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Effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of Constipation and Gas

Are you in search of the best home remedy for constipation? If yes, then you can choose Shuddhi Ayurveda and home remedies to get excellent nutrition to treat constipation effortlessly. Home remedies are the best ayurvedic remedies that can treat constipation without any side effects.

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Effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of Constipation and Gas

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  1. BestAyurvedic Herbs For Constipation Constipation gastrointestinal complaints. Usually, an individual is considered constipated when they have fewer than three bowel movements a week or experiencing difficulty in passing stool. Constipation is a form of hard, dry stool in the rectum that is not only painful and uncomfortable but can affect urinary function. When the rectum fills with stool, excess pressure can move the bladder, which causes more complications. Constipation usually occurs when an individual has a tough time emptying the large bowel. Lifestyle changes and home remedies can often help resolve it, but sometimes it can require medical attention. The best home remedy for constipation and home remedy to release gas without any side effects is Ayurveda. So, before we read about the is one of the most common

  2. Ayurvedic remedies for constipation, let us have a look at the causes, complications, and other aspects of constipation. Causes of Constipation Although constipation is a simple discomfort, if not treated in time or neglected, it may cause a major problem. Most people treat constipation as a waste product stuck in the intestine, and complications arise from those blocked or lodged waste products. The main problem arises when a lack of bowel movements for a long time sends wrong signals to the immune system, liver, brain, etc. This leads to complications like a migraine. Some of the major causes of constipation are: Medications Not sufficient fibre in the diet Irritable bowel syndrome Lack of physical activity Milk and abuse of laxatives Pregnancy, travel, and aging. Dehydration Diseases and conditions such as stroke Problems with intestinal function Problems with rectum and colon.

  3. Symptoms of Constipation Straining when passing stool Passing stool Difficulty passing stool Dry, hard, or lumpy stool Feeling bloated Cramping and pain in the abdomen Loss of appetite Nausea If you find any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor before the situation gets worse. Constipation in Ayurveda In Ayurveda, constipation is called Vibandha. Ayurveda is a holistic approach to wellness and health that balances body, mind, and soul. It is one of the ancient medical traditions in the world that started in India. The focus of Ayurveda is one disease prevention, so its approach to treating constipation involves a range of healthy choices. Ayurveda classifies constipation as a Vata disorder. The hard, dry, and cold qualities of Vata doshas disturb the colon and its proper functioning. The

  4. various conditions that enhance this dosha are cold weather, alcohol drinking, smoking, stress, unhealthy foods, and hormonal irregularities. When it comes to treating constipation in Ayurveda’s point of view, it requires Ayurvedic herbs, proper diet, massage, and exercise are major elements to maintain a healthy digestive system. Ayurveda defines three doshas as a form of energy in the body. Every person has three doshas in their body, out of which one is dominant. This dominant dosha is an expression of an individual’s characteristics, health vulnerabilities, and body shape. The following is a brief overview of these three doshas. Vata: This type of energy is linked with air, space, and movement. Pitta: This is associated with water, fire, and metabolism. Kapha: This one is a type of energy linked with water, earth, and body structure. These three doshas regulate the body functions of any individual. If there is an imbalance between them, then it results in disease, poor functioning, and illness.

  5. Ayurvedic Herbs for Constipation Ayurveda has several herbs that are quite effective for the treatment of constipation. These herbs add warmth and hydration to the body, helping you to get rid of constipation naturally. The following are the Ayurvedic herbs you can use in the best home remedies for constipation Triphala Triphala is one of the well-known Ayurvedic herbs that improve the symptoms of constipation. These herbs help in easy bowel movement and lower blood sugar levels, improve gut biome, and boost weight loss.

  6. Besides treating constipation, it is also effective in the treatment of obesity and diabetes. Senna Senna is a highly effective herb used in Ayurveda medicine for many years. The Food and Drug Administration also approves it as an over-the-counter laxative. The compounds found in this herb stimulate the bowel lining and relieve constipation in 6 to 12 hours.

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