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Demystifying Carbon Footprinting & Climate Change

Demystifying Carbon Footprinting & Climate Change. Shell August 05 2011, Cape Town. Agenda. About Carbon Calculated Greenhouse Gases and the importance of Carbon What is a Carbon Footprint? How to analyse an individual ’ s Carbon Footprint How to reduce your Carbon Footprint.

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Demystifying Carbon Footprinting & Climate Change

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Demystifying Carbon Footprinting & Climate Change Shell August 05 2011, Cape Town

  2. Agenda About Carbon Calculated Greenhouse Gases and the importance of Carbon What is a Carbon Footprint? How to analyse an individual’s Carbon Footprint How to reduce your Carbon Footprint

  3. Carbon Calculated Founded 2008 Need for cost-effective solution Trained in GHG Protocol - organisational - project - verification CarbonKnown CDP

  4. Greenhouse Effect

  5. Greenhouse Gases Fact: Without GHGs, ave. surface temp of the earth would be 33°C colder. Fact: GHGs at levels unprecedented in last 650 000 years. Fact: CO2 @ 280 ppm in pre-industrial times, now 383 ppm, and rising. Fact: Methane (CH4) levels increased 150% since pre-industrial times. N2O increased 18%. (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)

  6. Why is carbon important?

  7. High-rising carbon

  8. What is a carbon footprint? Myriad concepts Uplift factors CO2e Operational boundary Global warming potentials Scope 1, 2 &3 Organisational boundary Direct emissions Emissions factors Indirect emissions

  9. What is a Greenhouse Gas? Not just Carbon dioxide - 6 main GHGs, incl: CO2, SF6, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs Purpose of a carbon footprint To capture as many DIRECT GHG emissions and INDIRECT GHG emissions as possible from an organisation/product/individual.

  10. Direct emissions Emissions from equipment that an organisation owns or has control of. Indirect emissions Emissions that an organisation’s activities are responsible for, but for which they do not own the equipment. Direct & indirect emissions Organisational level • Vehicle fleet • Air conditioning & refrigeration • Generators • Electricity • Air travel • Office paper • Commuting • Logisitics

  11. Emission scopes Purposefully confusing, but does prevent double-counting! Compulsory vs. voluntary

  12. Emission factors & Global Warming Potentials Turns activity into actual GHG emissions. So how do you do it? Multiply the volume of activity by an emission factor E.g. South African electricity = 1.03kgCO2e/kWh Petrol = 2.322kgCO2e/litre Diesel = 2.672kgCO2e/litre LNG = 1.4920kgCO2e/litre Methane (CH4) = 21 Freon (HCFC22) = 1 500 SF6 - 22 800

  13. The World’s Top Ten Scope 1&2 Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) 2010 - publicly listed companies

  14. South Africa’s Top Ten Scope 1&2 Total 2010 Emissions = 500mtCO2e

  15. CO2 per capita

  16. Your personal footprint Key elements 1. Main source of household energy - electricity, wood, gas, renewable? 2. Main heating source - electricity, coal, wood, natural gas? 3. Vehicles usage - litres of fuel OR Kms, fuel type and size of engine? 4. Waste - type and weight? 5. Air travel - journey and class? 6. Car rental - litres of fuel OR Kms, fuel type and size of engine? 7. Hotel accommodation - bednights?

  17. Electricity: Medium South African houshold = 1 000kWh/month = 1 030kg CO2e/month Typical SA carbon footprints Commuting: 60km/day in a 1.6 litre petrol car = 12.96kg/day = 259.2kg/month Commuting: 60km/day in a bus = 8.11kg/day = 162.2kg/month Return flight Cnt/Jnb/Cnt Economy = 236kgCO2 Return flight Cnt/Jnb/Cnt Business = 354kgCO2e

  18. Comparative activities

  19. Non-typical carbon footprint Non-typical footballer! • World’s largest individual carbon footprint in 2007 • 163t. (UK ave. 9.4t) • Numerous houses • 15 gas guzzlers • 250 000 miles air travel

  20. Hot tips to reduce a footprint In the household 1. Efficient/renewable energy • Solar geysers • Geysers on timers & set at 55°C • Insulate geysers • Solar cooker/hot box (50% saving on electricity) • Heat pump (67% saving on electricity for A/C) • Kettle usage • Turn-off standby modes (electricity to 2 million homes pa in SA) • CFL bulbs instead of incandescent (5 x longer & 20% less electricity)

  21. Hot tips to reduce a footprint In the household 2. Meat-less • Animal protein is 11 times more fossil fuel intensive than plant protein • Livestock contribute 5.1% of total GHGs 3. Water • Shower instead of bath • Install water-saving shower head (reduce hot water consumption by 80%) 4. Laundry • Sun dry: not tumble dry (save 1.3kg CO2 per tumble dry).

  22. Hot tips to reduce a footprint In the office 1. Paper • Default to double-sided printing • Use recycled paper & purchase local (especially for marketing material) • Extend use of emails 2. Meetings • Meet remotely 3. Products & clients • Sell online • Incentivise a carbon-friendly supply chain

  23. Hot tips to reduce a footprint On the road 1. Getting to work • Fuel efficient or hybrid car • Car pooling (taxi) • Motor cycle • Bus • Train • Bicycle

  24. Hot tips to reduce a footprint On the road 2. Your vehicle • Diesel v petrol • Maintenance (check tyre pressure, air filter)

  25. Thank you Alex Hetherington Tel: 021-685-7155 alex@carboncalculated.co.za www.carboncalculated.co.za

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