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704 Reports: The SILC / CIL Report Card

704 Reports: The SILC / CIL Report Card. April 24, 2014 Member Enrichment. Presenter: Will Miller. What are 704 Reports ?. Annual performance reports that must be completed by CILs, SILCs, and DSUs.

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704 Reports: The SILC / CIL Report Card

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  1. 704 Reports: The SILC / CIL Report Card April 24, 2014 Member Enrichment Presenter: Will Miller

  2. What are 704 Reports? • Annual performance reports that must be completed by CILs, SILCs, and DSUs. • The reports are used by RSA to monitor and evaluate the performance of programs that receive funds under Title VII, Chapter 1, Parts B and C of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (“Part B and Part C funds”).

  3. Who is RSA? • The Rehabilitation Services Administration • A division of the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitive services (OSERS) within the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) • Established under Sec. 3 of the Rehab Act as the principal agency for carrying out the Act • Holds the purse strings to Part B and Part C funds

  4. Statutory Basis Section 704 of the Rehab Act • Requires development of a state plan (SPIL) to be eligible to receive Part B and Part C funds

  5. Section 704 of the Rehab Act Subparagraph (m)(4) requires that all recipients of Part B and Part C funds provide reports to the Commissioner of RSA regarding: • the amount and disposition of Part B and C funds, • the total cost of programs funded with Part B and C funds, • the amount of these programs funded with other funds, • and such other information that the Commissioner determines to be appropriate.

  6. What does RSA do with these reports? • Sec. 13(a) of the Rehab Act states that the Commissioner (of RSA) shall prepare and submit to the President and to the Congress a full and complete report on the activities carried out under this Act. • Under Sec. 14(a) of the Rehab Act, for the purpose of improving program management and effectiveness, the Secretary (of Education), in consultation with the Commissioner, shall evaluate all the programs authorized by this Act, their general effectiveness in relation to their cost, their impact on related programs, and their structure and mechanisms for delivery of services,…

  7. What are 704 Reports? • Annual reports prepared by CILs, SILCs, and DSUs. • Document how Part B and C funds are being used within the state to achieve the purposes of the Rehab Act. • Used to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of IL programs.

  8. Types of 704 Reports • Part I is completed by Designated State Units (DSUs) and Statewide Independent Living Councils (SILCs). • Part II is completed by Centers for Independent Living (CILs).

  9. What info does the 704 require, generally? • Part I: reports on the SILC and DSU’s activities for the reporting year. It also contains data from consumer service records from the DSUs, DSU contractors and grantees and any center for independent living (CIL) receiving Part B funds from the DSU (not including CILs that also receive Part C funds and that file the 704 Report, Part II). • Part II: contains a CIL’s evidence of compliance with the requirements of Section 725 of the Act, a comparison of the CIL’s activities during the reporting year with its work plan for that year, work plans for the next year, and data from consumer service records maintained by the CIL.

  10. 704 Report, Part I • What information does the Part I report require, more specifically? • The report is divided into Subparts I – VI to gather different categories of information.

  11. Subpart I – Administrative Data • This subpart contains information reflecting the duties of the DSU… outlined in section 704(c) of the Rehab Act, including the sources and expenditures of funds during the reporting year as well as the DSU’s administrative support services, staffing and monitoring activities involving grantees and contractors.

  12. Section A. Sources and Amounts of Funds and Resources • Part B Funds: $506,058 • Other Federal Funds: $1,889,451 • State Government Funds: $10,455,172 • Total Income: $12,850,681

  13. Section E – Monitoring Title VII, Chapter 1, Part B Funds • Prepared performance contracts with NCSILC and CILs. Incorporated scope of work sections, prepared by SILC and CILs, into contracts. • Monitored, reviewed and evaluated contracts according to state rules and regulations. • Contractors sent invoices to DVR Contract Administrator with detail of activities completed in accordance with scope of work. Packets reviewed and evaluated by DVR Accountant, then submitted to Controller’s Office for final payment.

  14. Section F – Administrative Support Services and Staffing • DVRS provided extensive in-kind support to the NCSILC, Part B and Part C Centers. • One staff spent approximately 45% of time working with new contracts, contract amendments, monthly/quarterly fiscal and performance reports, consulting with the NCSILC and CILS on state guidelines and developing strategies to streamline reporting and reimbursement requirements. Additionally, this staff researched and provided information as requested by the NCSILC Chair and Executive director. This staff also serves on various SILC committees. • The Fiscal Unit within DVRS performed yearly audits for the NCSILC and the CILs.

  15. Subpart II – Numbers and Types of IWDs Receiving Services • This subpart asks for information from CSRs (consumer service records) on the numbers and types of consumers receiving IL services. • Contains data from the Greenville Part B CIL (DARC) CSRs. • Other CILs that receive Part C funds report this data on Part II 704 Reports.

