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Erik Tammenurm, Co-Founder & CEO at NEXD, has been with NEXD since the very beginning, starting as NEXD's CTO. Now, some 5 years later NEXD has grown globally, with offices from London to Tokyo, and Erik has taken on the role of CEO.

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  1. INTERVIEW WITH ERIK TAMMENURM, CO-FOUNDER & CEO AT NEXD Erik Tammenurm, co-founder and CEO of NEXD, has worked at NEXD from the very beginning, starting as CTO of NEXD. Now, around 5 years later, NEXD has grown worldwide, with offices from London to Tokyo, and Erik has taken on the role of CEO. Experiment with different creative solutions, messages, forms and find the combinations that work for your brand. MEDIA 7: What prompted you to advertise and why did you choose NEXD? ERIK TAMMENURM: Good question. Before creating NEXD, I was mainly involved in the development of games and mobile applications. Advertising seemed to be this mystical industry that seemed so outdated and focused on the wrong angle for solutions to work as intended. In 2014, I worked with some of the leaders in the advertising industry in Estonia and we decided to start solving the problems that advertising faces. M7: How does NEXD help businesses get results? How does it give them a better return on their investment? ET: I think advertising has lost its way. It should focus on the message, the form of the message, and the audience - in that specific order. Advertising is not just for the public. This idea stems from bad logic, but unfortunately it is the most common goal of advertisers today. Adidas recently researched their ad spend and found that 65% of their revenue came from new consumers, but they spent 80% of their ad spend on existing consumers. There is a huge gap between expectations and reality. That's why we try to help advertisers create a great brand experience and make it as easy as possible so that their audience can engage with the brand in a more meaningful way, increasing ROAS. I think consumers want to engage with the brands they use; advertising should be a conversation. Nexd helps advertisers create an interactive brand experience so that their audience can engage in more meaningful ways. Interactive and engaging advertisements are more memorable and help attract new customers to the brand. Our ads are designed to facilitate this conversation and to do so in a very intuitive way. We've tried to remove the barriers that prevent many advertisers from producing good digital ads - the time and cost of complex coding that leads to huge overheads - and to make quality ads available to everyone. . Our goal is to help our customers increase their RoAS, and I have to say that we have done a very good job in this area. The future of advertising depends on finding new ways to communicate with customers, and finding effective and creative solutions takes a long time. and expensive with standard solutions. M7: What marketing channels do you use for advertising and which do you consider to be the most promising given your target customers? ET: Our main channel is our newsletters and our blog. I've always enjoyed approaching clients through content - giving them value for their time. We primarily distribute our content through social media and

  2. email. We have a fairly wide viewing range, but it's mostly for our awareness and notoriety. I don't see a very good return from B2B compared to display solutions. M7: What role does content play in advertising? What content format works best for your platform and why? ET: Content is essential for B2B solutions. Quality content is a great way for consumers to spend time with your brand and gives you the opportunity to give back. I've always enjoyed more visual content - infographics, reports and videos and also direct webinars. Often times, I try to put myself in our customers' shoes and see what would attract or help me at all times. This allows us to resolve our customers' problems or questions. Be more creative. Talk to the end user, and 90% of the time that will result in a higher ROAS than a properly focused but boring experience. M7: In your opinion, what are the three main marketing challenges facing the post-COVID-19 era? ET: Creativity - It's quite difficult these days to be creative with the tools available and under all the constraints that the market places - your ad must be less than 4MB (otherwise browsers will block it), it cannot be too much animate (otherwise block browsers), it should load in 1 second. At Nexd, we have built our solutions on a completely new technology emerging from the game. It creates files that are small enough, fast enough and load in 1 second. Our job is to give advertisers the tools they need to not restrict their creativity and remove the barriers and concerns associated with complying with those restrictions. Data and Audiences - The accuracy of the data is questionable at best. The way we use and verify this information is long overdue for a complete overhaul of the industry. How sure can someone be that they are reaching the right target group? With GDPR / CCPA and browsers removing third-party cookies, it's now almost impossible to find the right audience, so why bet on it? I think it's much more helpful to be in context with the right message. Fraud - Did you know that about 5 cents of every dollar you spend on advertising goes to fraud? If you use old technology, you will lose more money every year. At Nexd, we have spent countless hours overcoming the potential ways in which fraudulent actors operate, and we do our best to prevent them from making money with our clients. There are also many other companies that focus solely on ad security. M7: In the world of Big Data, creativity is blocked. Is there a way to balance the two and create better ad campaigns? ET: As mentioned before, I think the data can be used in a really good way, but opacity is still an issue. Advertisers make the best decisions possible with the information they have. But are they using exact data or is their advertising based on incorrect data? What I've seen a lot lately is that most of the assumptions are made on the wrong premise, and that ruins the whole message and seriously undermines the effectiveness of their campaigns. The future of advertising depends on finding new ways to communicate with customers, and finding good and creative solutions is time consuming and expensive with standard solutions. This is the main reason for my decision to create Nexd.

  3. M7: Words of wisdom for advertising professionals? ET: Be more creative. Talk to the end user, and 90% of the time that will result in a higher ROAS than a properly focused but boring experience. Rethink your assumptions about who you are promoting. Make sure you have the right message and the right form. Test, test, test. Experiment with different creative solutions, messages, forms and find the combinations that suit your brand. Advertising is constantly evolving and can be difficult at times, which in my opinion is the most interesting part. ABOUT NEXD Nexd is the creator of the fastest, lightest and most innovative advertising solution in the world. Nexd is an easy-to-use online tool that empowers marketers to create interactive, lightweight ads that truly engage your audience. Unlike competing platforms with complex builders, Nexd relies on simple drag- and-drop layouts, reducing production time from weeks to minutes. Nexd represents a leap forward in the way users perceive and interact with digital ads. With lightweight and visually stunning ads, Nexd offers better performance and higher RoAS compared to other solutions. Nexd has a large customer base in more than 20 markets on five continents and serves more than 3,000 campaigns from more than 200 brands, agencies and publishers.

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