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IDEM TMDL 101 Everything you wanted to know about Total Maximum Daily Loads

IDEM TMDL 101 Everything you wanted to know about Total Maximum Daily Loads. The Total Maximum Daily Load Program (TMDL) The TMDL Development Process The TMDL Document. Presentation Overview. The Total Maximum Daily Load Program (TMDL) The TMDL Development Process The TMDL Document.

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IDEM TMDL 101 Everything you wanted to know about Total Maximum Daily Loads

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  1. IDEM TMDL 101 Everything you wanted to know about Total Maximum Daily Loads

  2. The Total Maximum Daily Load Program (TMDL) The TMDL Development Process The TMDL Document Presentation Overview

  3. The Total Maximum Daily Load Program (TMDL) The TMDL Development Process The TMDL Document Presentation Overview

  4. Identifying the pollutant Determining the current level of the pollutant Calculating the amount of the pollutantthat a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards A report of pollutant sources, needed reductions, and actions necessary to improve water quality A tool to guide watershed planning What Is a Total Maximum Daily Load?

  5. History of Indiana TMDL Program • 2001 IDEM submits first TMDL • 2005 IDEM meets submission goals from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) • 2006 IDEM develops and submits TMDLS • IDEM developed first state-led multistate TMDL • 2012 • U.S. EPA submission goals have been continuously met since 2005 • IDEM has developed a TMDL template designed to meet the nine elements of a Watershed Management Plan (WMP) • IDEM has 1,055 approved TMDLs

  6. What Is a Watershed?

  7. The sum of allowable loads from point sources, waste load allocations (WLA) and nonpoint sources, load allocations (LA) plus a margin of safety (MOS) The Definition of a TMDL

  8. Information- A description of the watershed and the water quality data on the impairment Sources- Overview of the potential sources of the pollutant Loads- The amount of the pollutant of concern that a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards or targets that apply to the watershed Reductions- A list of the pollutant load reductions necessary to meet the water quality standards or targets that apply to the watershed Implementation- A tool to guide watershed planning and restoration activities What Does a Total Maximum Daily Load Provide?

  9. TMDL Development Selection Process • Water Quality Reports • 305(b) - Assess water quality and report to U.S. EPA, Congress • 303(d) - Compile list of impaired waters • Product - Indiana Integrated Water Monitoring and Assessment Report • 303(d) list • Start with 1998 and use subsequent lists to complete watershed assessment • New process • Watershed group request • Special projects

  10. Allocations • Waste load Allocation (WLA) • WLAs are the contributions from point sources • Point sources are much easier to identify since they have a discharge point or direct outlet to the stream • Point sources have some type of monitoring or information and are therefore easier to assign loadings

  11. Allocations • Load Allocation (LA) • LAs are the pollutantcontributions from nonpoint sources, which are not directly regulated • "Diffuse" pollution, generated from large areas with no particular point of pollutant origin, but rather from many individual places • Pollution that cannot be traced to a regulated direct outlet or discharge point

  12. Allocations • Margin of Safety (MOS) • MOS may be either implicit or explicit • Implicit • Incorporated into the TMDL through conservative assumptions in the analysis • Explicit • Expressed in the TMDL as loadings set aside for the MOS

  13. The Total Maximum Daily Load Program (TMDL) The TMDL Development Process The TMDL Document Presentation Overview

  14. Review 303(d) list and sampling data Conduct additional monitoring Reassess waterbodies Gather information and produce draft TMDL report Draft TMDL stakeholder meeting 30-day comment period Revise draft TMDL and respond to comments on draft final TMDL Submit TMDL to U.S. EPA and receive final TMDL approval What Is the TMDL Process?

  15. Waterbodies sampled for water quality, assessed by IDEM and listed on the 303(d) List of Impaired Waters Waterbodies where a “use” is adversely affected Fishable, Swimmable, Drinkable Waterbodies then sampled for TMDL magnitude and extent of impairment Streams are then reassessed What Are Impaired Waters?

  16. Indiana’s Most Common Water Quality Impairments • Problems: • E. coli • Impaired Biotic Communities • Statewide fish consumption advisory • Mercury • PCB

  17. ArcGIS map of area 303(d) listing information Assessment database Land use Confined Feeding Operations Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations NPDES permits NPDES violations Enforcement cases Internal Data Gathering

  18. External Data Gathering • Stakeholders • Soil and Water Conservation Districts • Health Departments • Federal and State Government Agencies • Watershed Groups • Purdue Extension Offices • Universities

  19. The Total Maximum Daily Load Program (TMDL) The TMDL Development Process The TMDL Document Presentation Overview

  20. The TMDL Document • Overview of watershed condition • Identification of sources • Discussion of analytical process • Load reductions needed • Current and past water quality improvement efforts • Recommended actions

  21. Information- A description of the watershed and the water quality data on the impairment Sources- Overview of the potential sources of the pollutant Loads- The amount of the pollutant of concern that a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards or targets that apply to the watershed Reductions- A list of the pollutant load reductions necessary to meet the water quality standards or targets that apply to the watershed Implementation- A tool to guide watershed planning and restoration activities What Does a Total Maximum Daily Load Provide?

  22. IDEM is committed to a stakeholder-driven process Collecting information from local stakeholders Providing staff to communicate with stakeholders and share information Watershed specialists assist with watershed management plan (WMP) development TMDL Goals

  23. Nonpoint Source Grants Program 303(d) List and 305(b) Report Locally Led Work to Improve Water Quality Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) Watershed Specialists Putting it All Together

  24. Questions? Staci Goodwin Senior TMDL Project Manager Office of Water Quality Indiana Department of Environmental Management 100 North Senate Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Phone: (317) 308-3387 Fax: (317) 308-3219 E-mail: sgoodwin@idem.IN.gov

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