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FAMILY. Zhannat Kosmukhamedova 17 May 2014, Vienna. UNODC approach Family now. Role of the FATHERS. This year is marked by the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family (IYF), which offers an opportunity to refocus on the role of families in development;

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  1. FAMILY Zhannat Kosmukhamedova 17 May 2014, Vienna

  2. UNODC approach Family now. Role of the FATHERS

  3. This year is marked by the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family (IYF), which offers an opportunity to refocus on the role of families in development; take stock of recent trends in family policy development; share good practices in family policy making; review challenges faced by families worldwide and recommend solutions.

  4. Why is a family so important for UN? UNODC approach

  5. Drug use is a developmental problemshowing up during adolescence

  6. Etiology of drug use and the development of the brain and of brain functions

  7. What happens in adolescence is basedon what has happened before!

  8. ...and vulnerability Exploring resilience...

  9. Adverse childhood experiences Household dysfunction Emotional neglect Abuse

  10. What UN does to promote family? UNODC approach Prevention of drug use, HIV/AIDS and crime among young people through family skills training programmes • Strengthen family protective factors • Train parents on parenting skills • Train children on personal and social skills • Family practice sessions

  11. What UN does to promote family? UNODC approach Effectiveness beyond drug prevention • Violence prevention • Maltreatment and aggressive behaviour in children • Improve problem-solving and other cognitive abilities and social development in kids • Increase retention in school, improved scholastic achievement

  12. Our website: www.unodc.org/youthnet http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/prevention/index.html

  13. Who is the head in a family now? Ways to socialize How parents contribute to the development of the child's personality: FATHER • strategic planning; • expert (analytic) function; • partner to play games • (further socialization) MOTHER • care; • emotional support, contact • (primary socialization)

  14. Who is the head in a family now? Ways to socialize Building a society begins with the father: he is the one who permits and prohibits, the one who breaks the primary bond between mother and child. When such functions are discouraged, society is running wild, justice is not respected, the teachers are not listened to, the police are under attack, etc.

  15. Who is the head in a family now? Ways to socialize Father’s impact on the process of socialization of a child is described as follows: THREE POSITIONS ► Father is a punishing and disciplining authority, the “fear” of which cultivates in a child all moral and social norms that make him "human among human beings". Fear of his father makes the child imitate his father to convince himself that he himself is just as strong. Such imitation transmits social values from generation to generation. Z. Freud

  16. Who is the head in a family now? Ways to socialize ► On the other side, child’s imitation takes place just because it's more convenient to study male behavior this way. As well, father embodies for the daughter a set of male qualities by which she will be guided in her future.

  17. Who is the head in a family now? Ways to socialize ► Father represents the society in the family and the family in society, his duty is to bring the child into the big world of society from the little world of family. Father is an intermediary between the family and the world.

  18. Who is the head in a family now? Ways to socialize • Father's influence on children in the family: • the share of his participation in education, and the degree of his authoritarian, • "leading and guiding control".

  19. The role of MOTHERS

  20. Dreaming with children about future… Rewarding their achievements Teaching to accept limits and rules Experiencing community cohesion and participation Making them aware of progressive autonomy Looking at life perspectives with hope Proposing values and believes Transmitting cultural identity

  21. Thank you!

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