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Teaching and Researching Computed-assisted Language Learning by Ken Beatty

Teaching and Researching Computed-assisted Language Learning by Ken Beatty. Section III “Researching CALL ” Chapter 10: Research. “ Why use computers ?”. The computer should be able to do something the teacher cannot and give the learner a richer learning experience .

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Teaching and Researching Computed-assisted Language Learning by Ken Beatty

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  1. Teaching and Researching Computed-assisted Language Learningby Ken Beatty

  2. Section III “Researching CALL”Chapter 10: Research

  3. “Why use computers?” • Thecomputershouldbeableto do somethingtheteachercannot and givethelearner a richerlearningexperience.

  4. Researchmethodology in CALL includes: • A questiontobeanswered • A clear idea of thesubjects and situation • A methodforcollecting data • A timelineforcollecting data • Anintentionto share

  5. Examiningthe role of affordances and misaffordances • Affordances: whattheprogramisorappearstobecapable of doing in terms of bothintended and unintendedfunctions. • Misaffordances: differfromsotwareprogramtoprogrambut are becominggeneralized.

  6. Ethics in experimental procedures • Theresearchershouldnotbringharm, mental orphysical, tothesubjects, regardless of thevalue of theresearch.

  7. Fidelity • Itreferstothedegree of realism in computersimulation. • As computer-basedpresentations of informationimprovethroughthe use of video and virtual reality, thefidelity (authenticity) of learnermaterialsisincreasing.

  8. Conclusion • Toprofitfromthe use of computers in theteaching of languageoneshouldbare in mindwhatitisthatteachers do best and whatcomputers do best.

  9. Hope youenjoyedit! • Author: Laura Mangold

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