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6 TH GRADE BCS. STANDARD MSBCSI-1 Computer Basics. Students will identify computer system components. Elements: Identify and define the key functional components (input devices, output devices, processor, operating system, software applications, memory, storage, etc.)

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  2. STANDARD MSBCSI-1Computer Basics • Students will identify computer system components. • Elements: • Identify and define the key functional components (input devices, output devices, processor, operating system, software applications, memory, storage, etc.) •  Understand the terms and units that are used to describe major hardware components (RAM, ROM, GHz, MHz, GB, MB, CD, DVD, RW, etc.) •  Explain operating system software, application software, and utility software, citing examples of each.

  3. How Computers Work • Hardware and software work together to allow you to process data and to communicate. • Hardware – physical (electronic and mechanical) components of a computer (parts you can touch) • Software – a computer program that tells the computer how to perform particular tasks. • Operating software • Applications software • Utility software

  4. Hardware (Parts of a Computer System) • Tower - Holds the CPU • Keyboard • Mouse • Monitor • Speakers • Printer • Peripherals - external hardware components that connect to a computer system, such as the monitor, printer, scanner, speakers, etc.

  5. Software • Operating software – • Windows Vista, Windows 7 • Application software – • MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint • Utility software – • Norton Anti-Virus

  6. Operating System Software • is the master controller for all of the activities that take place within a computer system. • Can include the login process (username and password) • Uses a GUI (graphical user interface) to interact with the user • Icons - a small graphic used to identify a computer function, such as a program or file

  7. Application Software • Application Softwareallows the user to be productive (Ex. Type letters, create spreadsheets, newsletters) • MS Word, Excel, Access, Publisher, PowerPoint • Application files are saved with file extensions • Complete name for a file includes a descriptive name and a file extension. • A file extension is two or three letters, following a period – this tells in which application the file was created jpg = picture gif = picture doc = Word document xls = Excel spreadsheet ppt = PowerPoint mdb = Access database

  8. Utility Software • Helps the computer run properly and helps repair problems • Allows files to be shared between each other • Runs maintenance checks on computer • Example – Virus software

  9. How do I know if a machine is a computer? A computer is an electronic device that accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output, based on a series of instructions in stored programs. If a machine performs these four basic functions, it is a type of computer.

  10. 4 Functions of All Computers • Input – the way the user transmits data to the computer • Processing– how data is changed into meaningful information • Output– the way the users receives meaningful information (processed data) from the computer • Storage– the act of saving information so it can be used later

  11. 1. Input ■ How do I tell a computer what I want it to do? You tell a computer what to do by interacting with its interface. You use a keyboard or mouse to type or click on icons that represent programs, files, or menus.

  12. 2. Processing • Motherboard is a device in a computer to which all devices are connected and through which all data passes. • Central Processing Unit (CPU) – Brains of Computer; chip inside computer that receives data from input devices and changes it into a form that is useable.

  13. 3. Storage RAM – random access memory; temporary memory; data and instructions are saved only while they are used. Data is lost when the program is exited or the computer shuts down. ROM – read-only memory; permanent memory; stores the instructions for starting the computer. These instructions usually do not change; located on the motherboard. Hard Drive – primary storage device; located inside computer; holds all files saved to the Documents folder on the C drive External Storage • Flash Drive, CD, DVD

  14. 4. Output

  15. Computer Parts • There are many parts that work together to make a computer work.

  16. Hardware • Physical parts of the computer, including processor and memory chips, input/output devices, tapes, disks, modems, cable, etc.

  17. Computer Case (Tower) • Contains the major components of the computer. It helps protect them. • Also called the “tower”. CD/DVD Drives

  18. Inside the Computer Case

  19. CPU • The Central Processing Unit (brains of the computer) • interprets and executes program instructions and manages the functions of input, output, and storage devices.

