to transform and allows students to learn responsible citizenship. These objectives are the same for all students, but by multiplying the access routes to learning, we have more resources so that all students can successfully participate in these projects. Likewise, we have other types of projects that are not service-learning but that also serves to enhance teamwork, they are developed in different subjects. Other projects also fulfill the function of promoting joint work between section and program students to compensate for the structural segregation generated by this division. Solidarity Learning and Service (APS) is a work methodology designed to carry out learning in the classroom linked to the provision of a solidarity service in the community. The participatory management of the coexistence program began to stimulate in students the desire to participate and assume responsibilities within the institute. However, the students themselves began to demand that teachers transfer the participatory dynamics applied in coexistence to learning. And so, we propose to orient their participation towards the environment, towards entities or social needs detected around us. In the beginning, we set it up as a volunteer but we immediately got to know and got deeply into the service-learning methodology. We were faced with the opportunity to promote the social participation of students in the immediate environment but also with the addition of linking said participation with the contents of the different subjects. We were re-linking values and learning in a new project. The IES Miguel Catalán began its work in the APS during the 2011-12 academic year and during this time it has consolidated into a program that is currently a benchmark for educational centers in our country. The Colada City service-learning project aims to introduce 2nd-year ESO students to the methodology of social research to better understand the needs of the people living in Colada as well as the capacity of public and private resources to satisfy these needs.

  2. This project enables students to become familiar with the organizational structure of the city, with the municipal resources that the city of Cholada has, it allows to awaken the sensitivity of the students to the needs of people and reflect on their role as citizens. active and committed to improving their locality. The subject of Education for Citizenship provides the learning content of this project that carries out as a solidarity service a digital map of Cholada resources and a report by areas with proposals for improvement.

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