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The American University of Rome July 3 – 16, 2013

The American University of Rome July 3 – 16, 2013. Computer Assisted Language Learning CALL Hot Potetoes. Tools in ICT. CAA (Computer Aided Assessment) CALL Authoring programs. Computer Assisted Language Learning CALL. Definizione

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The American University of Rome July 3 – 16, 2013

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  1. The American University of Rome July 3 – 16, 2013 Computer Assisted Language Learning CALL Hot Potetoes

  2. Tools in ICT CAA (Computer Aided Assessment) CALLAuthoring programs Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it

  3. Computer Assisted Language Learning CALL Definizione Computer-assistedlanguagelearning è una forma di computer-based learning bidirezionaleedindividualizzato. Non è un metodo. CALL indicaunaseriedi tools per l’apprendimento e l’insegnamento. CALL Authoring programs What is authoring? In computer it refers to software that allows for the creation of tutorials, exercises, test, quiz… Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 3

  4. Computer Aided Assessment (CAA) e language learning Cosasignifica CAA? Assessment formativo o sommativo? Qualiabilitàlinguistichepossonoesserevalutate? Chetipodi test? Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 4

  5. Computer Aided Assessment (CAA) Definizione Definizione Computer aided assessmentè ilterminecheraggruppatutti I tipi ditestSommativo o Formativocreaticon l’ausilio del computer Assessment formativo o sommativo? Il Test Sommativoin generalesieffettuaalla fine del corso con lo scopodiattribuire un votoallostudente e valutareilsuccesso/insuccesso del suoapprendimento. Il Test Formativo puoesseresvoltodurante lo svolgimento del corso o all’iniziodellostesso. Il test formativo non ha necessariamente lo scopodivalutare lo studente. Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 5

  6. Computer Aided Assessment (CAA) e language learning Qualiabilitàlinguistichepossonoesserevalutate? Listening Assessmentby computer: Computer can assess a limited range of different types of responses to test comprehension. Assessment of electronic output by human being: Listening tests can be presented on a computer, students' answers can be stored electronically and assessed by a teacher. Self-assessment and peer assessment are also possible. Speaking Assessmentby computer: Very limited as yet. Assessment of electronic output by human being: Students can record their own voices on a computer for assessment by a teacher. Self-assessment and peer assessment are also possible. Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 6

  7. Computer Aided Assessment (CAA) e language learning Reading Assessmentby computer Computer can assess a limited range of different types of responses to test comprehension. Assessment of electronic output by human being Reading tests can be presented on a computer, students' answers can be stored electronically and assessed by a teacher.. Writing Assessmentby computer : Very limited as yet, but spellchecking, grammar checking and style checking are possible, and some progress is being made in the development of programs that can assess continuous text. Assessment of electronic output by human being: Students' answers can be stored electronically and assessed by a teacher. Self-assessment and peer assessment are also possible. Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 7

  8. Computer Aided Assessment (CAA) e language learning Chetipodi test? Placementtests: These are designed mainly to sort students into teaching groups so that they are approximately at the same level when they join the group. Placement tests may take the form of adaptive tests (see below). Diagnostic tests: These are designed to enable the learner or teacher to identify specific strengths and weaknesses so that remedial action can be take. Adaptive tests: Adaptive tests aim to assess language competence by asking questions based on the student's response to previous ones. If the student gets the answer right, a harder question is asked and vice-versa. Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 8

  9. Computer Aided Assessment (CAA) e language learning Chetipodi test? Achievement / attainment tests: These are usually more formal, designed to show mastery of a particular syllabus rather than as a means of motivating the learner or reinforcing specific language skills. Proficiency tests: These are designed to measure learner's achievements in relation to a specific task which they are later required to perform, e.g. follow a university course Aptitude tests: Such tests aim to predict how a student might perform in a specific subject or specific areas of a subject Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 9

  10. Computer Aided Assessment (CAA) e language learning Riflessione Quali tipi di test conosci come studente e come insegnante? Puoipensare a degliesempidi test per ognunadellecategorieprecedenti? Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 10

  11. Computer Aided Assessment (CAA) e language learning Proficiency test: Test di guida Diagnostic Test: DIALANG Adaptive Test: psycology adaptive test: http://www.psychology.gatech.edu/cml/Adaptive/index-ata.htm Placement Test : Free English Placement test http://www.englishenglish.com/englishtest.htm Aptitude Test: molto esato nell’ambito professionale http://www.careerexplorer.net/aptitude.asp Proficiency Test: Il proficiency test e' un elemento essenziale per l'assicurazione qualita' del laboratorio si sono rivelati uno strumento importante per tutti i laboratori di analisi alimentari in ogni Paese http://www.iss.it/spva/appu/cont.php?id=308&tipo=4&lang=1 Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 11

  12. Hot Potatoes Hot Potatoes Un software sviluppato per creareesercizi e test interattivi. Si possonocreareesercizidi diverse tipologie JQuiz:multiple choice, JCloze: gap-filling, JMatch:matching, JMix: jumbled sentences/words, JCross: crosswords , Learning Task http://hotpot.uvic.ca/ tutorial Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 12

  13. Hot Potatoes Task Task Primo passo: Crea I tuoiprimiesercizi online con Hot Potatoes, svolgili come studente per vedere se funzionanocorrettemente Passosuccessivo: Pianifica un test per la tuaclasse. Scegliilformatoadattoalloscopospecifico. Produciil test con Hot Potetoes Infine: Tieniconto del tempo impiegato per la produzione del test online. Tips Sfoglia la PPT successive per vedere un tutorial e tienilaapertanelle diverse fasi Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 13

  14. Hot Potatoes Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 14

  15. CAA e Hot Potatoes Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 15

  16. CAA e Hot Potatoes Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 16

  17. CAA e Hot Potatoes Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 17

  18. CAA e Hot Potatoes Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 18

  19. CAA e Hot Potatoes Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 19

  20. CAA e Hot Potatoes Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 20

  21. CAA e Hot Potatoes Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 21

  22. CAA e Hot Potatoes Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 22

  23. CAA e Hot Potatoes Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 23

  24. CAA e Hot Potatoes Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 24

  25. CAA e Hot Potatoes Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 25

  26. CAA e Hot Potatoes Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 26

  27. CAA e Hot Potatoes Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 27

  28. CAA e Hot Potatoes Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 28

  29. CAA e Hot Potatoes Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 29

  30. CAA e Hot Potatoes Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 30

  31. CAA e Hot Potatoes Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 31

  32. CAA e Hot Potatoes Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 32

  33. CAA e Hot Potatoes Uploading Pages Per caricare online (upload) un exercise page, (oltrea ad averlo salvato) devi prima di tutto esportare l’esercizio (JQuiz, JMatch…)come pagina web opsione "browser v6” che trovate sulla barra degli strumenti in alto. Poi selezionare l’opsione “Trasferisci il file al sito Hotpotatoes” e creare un account secondo le indicazioni. Il programma vi dara’ l’opsione di vedere la pagina e copiare il link sul vostro blog!!!! Potraimodificareiltuo account e vedere le tuepaginesuHotpotatoes.net Gurtner Rosemonde – r.gurtner@hotmail.it 33

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