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Seo Checklist for Website Redesign - SEO Out of the Box

Want to get started with Website Redesign? SERPs becoming the new normal in customer experiences. Get in touch with SEO Out Of Box for a free consultation.

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Seo Checklist for Website Redesign - SEO Out of the Box

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  1. SEO Checklist for Website Redesign If you are a savvy entrepreneur, you already have a website. But is your website up to date? Do you think your website to be a wee bit old-fashioned? Has your website become slow and cumbersome? Are you yearning to integrate that new shopping cart feature that can boost your sales? Then it’s high time that you consider awebsite redesign. Apart from the aesthetics and usability, the aspects of security, SEO, and conversion rate are critical for websites of all sizes. So, with SERPs becoming the new normal in customer experiences, let’s discuss an SEO checklist for Website Redesign. We promise to keep you hooked! Why is website redesigning essential? You might need to opt for Website Redesign if you have: A low conversion rate Unimpressive UX High bounce rates Unresponsive interface across different devices Outdated interface Non-SEO-friendly site After a redesign, you can: Improve your site’s SEO and performance Refocus your content strategy Enhance user experience Offer faster load speeds Provide more stringent security measures and more

  2. The interdependence between website design and SEO Believe it or not, page speed does impact SEO. It is one of the most popular reasons visitors leave a website is due to the slow loading times. If you are still on the fence about getting a website redesign, these questions can help you decide your next action: Do your web pages load quickly? What is the average page loading time? Does the branding seem to be on-point? Is your customer journey orchestrated throughout the website? Are your pages optimized for mobile? Is your site navigable? If the answer to any of these questions is no, you need a serious website revamp to rank well on SERPs. Google prioritizes user experience more than anything. So, if you want to rank well according to search engine algorithms, optimizing and redesigning your website for user experience is integral. THE CHECKLIST Before you dive into the checklist, ensure to opt for professional help and hire an expert website redesign agency with ample experience. Content is the life and blood of online ecosystems. So, when the designing starts, the designing experts begin with auditing your existing content. They use analytics and Ubersuggest to conduct a complete content audit. This can help to find out which pages are relevant and where you need to make changes. In addition, they update the website navigation architecture. By drafting a map of your current structure, they optimize your site and create a new sitemap based on what you curated. If they find any low-value pages worth updating, remove or redirect them. This method is known as “Content Pruning”. Your page speed gets optimized so that no webpage takes more than four seconds to load. Once your site goes live, the XML sitemap is updated and submitted to Google or/and Bing. Getting started While you redesign your website, work for more than avoiding any SEO blunder. Redesigning is an intricate procedure that can make or break your site’s online image. So, optimize for speed, aesthetics, functionality, security, and a myriad of other aspects. Want to get started with Website Redesign? Get in touch SEO Out Of Box for free consultation.

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