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Chapter 16 Section 4

Chapter 16 Section 4. The Spanish and Dutch Empires. Chapter Review. People could make $ by sharing in other businesses through what kind of companies? Mercantilism states that a country’s government should do they could to increase their country’s ______

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Chapter 16 Section 4

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  1. Chapter 16Section 4 The Spanish and Dutch Empires

  2. Chapter Review • People could make $ by sharing in other businesses through what kind of companies? • Mercantilism states that a country’s government should do they could to increase their country’s ______ • The government would show its support of domestic industry by providing subsidies which are what? • Why did Colonization appealed to Europeans? • Ptolemy stated the universe was geocentric _____ ________ • heliocentric is where the universe is centered around the ___

  3. Spain’s Colonial Empire • IN 1513, Ponce de Leon sailed from the Caribbean north to Florida • A later voyage to Florida in 1528 was shipwrecked and survivors made their way through Mexico and the Southwest U.S. • Other Spanish explorers went to the Yucatan Peninsula • In 1519, with 15 ships and 600 men, Hernan Cortes defeated Montezuma, destroyed the city of Tenochtitlan and built Mexico City on top of it. • {Spain defeated the Aztecs by attacking them using guns and horses}

  4. Hernan Cortes

  5. Continued…. • In 1530 Francisco Pizarro led 180 men and 37 horses from the Isthmus of Panama to the capital of the Inca Empire (now Peru) • In 1533 he claimed the land from Ecuador to Chile for Spain • Cortes and Pizarro destroyed many Aztec and Incan temples and artifacts and got rich off of the gold and silver they pillaged • In time Spain controlled the West Indies, southern and western North America, Central America and much of South America setting up colonies in all locations

  6. Francisco Pizarro

  7. Colonial Government and Society • Spain directed the colonial gov. Officials called viceroys represented the monarchy and reported to the Council of the Indies in Spain • The council planned and directed the empire’s growth on behalf of Spain • The colonies produced great wealth for Spain. {Spain’s main asset in the America’s was minerals} • In exchange Spanish colonists gave Native Americans smallpox, typhus and measles, killing countless numbers of people • Because they were all dying and the Spaniards still needed workers for the mines, they started importing slaves from Africa

  8. Spain’s Colonial Rivals • The French, Dutch and English envied Spain’s wealth and began trading in Spain’s American ports, their monarchs encouraged pirates to attack Spanish ships and raid their towns • Ignoring Pope Alexander’s line, Spanish rivals also tried to establish colonies in the Americas

  9. Charles V • Back in Spain kings were expanding their power too. • King Charles V took the throne in 1516 and three years later he was elected Holy Roman Emperor • Charles realized that the Spanish and Holy Roman Empires had become too large for one man to rule. • In 1556 he gave up his throne and divided the vast lands among his family • Charles’ son Philip II received Spain and its possessions

  10. Charles V

  11. Philip II • Philip II was a dedicated monarch whose goal was to strengthen Spain’s hold as Europe’s leading power • {Philip ruled as an absolute monarch} • He also considered himself the leader of the Counter-Reformation and ordered the Spanish Inquisition to eliminate heresy • Philip involved Spain in many wars that were so costly the country fell into financial turmoil. • He did manage to defeat the Ottoman Empire in the Mediterranean

  12. The Spanish Inquisition

  13. The Rise of the Dutch • Philip II’s most costly policies were those toward the Netherlands • Philip had inherited the Netherlands and treated them harshly because of the popularity of Calvinism • He insisted that he, not the nobles, ruled the land. He heavily taxed Dutch trade to pay for Spanish wars and he persecuted the Calvinists • These actions turned distrust of Philip to outright rebellion • In 1568 William of Orange led a revolt against Philip. Orange used guerrilla warfare tactics to keep the Spanish army confused • In 1579 the northern provinces declared their independence and in 1648 {Philip II lost the northern provinces in the Netherlands}

  14. William of Orange

  15. Dutch Society • The Dutch built efficient ships and were expert sailors enabling them to rule European commerce through the 1600’s • The Dutch, although mostly Calvinists, were tolerant of most religions • In 1602 the Dutch East India Company was founded and had total control over trade between the Netherlands and the East Indies • The first Dutch overseas colony was Java in 1619. From there they expanded to Sumatra and the Spice islands • Because the Dutch did not come as missionaries, Japan let them set up a trading center in Nagasaki. • In 1626 they purchased Manhattan island and renamed it New Amsterdam. The Dutch never tried to convert people to their way of thinking. The focused on business and trade

  16. The Spanish Empire Declines • Many factors led to the decline of the Spanish Empire • {One reason for Spain’s decline was lack of industry} • Also Spain had virtually no middle class after all the Jews and Moors from the country. This weakened Spain’s economy and drained talent and capability from the country • Much of the empire’s wealth simply passed through Spain and was used to but goods from other countries making France, England and the Netherlands strong • Finally, Spanish people became discontented with high taxes and inflation, so they began to emigrate from Spain

  17. Review • How didSpain defeated the Aztecs? • What was Spain’s main asset in the America’s? • What type of monarch was Philip? • Who lost the northern provinces in the Netherlands? • What was the One reason for Spain’s decline that wasin brackets?

  18. Check out these trees. Nope they are not digitally altered. You can find them at Bonfante Gardens in California. The man who invented this “tree art” took their genetic secret to his grave with him.

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