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Building a Circular Economy: New_InnoNet

New_InnoNet is a consortium focused on mobilizing stakeholders and developing a circular economy by promoting cooperation, innovation, and sustainable practices. Join us in rethinking the value chains and creating a near-zero waste economy.

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Building a Circular Economy: New_InnoNet

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  1. In a circular economy, almost nothing is wasted. Re-use and re-manufacturing is standard practice, and sustainability is built into the fabric of that society.There is less waste to deal with, and more is generated from limited resources. The new technologies created then bolster the competitive position on the worldstage. Our challenge is to place the European Union at the forefront of these developments.KarmenuVella, Commissioner Environment, Maritime Affairs & FisheriesBrussels, 05 March 2015

  2. Whatiscirculareconomy? Circulareconomyisabout: keeping resources at their highest possible level of value at all times eliminating the very idea of waste leaving”enough for all forever”

  3. WhereisNew_InnoNetincirculareconomy? FROM LINEAR VALUE CHAIN TO CIRCULAR VALUE CHAIN VALUE New_InnoNetcontributes to rethinkingthewaythevaluechainsareorganisedtoday VALUE VALUE Place, Event name

  4. WhyNew_InnoNet? ….becausebuildingciruclareconomyrequires : improved cooperation and reduced conflicts of interest between different value chain players in several sectors sector-by-sector pathways on how stakeholdersalongthevaluechaincan innovate to make a change promising business models and best practices to identify economic opportunities and potential for targeted innovations improved knowledge of costs and performances along value chains, informing a pricing policy for waste management in line with the waste hierarchy Place, Event name

  5. Ourmaingoal Mobilisestakeholders towards building a circular economy by developing and reinforcing solid foundations forthe European Near-Zero Waste Platform. Place, Event name

  6. Ourobjectives Set-up and maintain near zero waste stakeholder platform Analyse selected waste streams and develop innovation roadmaps per waste stream Develop an integrated near zero waste strategic research and innovation agenda Facilitateinteractionamongmobilised stakeholders Place, Event name

  7. Whichvaluechains do we address? Industry Waste stream Materials Electric and electronic metals WEEE plastics Automotive ELV Fast moving consumer goods minerals Packaging waste Place, Event name

  8. 4 lines of actions ACTION LINE 1 Value chains and stakeholders identify and involve relevant stakeholders in shaping our future's economy, analyze their position, roles, interests and attitude to the circular economy concept ACTION LINE 2 Bottlenecks and bestpractices identify and analyse existing bottlenecks on transition from linear to circular approach in value chains, gather and clusterexisting and in the pipeline solutions to overcome them ACTION LINE 3 Sharedvision and roadmaps create an industry-supported common vision as a basis for the shift towards the near-zero waste economy, develop Roadmaps for three selected value chains ACTION LINE 4 Strategic R& I Agenda develop a Strategic R&I Agenda for waste reduction targets in value chains propose policy recommendations to foster the near-zero waste economy Place, Event name

  9. Whygetinvolved? Place, Event name

  10. What do we offer? Opportunity to co-develop EU policy on circulareconomy Industry supportedcommonvision Roadmaps to circulareconomy for adressedsectors StrategicResearch and Innovation Agenda Policy recommendations Place, Event name

  11. What do we offer ? Support for networking and projectbuilding Search for proposedprojects Search for funding Search for funded projects Search for patents Search for scientific literature Proposeproject for partner search Place, Event name

  12. Whatcanyougain? an EU platform to promote your views towards EU decision-makers and funders. a voice in developing new EU policy related to the implementation of circular economy concept access to partners relevant to your topic for creating sustainable business relations easy networking for project building knowledge on funding opportunities, business opportunities related to bottlenecks in the material loops early insight about upcoming developments regarding circulareconomyto align your organisation’s strategy support offered by the platform for networking and projectbuilding visibility as a frontrunner in the field of circular economy Place, Event name

  13. How to getinvolved? Register as a stakeholder via ourwebsite under thefollowing link: http://www.newinnonet.eu/RegistrationForm.aspx Place, Event name

  14. What do we ask for? your voice expressed by an active involvement in New_InnoNet stakeholder addressed activities such as workshops, conferences, on-line questionnaires, information on your role, interest and attitude in applying the circular economy approach consulting and providing feedback to the vision, roadmaps, Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and policy recommendations, sharing knowledge and discuss your views, concerns, practical experiences with other stakeholders Place, Event name

  15. TheConsortium PNO CONSULTANTS, Netherland Van GansewinkelGroep, Netherlands Tecnalia Research & Innovation - Construction Unit, Spain VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland STIFTELSEN SINTEF, Norway Swedish Environmental Research Institute IVL, Sweden Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas (IETU), Poland ARN HOLDING, Netherlands Plastics Recyclers Europe, Belgium European Plastics Converters, Belgium Environmental Performance Agency IHOBE, Spain VITO, Belgium Place, Event name

  16. Project facts Project title: The Near-zero European Waste Innovation Network Acronym: New_InnoNet Project type: Coordination and Support Action (CSA) Project start date: 1 February 2015 Duration: 30 months EC contribution: € 1.493.212,00 Coordinator : TjerkWardenaar PNO CONSULTANTS, Netherlands tjerk.wardenaar@pnoconsultants.com Place, Event name

  17. Interested? For moreinformationor to register contactprojectcoordinatorourconsultprojectwebsite www.newinnonet.eu Towards near-zero waste at European and global level – time for a change. Get involved! Place, Event name

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