  20. Hard Disk • Magnetic storage device in the computer.

  21. RAM • Random Access Memory RAM is a computer’s temporary memory, which exists as chips on the motherboard near the CPU. It stores data or programs while they are being used and requires power.

  22. Video Card • Connects the computer to the monitor. It is a circuit board attached to the motherboard that contains the memory and other circuitry necessary to send information to the monitor for display on screen.

  23. Sound Card • Connects the speakers and microphone to the computer.

  24. Modem • The place where the computer is connected to the phone line.

  25. Network Card • A circuit board that connects the computer to the rest of the network usually using special cables.

  26. CD Rom Drive • The drive that plays CDs and reads data that has been stored on the CD. • CD - Compact Disk – A type of optical storage device.

  27. Monitor • A display screen to provide “output” to the user. It is where you view the information you are working on.

  28. Keyboard and Mouse • Keyboard - Used to enter information into the computer and for giving commands. • Mouse - An input device operated used to control the on-screen pointer by pointing and clicking, double-clicking, or dragging objects on the screen.

  29. Touchpad • A pressure-sensitive and motion sensitive device used in place of a mouse.

  30. Scanner • A device that allows pictures to be placed into a computer.

  31. Barcode Reader • An input device that converts a pattern of printed bars into a number that a computer can read. They are often used by businesses to quickly input price and product information.

  32. Microphone • Allows the user to record sounds as input to their computer.

  33. Printer • An output device that produces a hard copy on paper. It gives information to the user in printed form.

  34. Speakers • Used to generate or reproduce voice, music, and other sounds (OUTPUT)

  35. Software • Programs that tell the computer what to do. It provides instructions that the CPU will need to carry out.

  36. Windows • A family of operating systems developed and produced by Microsoft Corp. It provides a software graphical user interface (GUI) used on IBM and compatible computers.

  37. Example of Windows (GUI)

  38. STANDARD MSBCSI-2Computer File Maintenance/Safety • Students will identify and demonstrate computer maintenance and safety. • a) Explain basic file management. • b) Create a folder/directory. • c) Move, copy, delete, and rename files and folders. • d) Follow safety procedures in the use of computers.

  39. The Windows Screen andOrganizing Work on the Computer

  40. The Windows Screen Icon Task Bar Start Button

  41. Terms • Icon – a small picture that represents a program or a file • Start Button – provides access to all programs • Task Bar – Holds buttons for all open documents/files

  42. The Windows Screen Icons with an arrow indicate a SHORTCUT to the program or file.

  43. Files and folders in chosen folder All files and folders on computer Files and Folders A folder can hold other folders. A folder also holds individual files.

  44. Files and Folders • File – any document (letter, report, table, spreadsheet, flyer, brochure) • Folder – a place to hold a group of related files or other folders • Ex. Folder “Letters” would hold Letter 1, Letter 2, Letter 3, etc. • Ex. Folder “Rosters” would hold a file for each period – Period 1 Roster, Period 2 Roster, etc.

  45. Organizing Files • Computer • C Drive • RMS #23 • Documents • 3-Sam Jones • Letter 1 • Spreadsheet 1 • 4-John Green • Letter 1 • Spreadsheet 1 • 5-Sue Simpson • Letter 1 • Spreadsheet 1 • Computer • C Drive • Folder • Folder • File • File • Folder • File

  46. File Paths • Holds all drives (C://, D://, etc) • This is the hard drive where all files are saved in this class • Folder for all users on this computer • This is a specific class folder • Where all files for the Fort class are saved (now Mrs. Sorrells class) • Student folder • Student file • Computer--------- • C:// ------------- • Users/ ---------- • Fort ------------- • Documents ------- • 4-Susie Mullican- • Journal-----------

  47. File Names • When you name a file, the computer adds a 3-letter extension to the file name. • The 3-letter extension indicates which software program was used to create the document. • .doc – MS Word document • .xls – MS Excel document • .pub – MS Publisher document

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