  16. Section A – Number of Consumers Served During the Reporting Year • 504 consumers served.

  17. Section B –Number of CSRs Closed by September 30 of the Reporting Year # of CSRs: • Moved 5 • Withdrawn 27 • Died 12 • Completed all goals 21 • Other 1 • Total CSRs closed66

  18. Sections E through H report Consumer Demographics • Age (Sec. E) • Sex (Sec. F) • Race and Ethnicity (Sec. G) • Disability (Sec. H)

  19. Subpart III – Individual Services and Achievements • This subpart asks for information on the individual IL services provided and received, goals set and met, and outcomes achieved.

  20. Section C – Additional Information Concerning Individual Services or Achievements DARC, in collaboration with VR/IL, was instrumental in transitioning five (5) consumers into Independent Living. • Two from Nursing Homes • Three were homeless, including one veteran

  21. Subpart IV – Community Activities and Coordination • This subpart asks for a report on the community activities involving the DSU, SILC and DSU contractors and grantees and the outcomes of such activities.

  22. Section B – Working Relationships Among Various Entities • Instructions: Describe DSU and SILC activities to maximize the cooperation, coordination, and working relationships among the independent living program, the SILC, and CILs; and the DSU, other state agencies represented on the SILC, other councils that address the needs of specific disability populations and issues, and other public and private entities. • NCSILC has ex officio members representing Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Division of Services for the Blind, Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, the Council on Developmental Disabilities, the Client Assistance Program, and Disability Rights NC. Ex officio members provide reports at all SILC quarterly meetings, participate on SILC committees, and were represented on the SPIL Writing Taskforce.

  23. Subpart V – Statewide Independent Living Council • This subpart asks for a report on the composition, qualifications and activities of the Statewide Independent Living Council (including technical assistance and training needs for next fiscal year).

  24. Section A - Composition and Appointment 24 total members • 18 voting members • 6 ex officio, non-voting members • 16 People with Disabilities • 10 of voting members not employed by state agency or CIL • 11 of full SILC not employed by state agency or CIL

  25. Composition and Appointment • 1 CIL Director Representative • 1 Director of Native American VR Project • 1 Representative of private business sector • 1 Parent of a Person with a Disability • 1 representative of nonprofit advocacy organization

  26. Section B – SILC Membership Qualifications Statewide Representation • Region 1 • Counties of Ashe, Watauga, Caldwell, Burke, Cleveland and all the counties further west. Two SILC members represent these twenty-two counties: One in Swain and one in Buncombe.

  27. Statewide Representation • Region 2 • Counties of Rockingham, Guilford, Randolph, Moore, Scotland, and all the counties west to Region 1. Eight members represent this twenty-six county area: Two from Guilford and Forsyth Counties, and One from each of Stanly, Rockingham, Mecklenburg, and Moore.

  28. Statewide Representation • Region 3 • Counties of Northampton, Halifax, Edgecombe, Wilson, Wayne, Sampson, Bladen, Columbus, Brunswick, and all the counties west to Region 2. Ten members represent this twenty-seven county region: eight from Wake, and one each from Brunswick, Nash and Orange.

  29. Statewide Representation • Region 4 • 25 counties west of Region 3. Three members represent this region: One each from Craven, Lenoir, and Pasquotank.

  30. Broad Range of Individuals with Disabilities from Diverse Backgrounds On September 30, 2012, NCSILC had twenty-four members; eighteen voting and six nonvoting. • The Council includes seventeen female and seven male members. • There are sixteen Caucasian members, six African American members, one Native American and one Asian American member.

  31. Broad Range of Disabilities and Backgrounds Of the eighteen voting members: • Two members had physical disabilities • Three members with vision loss • One with a hearing disability • Five with an emotional/mental disability • None with a systemic disability • Three with multiple disabilities that included two or more categories • Four of the voting members have no disability.

  32. Knowledgeable About IL North Carolina residents interested in membership on the NCSILC may complete and submit an application developed by the NCSILC Membership Committee and available through the NCSILC website. The Membership Committee interviews perspective applicants to determine the individual’s knowledge about Centers for Independent Living and independent living services. Prospective applicants who are vetted by the Membership Committee are presented to the NCSILC for approval. The Executive Director then submits the approved applicant’s information to the Governor’s Office for consideration for appointment.

  33. Knowledgeable About IL In compliance with NC Executive Order 55 effective April 5, 2010, North Carolina residents who are interested in serving on the NCSILC are required to complete the Application for Boards and Commissions and submit to NC Boards and Commissions.

  34. Knowledgeable About IL • NCSILC offers a Member Orientation annually. This orientation reviews the Rehabilitation Act and history of the Independent Living Movement, duties and responsibilities of NCSILC members and the DSUs, current NC-SPIL goals and objectives, and opportunities for involvement as new members. New members are given a Member Handbook containing the information provided in the orientation. New members are strongly encouraged to attend the orientation, which is open to all members.

  35. Section D – SILC Duties The report includes SILC Activities Related to Statutory Duties, including details of activities involved with: • State Plan (SPIL) development • Monitoring, reviewing, and evaluating implementation of the SPIL • Coordination with other disability councils • Public meeting requirements

  36. Subpart VI – SPIL Comparison and Updates, Other Accomplishments and Challenges This subpart asks for program accomplishments and goal achievements, updates to the SPIL, substantial problems or difficulties and any additional information.

