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Cultural Competence in Public Libraries: El Día de los Niños/El Día de los Libros

Cultural Competence in Public Libraries: El Día de los Niños/El Día de los Libros. REFORMA III National Conference El Paso, Texas September 20, 2008 Elva Garza, Austin Public Library Donie Gignac, Pima County Public Library

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Cultural Competence in Public Libraries: El Día de los Niños/El Día de los Libros

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  1. Cultural Competence in Public Libraries: El Día de los Niños/El Día de los Libros REFORMA III National Conference El Paso, Texas September 20, 2008 Elva Garza, Austin Public Library Donie Gignac, Pima County Public Library Patricia Montiel Overall, School of Information Resources and Library Science

  2. Defining our terms… • What is culture? the shared daily activities that occur in the lives of individuals or groups of people. • What is cultural competence? A highly developed ability to know and understand individuals or groups from diverse cultural backgrounds.

  3. Theoretical framework Nel Noddings-Theory of Caring Luis Moll – Funds of Knowledge Richard Shweder – Socio Cultural Psychology

  4. History In August 1998, Austin Public Library and representatives of 13 organizations that served Latino families in the community surrounding the Cepeda Branch Library came together to discuss ways to improve literacy services. At this meeting it was decided that this group would organize a bilingual celebration of books and reading to serve as an outreach tool to meet the literacy needs of the Spanish Speaking residents of East Austin. From this outreach effort came Austin’s first Día de los Niños / Día de los Libros celebration. The first city-wide event was held at the Cepeda Branch on April 24th with over 1,500 children and adults attending. Pat Mora was our honorary Author for the day.

  5. Event Goals Austin’s Día de los Niños / Día de los Libros celebration has three goals: • Promote family sharing of books, reading and learning • Increase family awareness of community resources that provide shared literacy/learning opportunities for parents and children. • Celebrate culture and heritage as powerful tools in promoting learning and communication within families.

  6. Our Community Partners

  7. The Mission of ACEE is to provide a high quality, bilingual literacy intervention program that supports students, families, and the community. The program also promotes literacy in the schools and communities through family-oriented events, such as family literacy nights, parent-child literacy workshops, adult literacy classes, and after-school tutoring and mentoring programs. Throughout the year AmeriCorps continues partnering with the library by providing volunteers for after school tutoring and programming. Library also has a presence at the family literacy nights. Members of Americorps for Community Engagement and Education have been members of the planning committee since August of 1998. Every year the organization has had a member serve as a co-chair for the event, and they have always brought in 60 to 80 volunteers the day of the event. Members have contacted community businesses to get donations for food and supplies. They have volunteered to wear the character costumes on the day of the event and have worked on the water and garbage detail. They set up tables put together school supply bags and help organizations at their tables during the event.

  8. AmeriCorp Volunteers preparing giveaway bags and setting up the day of the event.

  9. Austin Independent School District • Provide the framework for art contest • Provide the framework for writing contest • Send out 50,000 fliers to local schools • Provide buses to transport families • Provide performance groups • Provide lunch for families • Provide supplies for take home book making bags • Crayons • Markers • Pencils • Glue Stick • Scissors

  10. Media • Print • Ahora Si! • Austin American Statesman • Austin Chronicle • La Prensa • El Mundo • Television • Univision • Telefutura • KLRU PBS • Radio • La Qué Buena • Recuerdos

  11. Partnership With Print Media • Provided graphic artist to design poster and flyers. • Provided ads in newspaper advertising the event. • Provide staff reporters to read to children during the event. • Reporters also serve as the judges for our writing contest. • Provide us with contacts to pursue financial supporters for the event, and they attend the meetings with us as we meet with perspective financial supporters. • Provide free ad space for our sponsors as an incentive to provide financial support for the event.

  12. Partnership with Radio and TV • Provide PSA’s that run 2 to 3 weeks before the event. • Provide us with the opportunity to be interviewed during their weekly shows to talk about library services and the event. • They advertise the event at their outreach events. • Radio station provided us with the stage. • After the event we are invited to be present at their community outreach events such as their Heathcare, Education or Immigration Services Fairs.

  13. PSA’s • PSA’s were run for 3 weeks prior to the event by our local Spanish stations. Recuerdo 107.7 y la biblioteca publica de Austin los invita a celebrar el Día de los niños Día de Los Libros en el centro comunitario St. John en la 7500 de la calle Blessing el sábado (hoy) 28 de Abril de 10 de la mañana a 2 de la tarde. Habrá cuentos para los niños, bailarines, música, botanas, libros gratis, y mucho más! Lleva a la familia entera para disfrutar de este evento especial. La entrada es gratis! Te invitan tus amigos de Recuerdo 107.7.

  14. Pre-School Communities • Child Inc • Success by Six • Texas Workforce Child Care Solutions • Family Connections • Provide flyers and posters to all targeted daycare centers in Austin • Day of Event they provide a booth with activities for parents of pre-schoolers • Organize transportation to get parents to the event

  15. KLRU – PBS has been a partner since the first citywide event was held back in 1999. Clifford along with other PBS characters have been part of the event. Because of this partnership with our local PBS station we have been able to bring other programs to our libraries and schools. KLRU regularly donates books to be used for special programs held in the library or for incentives during the summer reading program or during library card sign-up campaigns.

  16. Cultural Organizations • Center for Mexican American Studies • State of Texas Bob Bullock Museum • Colombianos de Austin • Mexican American Cultural Arts Center • Promote the event to their members • Provide activities the day of the event

  17. Literacy Organizations • Austin Literacy Council • Reading is Fundamental • Austin Children’s Museum Promote the event Provide free books Provide activities for the children and their parents

  18. Partnerships with Literacy Organizations after Día • All Participate in Title 1 school for family nights. • Support summer reading programs and special events by donating free books to families. • Library staff volunteers at RIF events at neighborhood schools.

  19. Backpack Project

  20. Government Agencies • City Government • Mexican Consulate • Texas State Library • Texas Education Agency Promote the event and they attend Put forward proclamations Provide free books Provide educational instruction for activities for some of our exhibitors. Help us to make connections with appropriate media to get the information out on the event.

  21. Political Support Members from the Austin City Council have always been invited to the event and given a few minutes to address the crowd. Past mayors, judges, and council members have served as honorary chairs of the event.

  22. The Day of the Event

  23. Learning Happens at Día

  24. We Dance

  25. 10 years Later • 6,000 people attended the event. • Over 10,000 free books were given away. • 56 schools provided buses for children and parents to attend. • 120 individual tables were set up with activities for parents and children. • 32 schools had students performing on stage.

  26. We Go Home

  27. www.main.org/ninoselva.garza@ci.austin.tx.us

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