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Russia. The First Communist Revolution. Czars of Russia- 19th Century. Alexander I. Autocratic leaders- some such as Alexander II were more enlightened than others. Nicholas I. Alexander III. Alexander II. Nicholas II and family. Czar’s Palace- Hermitage.

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  1. Russia The First Communist Revolution

  2. Czars of Russia- 19th Century Alexander I Autocratic leaders- some such as Alexander II were more enlightened than others Nicholas I Alexander III Alexander II Nicholas II and family

  3. Czar’s Palace- Hermitage

  4. Early Attempts at Enlightenment 1825 • Russian Officers influenced by French Revolution secretly plot to overthrow the Government (coup d’etat) • Coup fails and Nicholas I begins a 30 year reign of Harsh Rule- Secret Police was established- 100 years the Communist Government did the same thing (KGB)

  5. Emancipation of Serfs-Free at Last • 1864 Alexander II Ends Serfdom-nonetheless most serfs remain poor peasants and indebted • Zemstvos created as local councils • Mir created • Eventually wealthier peasants would become known as Kulaks • Vestiges of Serfdom were still powerful in the mid-19th Century in Russia- Alexander II also gave more rights to those accused of crimes.

  6. Site of the Assassination of Alexander II (1881) • Anarchists kill the Czar • Alexander’s son- (yes Alexander III) responded by ruling with an Iron Fist Church of the Blood of the Savior was erected on this site to commemorate Alexander II’s assassination

  7. AUTOCRACY, ORTHODOXY AND NATIONALITY Alexander (3rd) Demands • Powerful Autocratic Rule – Power of the Czar is absolute • Compliance with the Russian Orthodox Church • Oppressing ethnic groups that act “non-Russian”

  8. A powerful Russian Orthodox Church supported the Czar and the Czar supported the Church

  9. Nicholas II- “The Last Czar”- Moving into the 20th Century • End of the 19th Century • Cultural Revolution in Russia • Novelists- Tolstoy War and Peace • Doysteyevsky Crime and Punishment • Composers- Tchaikovsky • Urbanization and Growth • Towns and Cities grow- factory production increases • Government policy to lend money to invest in new businesses • Foreign investment increased- Trans Siberian Railroad Built

  10. Russo-Japanese War and 1905-1907 Difficulties • While still not on par w/the major powers, Russia witnessed explosive industrial growth from 1887 to 1913

  11. Econ Growth • Sergei Witte- Architect- Finance Minister 1892-1905 • Insulate Domestic Industry from Competition-High Tariffs • Monetary Control- Gold Standard • From 1893 to 1900, Industrial production increased up to three fold (especially heavy industry). That increasing was due to the construction of railway lines, • with state help doubled in length. Trans-Siberia link also created-> helps lead to War w/Japan • Production of iron and steel increased in some years by up to 44% • New Oligarchies and Monopolies formed through large scale foreign investment (ESPECIALLY FRANCE- WHICH HELPED RUSSIA DEVELOP DIPLOMATIC TIES), state subsidies and large govt. orders. Substantial links were created among companies companies which led to “pseudo” consortiums (the union of fabricants, the railways union etc.) • Agriculture was still 1/2 of the national incomes and almost 78% employment .

  12. Radicals and Revolutionaries • Peasant Economic Growth minimal- Redemption payments still required. Mir system- led to little agricultural investment • Working Standards for Industry-virtually non-existent and no mechanism for improvement. • Population Explosion • During this time, New Urban Radicals formed into two competing groups • Social Revolutionaries • The Revolution will start from the Peasant Class- idealization of the Peasant class • Social Democrats • The Urban Poor would start the new Revolution • Less Radical • Cadets (Const. Dem. Party)->liberal in orientation

  13. Vladimir Lenin • Marxist- • early Social Democrat (poor urban class would initiate the Revolution • Brother (radical) was killed by Alexander III • In Exile 1900-1917 • Condemned Accommodation • Criticized Labor Unions • “Elite” would start the Revolution • Secrecy • Largely Funded through illegal activities- bank robbery et. Al. • Despite weak support, Lenin and his followers manage to take control of Russia in October 1917 • 1921 suffers stroke, 1924 Dies

  14. Bolsheviks and Menshiviks • Social Democrats split into 2 Groups • London Congress 1903- Lenin leads the Bolsheviks (majority) • Bolsheviks believe the time has come for the Revolution and a small group would overthrow the Czar and create a • DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETERIAT • Sought an alliance of farm and factory workers

  15. Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 • Trans-Siberia Railroad Built • w/prodding of cousin Wilhelm II, Nicholas focused eastward • Russian encroachments in Korea • Nicholas II wanted Manchuria, Mongolia and Tibet

