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Got MBA-21 st Century

JoAnne Owens-Nauslar, Ed.D.; FASHA, FNAS, LBWA Vice President of Partnerships-Geo drjo@geomotiongroup.com 402.430.2767 Donna Altenburger d.altenburger@geomotiongroup.com 813.928.9686. Got MBA-21 st Century.

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Got MBA-21 st Century

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  1. JoAnne Owens-Nauslar, Ed.D.; FASHA, FNAS, LBWA Vice President of Partnerships-Geo drjo@geomotiongroup.com 402.430.2767 Donna Altenburger d.altenburger@geomotiongroup.com 813.928.9686 Got MBA-21st Century

  2. The 21st Century Community Learning Centers’ 2012 Summer Institute has been funded in part with Federal funds from the U.S. Department of Education.  Any products mentioned are only examples and do not constitute endorsement. Disclaimer

  3. Learnercise: Meaningful Movement & Brain Development Brain Research Supports Physical Activity

  4. Skill Building and Practical Strategies Activities that activate the brain & body Learnercise activities Fun Objectives

  5. You will remember: 10% -Read 20% -Hear 30% -See 50% -See & Hear 70% -Discuss 80% -EXPERIENCE 95% -TEACH SOMEONE ELSE - William Glasser “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”Will Rogers

  6. How many of you feel that healthy, active children have a better chance for school success? How many of you feel that healthy, active people have a better chance for life success? *FYI - By moving and standing you just engaged your brain! It’s time to move-CARWASH Introduction

  7. Adults need to move approximately every 17 minutes or they loose focus Many adults have learned to adapt – they could still improve their attending skills with 30-40 seconds of moving to stimulate the brain Children need to move more often –they have short attention spans I use the age rule Engage Your Brain

  8. It’s time to move: Number Recognition-I can count to 9-3 MinutesIntro to Phone Mat Dalmation Disco-3 Minutes Captain Music Presents What Makes Us Move Also Makes Us Think

  9. The probability of childhood obesity persisting into adulthood is estimated to increase from: 20% at 4 years of age to 80% by adolescence Long-term outcome data for successful treatment approaches are limited. Early physical activity and dietary patterns track into adolescence and correlate with adult obesity risk.  Why Prevention & Health Promotion & School Focus ?

  10. The area of the brain most associated with motor control is the cerebellum. It takes up nearly one half of the brain’s neurons. (Ivry & Fiez, 2000). This is the same part of the brain that processes learning. Brain and Movement Facts


  12. Relay Activities: Geo Addition Relay Geo Active Addition Geo Active Subtraction Shape Hunt Dance Through Food Groups Change the U.S. health/activity

  13. Brain Rules & SPARK Brain & Movement Resources

  14. Brain Research= most of the brain is activated during physical activity – much more so than when doing seatwork. Jensen= sitting for more than 10 minutes at a stretch “reduces our awareness of physical and emotional sensations and increases fatigue.” reduced concentration discipline problems. Movement= increases blood vessels that allow for the delivery of oxygen, water, and glucose (“brain food”) to the brain. FUEL Linking Movement & Learning More Movement – Smarter Kidshttp://articles.familylobby.com/79-more-movement-smarter-kids.htm

  15. Exercise triggers BDNF that increases neuronal communication (Squires) Learnercise = Linking Movement & Learning

  16. A healthy trusting relationship with the teacher An interactive learning community A creative and innovative approach that stimulates the right brain What Sticks with iY

  17. Pump the Pronouns Sounds of the Letters Imma Be-basics to Hip-Hop Move to Improve

  18. A healthy trusting relationship with the teacher An interactive learning community A creative and innovative approach that stimulates the right brain What Sticks with iY

  19. Let’s Move Initiative The iY Generation-Tim Elmore Teaching with Poverty in Mind-Eric Jensen Additional Resources

  20. I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day . . . I’d rather one should walk with me than merely show the way. The eye is a better pupil and more willing than the ear. Fine counsel is confusing, but examples always clear. See A Sermon

  21. I soon can learn to do it, if you’ll let me see it done. I can see your hands in action, but your tongue too fast may run. And the lectures you deliver may be very fine and true, but I’d rather get a lesson by observing what you do.

  22. For I may misunderstand you and the HIGH ADVICE you GIVE,BUT there’s no misunderstanding how you act and how you LIVE!!Edgar Guest

  23. People who want milk should not seat themselves in the middle of the pasture and hope that the cow backs up to them. Dr. Jo Philosophy

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