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Marty Shannon Utah State Adoption Program Administrator

ADOPTION PRACTICES. that work. ***************************************. Marty Shannon Utah State Adoption Program Administrator. and. that harm. Positive Practices When there is a safety concern, take the child into protective custody

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Marty Shannon Utah State Adoption Program Administrator

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  1. ADOPTION PRACTICES that work *************************************** Marty Shannon Utah State Adoption Program Administrator and thatharm

  2. Positive Practices When there is a safety concern, take the child into protective custody Find and assess appropriate potential family members to provide care Inform and educate the identified family about the need for possible permanence Negative Practices When there is a safety concern, give a family member temporary guardianship and close the case Let the kinship family figure out how to protect the child while the child’s parents have residual rights for child time DCFS Involvement: It all starts at CPS

  3. Positive Practices Disclose all known information about the child’s needs Continue to educate and support the kinship family about resources for themselves and the child Educate the child and family about adoption and guardianship what the advantages and disadvantages of each Negative Practices Family knows the child so there is no need to disclose information known about the child’s needs Give the kinship family permanent guardianship so they have to figure out how to protect the child with no help Recommend adoption and let the kinship family find an attorney to TPR the parents’ rights When a child cannot safely return home

  4. Does Adoption Work?

  5. Positive Practices Help the kinship family assess the child’s long term needs Assess the child for Adoption Assistance Educate the kinship family about the post adoption supports Negative Practices Since the kin care giver is family, assume they know the child’s needs and they can find resources Family should take care of family so don’t worry about financial help or medical insurance When Adoption is the best permanency option

  6. Adoption Can Work

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