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Work From Home Essentials - Be Fit & Work Fine

Working from home can become much easier when you have planned your activities. Get yourself some fresh air and time for exercise. Also, adopt a healthy lifestyle by choosing clean eating. Feeling lazy can lead to harmful habits as you stay at home constantly

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Work From Home Essentials - Be Fit & Work Fine

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  1. Work From Home Essentials - Be Fit & Work Fine Work from home sounds fun and relaxing. But is it? Do we have a lot of liberty when we work from home? Well, the truth is work from home has both pros and cons, just like any other mode of work. While being at home for work requires no formal dressing up or travelling, there is an unseen impact that can creep up on you suddenly. Long hours of sitting in the same position can affect your health in numerous ways. When you are at the office, you may walk over to a colleague's desk or you may go for a meeting, etc. However when everything and everyone becomes available online, there is not much moving around to do. So to finish off work productively, you start spending hours crouched up in the same position. The strain

  2. on your spine, neck, shoulders and body, in general, is huge. A few weeks into this practise and then the neck pain and stiffness gradually start. So how do you avoid such hazards? What steps can you take to promote a healthy lifestyle even during work from home intervals? Follow the 1 Hour work- 5-minute break Rule Avoid sitting for long periods at a single stretch. Make a simple rule of getting up from your seat after every hour. Do a few stretching exercises or take a small walk in the house. You can schedule your calls at this time and walk it out. Stay Hydrated Do not forget to drink enough water. Staying immersed in your work without breaks leave you exhausted. Water is required to keep all your body cells alert. In between your workload, don't forget to drink at least 3-4 litres of water daily. Set reminders on your phone as a favour to yourself. Position the Laptop Correctly Your laptop screen should be kept in the proper position. You should not have to bend your neck a lot. This will lead to severe health issues and unbearable pain in a while. The screen should be right below your eye level. Also, increase the size of the font so that there is no

  3. additional strain on the eyes. You can get some back support pillows online to place behind your back. Correct your Posture Do not slouch in front of the laptop. Sit up and keep your spine straight. Use pillows or cushions to adjust your position. Do warm-up exercises like neck stretches and wrist rolls in between to avoid future pain. Avoid Junk Food One of the worst drawbacks of working alone from home is the habit of constant snacking. You will not realise how much junk you consume. In a few days, all your careful eating habits will disappear and you will find comfort food taking its place. So be mindful of your diet. Exercise daily Restricted outdoor movement may disturb your exercise routine. Spend at least 30minutes of your day to indulge in some kind of exercise. It can be brisk walking on your terrace, yoga, pilates, Zumba etc. As long as you burn some calories and sweat it out, you are doing just fine. Do not remain inactive just because you cannot go to a gym. Create your space within the house and give yourself an active routine. Smart Essentials to have During Work from Home Everlasting Support to the Lumbar Regions

  4. Get a high chair to support your entire spine. Buy the Wakefit Back Support Pillow to cushion your back and neck. Trust us, you will feel relaxed as the pressure points experience such relief. You can also buy some travel neck pillows online to place behind the neck for extra support. A productivity planner You don't see how time flies when working from home. You may encounter so many domestic interruptions that you lose track of your time and productivity. So get yourself a planner. Be proactive and set targets daily. Therapy lights Office lighting is always bright and energetic. The same is not available at home. So it is possible that you feel drowsy and less active. To overcome the dullness, get yourself a great therapy lamp with strong lights. Soundproof headphones Noise from your own home as well as the neighbourhood can sometimes be too annoying. Focussing on work amidst the sound distractions will become excessively disturbing. So buy a soundproof headphone to assist you to pay attention to work. Anti-glare glasses

  5. Looking at the laptop screen for long periods is likely to affect your eyesight. After a few days, you may experience constant headaches too. Protect your eyes by using good quality anti-glare glasses. Working from home can become much easier when you have planned your activities. Get yourself some fresh air and time for exercise. Also, adopt a healthy lifestyle by choosing clean eating. Feeling lazy can lead to harmful habits as you stay at home constantly. Get active and increase your productivity with the above useful tips. Work smart and stay safe!

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