  37. Section A – Comparison of Reporting Year Activities with the SPIL • Where SPIL-related activities are reported • A narrative is provided for every activity listed under each goal and objective of the most recently approved SPIL • Describes progress made in achieving the objectives and goals • Explains goals achieved and/or in progress as well as barriers encountered

  38. Goal 1 Expand the network of CILs in North Carolina Goal Description: CIL core services will be available to more people with disabilities in NC, increasing their opportunity for independent living and full inclusion in individual communities.

  39. Objective 1.1 Support a statewide network of Centers for Independent Living (CILs) with the capacity to deliver consistent CIL independent living core services that meet the standards and assurances of the Rehabilitation Act, as amended.

  40. Objective 1.1 Activity 1.1.a. Provide financial support to the existing Part B CIL in Greenville to provide independent living core services and meet the standards and assurances of the Rehabilitation Act, as amended. During this reporting period, the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services had a financial assistance contract with the existing Part B CIL in Greenville. The contract provided the ENC-CIL with the funds for operating expenses and to provide the four IL core services in accordance with the Rehabilitation Act, as amended. The ENC-CIL provided DVRS with a monthly performance and expenditure report outlining the services provided monthly expenditures and the consumer satisfaction survey results. The Executive Director of the ENC-CIL provided a progress report of activities performed at the quarterly NCSILC meetings. The ENC-CIL provided the NCSILC and the DSU with a copy of the completed October 1, 2012 – September 30, 2013 704 report. The ENC-CIL Executive Director provided NCSILC with completed surveys from consumers who received services from the CIL. This activity was achieved.

  41. Objective 1.1 Activity 1.1.b. Provide financial support to the existing Part C CILs for general operations to provide independent living core services. During this reporting period, the Part C funded CILs had a contract with the DSU for operational expenses to provide the independent living core services. The contracts are for a maximum of three years which are required to be amended annually. The CILs provided DVRS with a monthly performance and expenditure report outlining the services provided, monthly expenditures, and the consumer satisfaction survey results. This activity was achieved.

  42. Objective 1.1 Activity 1.1.c. Provide financial support for training to existing Part B and C funded CIL staff on how to better serve consumers with diverse and significant disabilities. During this reporting period, the CILs in NC provided their staff with training on how to better serve consumers with diverse disabilities. The trainings included ADA and Emergency Management Practices, attending the National ADA symposium, Board Governance, Person Centered Thinking, Board Training- Center for Independent Living 101, NCIL Conference, Increase in Accessible and Affordable Housing, ILRU for a series of audio conferences including Medicaid 101, Accessing the Health of Your CIL: Preventive Management Checkup using RSA’s Review Tool and Expanding CIL Capacity Through Community Based Programs. This activity is ongoing.

  43. Objective 1.1 Activity 1.1.d. Provide financial support to conduct trainings for CIL staff, NCSILC members and/or grassroots organization related to SILC and/or CIL roles and responsibilities. During this reporting period, CIL staff and NCSILC members received training related to the SILC and CIL roles and responsibilities at the NC IL Summit hosted by the NCSILC in September 2013. This activity was achieved.

  44. Section C – Substantial Challenges Instructions: If applicable, describe any substantial problems encountered by the DSU and SILC, not included elsewhere in this report, and discuss resolutions/attempted resolutions, e.g., difficulty in outreach efforts; disagreements between the SILC and the DSU; complications recruiting SILC members; complications working with other state agencies or organizations within the state.

  45. Section C – Substantial Challenges The SILC and DSU have identified two substantial problems regarding access to Part B funds: 1) Under the current system of managing Part B funds, the funds are dormant during their first year of availability. The SILC and CILs that receive Part B funds from the DSU are operating with funds that are in the second year of availability to the state (the carryover year). Therefore, because Part B funds are only available to the state for two years, these funds are available to the SILC and CILs for only one year. Part B funds that are not spent within this one-year window of time, and for which there is a great need to fund independent living services to benefit individuals with disabilities in North Carolina, must be returned to RSA and are lost to the state.

  46. Section C – Substantial Challenges Two substantial problems: 2) There are often substantial delays in reimbursement from the state to the SILC and CILs for Part B funded activities, as documented in activity 2.1.c above (Subpart VI, Section A, Item 1). This results in a shortage of operating funds to carry out the SILC resource plan and SPIL-related activities. The SILC and DSU are collaborating on solutions to these problems and hope to have them resolved before the end of the next reporting period.

  47. Signatures, printed names, titles and phone numbers of DSU director(s) and SILC chair.

  48. How do I view 704 reports? Go to https://rsa.ed.gov Part I reports • View Reports > View all RSA-704 Part I reports > IL program for North Carolina Part II reports • Quick Tables > CIL Performance Summary > select North Carolina

  49. THE END

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