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Alterntive Energy Windmills

Alterntive Energy Windmills. BY: Matt Jakeman January 26 2012 Global Geography 12 Exam Mrs. Bainbridge. Our Planets Energy. In 2007 a study was conducted to see how the planet made most of its energy. This is the results of what they found, in a percentile breakdown.

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Alterntive Energy Windmills

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  1. Alterntive Energy Windmills • BY: Matt Jakeman • January 26 2012 • Global Geography 12 Exam • Mrs. Bainbridge

  2. Our Planets Energy • In 2007 a study was conducted to see how the planet made most of its energy. This is the results of what they found, in a percentile breakdown. • . 36% petroleum 27.4% coal, 23% natural gas, with only 6.3% hydro and 8.5% nuclear. Amounting to 86.4% of all the energy produced in the world is made by non renewable fossil fuels.

  3. Harmful Co2 Emissions • While many of us do not concern about our plant and the burning of fossil fuels some experts and scientists do. Their studies and research show that over 21.3 billion tons of emissions are sent into our atmospheres every year. While our planet can only deal with about half this number.

  4. No More Fossil Fuels • Experts estimate that our fossil fuels will be completely gone within several generations. • - coal is estimated to be gone within 400 years • -oil is estimated to be gone in 40 years-natural gas is estimated to be gone in 160 years

  5. Windmill Energy • When you step outside you may not notice it but the first thing that hits you is the air all around you. People may not realize it but wind is one of the most abundant and easiest renewable resources to harness.

  6. Powering The Planet • Although wind turbines are a new technology and because of this can be an expensive alternative to oil, They are very efficient and can create incredible amounts f power. • Scientists estimate we can generate five times of all the power generated on earth yearly, by harnessing the power of he wind

  7. Jobs And Opportunities • The development of windmills, will also bring with it thousands of jobs and new work opportunities for many generations to come. • As of 2008 there were over 400,000 jobs created because of windmills.

  8. What You Can Do • - Start buy constructing your on personally windmill , kits an be bought to power lights and small appliances. • - Get involved, join the fight for renewable energy and talk to your governments offices. • Spread the word to friends and family about clean green renewable energy and why they should push for it.

  9. Facts • Wind turbine use increases 25% yearly • They can be as tall as a 20 story building and have 60m long blades • They biggest turbines can power up to 600 homes each • Wind power generated 70,000 mega watts last year, enough for 17500000 homes. • Windmills were used as far back as 2000BC.

  10. Bibllography • http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=co2+emissions&um=1&hl=en&safe=active&rls=com.microsoft:en-ca:IE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7DBCA&tbm=isch&tbnid=-EU7QghP_UI3CM:&imgrefurl=http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/11/071114163448.htm&docid=ui4CGwC8_p1HFM&imgurl=http://images.sciencedaily.com/2007/11/071114163448-large.jpg&w=600&h=399&ei=RfoeT96AIMPhqgGh3vnPDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=85&vpy=182&dur=438&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=157&ty=81&sig=109978341219387738593&page=1&tbnh=126&tbnw=168&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:0&biw=1024&bih=607 • http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=huge+windmill&um=1&hl=en&safe=active&rls=com.microsoft:en-ca:IE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7DBCA&tbm=isch&tbnid=Ij-XdIolMFsONM:&imgrefurl=http://tinteepeelogcabin.blogspot.com/2010_10_01_archive.html&docid=mQiRob-dgxs1LM&imgurl=http://lh3.ggpht.com/_2ja5iSo2zVs/TLj8IcRlhzI/AAAAAAAADkU/ZQMIgnrPrdA/Windmill%252520and%252520truck%25255B2%25255D.jpg&w=512&h=450&ei=Jf0eT4eSLsnW0QHjmNEG&zoom=1&biw=1024&bih=607&iact=rc&dur=63&sig=109978341219387738593&page=6&tbnh=132&tbnw=154&start=97&ndsp=20&ved=1t: • 429,r:9,s:97&tx=97&ty=63 • http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=wind+turbine+worker&um=1&hl=en&safe=active&rls=com.microsoft:en-ca:IE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7DBCA&tbm=isch&tbnid=cJc_yDZHJZZdjM:&imgrefurl=http://www.windpowermonthly.com/channel/technology/news/997893/Workers-electrocuted-cracked-blade-wind-farm/&docid=oi9EZO7rtlq_-M&imgurl=http://cached.imagescaler.hbpl.co.uk/resize/scaleToFit/423/284/%253FsURL%253Dhttp://offlinehbpl.hbpl.co.uk/news/OPW/1A824597-92AD-D6E4-D2F0152B6E7D20E2.jpg&w=423&h=283&ei=-_4eT4m8DYTh0QHC3e0H&zoom=1&biw=1024&bih=607&iact=rc&dur=187&sig=109978341219387738593&page=2&tbnh=123&tbnw=165&start=16&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:16&tx=71&ty=44 • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_turbine • http://www.windturbine.ca/ • http://www.energyandcapital.com/aqx_p/32256/wind_energy?gclid=CK3RsMas6a0CFeQEQAodo2vk5g • http://www.bullfrogpower.com/residential/index.cfm?gclid=COCUhdes6a0CFYTrKgod40TC6g • http://generate-power.maxupdates.tv/facts-about-windmill-systems/ • http://splashpage.mtv.com/2009/05/14/spider-man-4-headed-to-ireland/ • http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/wind-power-profile/# • http://www.alternate-energy-sources.com/wind-energy-facts.html

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