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History Of Cars

History Of Cars. Nikiya Kelly. Summary.

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History Of Cars

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  1. History Of Cars Nikiya Kelly

  2. Summary • There has been all type of transportation over the years of living. As the years progressed transportation has upgrade and the quality has been getting better and better. Walking is also one type of transportation but to some people it has become very tiring. Who wants to walk when you can just drive or get a ride? Although driving may be easier it has started to pollute the air that we breathe. The gaseous and harmful odors the air flowing through the exhaust pipes of the high-tech cars are harming our communities.

  3. Areas Of Interaction • My area of interaction is environment. This fits into my topic because it helps people get around faster and easier. But some bad effects are that the gasses can pollute the air, the repairs for the cars can be expensive depending on the type and the quality. Hybrid

  4. Who Invented The First Car ? • The first car was built in 1333 and it was name “Guido da Vigevano” by a chineseemporer name Chien Lung .

  5. How Many People Put Effort On Building The First Car • Over 100,000 People Help Make The First Car . They Each Had There Own Little Part But All Together They Made The Vehicles We Drive Today *Reading about cars and mechanical work

  6. What is an automobile ? • An automobile or car is a wheeled vehicle that carries its own motor and transport passengers. The automobile as we know it was not invented in a single day by a single investor.

  7. 1769 • First Self Propelled Car ! Steam Powered Car

  8. 1824 Uphill Struggle English engineer, Samuel Brown adapted an old Newcomen steam engine to burn a mixture of oxygen hydrogen gas. He used it to briefly power a vehicle up Shooter's Hill - the highest point in south London.

  9. 1886 Motor Ages Motor Forward The first vehicles driven using internal combustion engines were developed roughly at the same time by two engineers working in separate parts of Germany – Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz. The age of modern motor cars had begun.

  10. 1997 Car Manufacturers Gets Green Manufacturers have acknowledged that oil reserves will dry up in the future. They’re now developing engines that use more than one fuel source – hybrid engines.

  11. Bibliography • Bellis,Mary.SteamPowerd Cars (September 21, 2009) About.com 2010[http://inventors.com/od/cstartinventions/a/car_history.htp] • HistoryOfFirstCars.ChevronCars(1997-2010) http://www.chevroncars.com/learn/cars/history-cars]

  12. History Of Cars Nikiya Kelly

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