  16. 1905 Revolution- Sunday Bloody Sunday • Demanding more rights 200,000 workers march on the Czar’s Palace- Ironically they were PRO-CZAR!!!! • Led by Father Gapon • Generals fire on the crowd, 500-1000 killed • Afterward strikes spread through the country and a demand for representation- by late 1905, 2 MILLION on Strike • Army and Navy (Kronstadt) begin Rebellions • Czar makes reforms and begins to crack down

  17. Leads to several years- of Chaos- Some call it the 1st revolution…secret police (Okhrana expanded) Bloody Sunday

  18. A Parliament is created- “Duma” Czar Nicholas II new changes October Manifesto of 1905. - A Parliament was created- called the Duma - First and Second Duma’s dissolved each after just a year-little accomplished - Electoral changes made to establish a 3rd Duma,

  19. Stolypin 1905-1911 • Firm control of Radicals-Repression • 'First the peace, and then reforms' • Over 8,000 executed in 5 years- 40,000 died in Prison • Advised Nicholas to dissolve Dumas’->sought Conservative government • Sought Land Reform, including releasing ex-serf’s of their monetary obligations->believed they were conservative by nature • Also sought to end collectivization- communal lands (Mirs) • Constitutional Dems (Cadets) supported liberal reforms

  20. Romanov family 1914 Sophie (renamed Alexandra), was of German descent, which alienated some Russians during WWI Alexei (would have been #4) stricken w/Hemophilia His illnesses lead to Sophie’s faith in Rasputin

  21. “Any bump or bruise rupturing a tiny blood vessel beneath the skin could begin the slow seepage of blood in surrounding muscle and tissue. Instead of clotting…the blood continued to flow unchecked for hours…Eventually , when the skin was hard and tight, filled with blood like a balloon, pressure slowed the hemorrhage. Once although no pain..The Tsaravich almost died from a nosebleed.”

  22. A strange advisor • Rasputin, a mystic monk began to advise Nicholas wife (Alexandria)- • Told the Czarina to not allow reforms • Rasputin famous in part for the various ways he was ultimately killed- poisoned (survived), shot (survived), thrown into icy waters (died)

  23. I write and leave behind me this letter at St. Petersburg. I feel that I shall leave life before January 1st. I wish to make known to the Russian people, to Papa, to the Russian Mother and to the children, to the land of Russia, what they must understand. If I am killed by common assassins, and especially by my brothers the Russian peasants, you, Tsar of Russia, have nothing to fear, remain on your throne and govern, and you, Russian Tsar, will have nothing to fear for your children, they will reign for hundreds of years in Russia. But if I am murdered by boyars, nobles, and if they shed my blood, their hands will remain soiled with my blood, for twenty-five years they will not wash their hands from my blood. They will leave Russia.Brothers will kill brothers, and they will kill each other and hate each other, and for twenty-five years there will be no nobles in the country. Tsar of the land of Russia, if you hear the sound of the bell which will tell you that Grigory has been killed, you must know this: if it was your relations who have wrought my death then no one of your family, that is to say, none of your children or relations will remain alive for more than two years. They will be killed by the Russian people...I shall be killed. I am no longer among the living. Pray, pray, be strong, think of your blessed family. Words written by Gregory Rasputin in a letter to the Tsarina Alexandra, 7 Dec 1916

  24. World War I • Allied with Great Britain, Serbia and France- Russia entered WWI- Allied Powers • Battle of Tanneburg and Masurian Lakes crippled the Army (Sept 1914) • Offensive in 1916 ->550,000 Russian deaths • ill prepared and lacking in industrialization Russia saw much death and destruction on the battlefield • More Russians were killed in WWI than any other country • Sieges on major cities led to famine and cold- Petrograd (name changed during the War) siege • Russian troops mutinies 1916 • Riots- Shortages of food and fuel • Union Strikes->Soviets

  25. All in the Space of One Week!!! February 1917 (March under Gregorian Calendar) Riots over the price of bread, anti-war rallies, together with demands for new leadership because of the lack of food and coal cause Czar to leave the throne -Petrograd Garrison 160,000 Troops w/Cossacks behind them to suppress -Radicals coordinate- strike -Duma defies Czar->create an Emergency Commission -Rival authorities set up Radicals-> Central Executive Committee of Soviets (Ex-Com) backed by insurgent workers and ex-soldiers Kerensky member of both!!! -240,000 Demonstrate- Police Open Fire- Crowd fires-> Cossacks take no action (Did “Le Bon’s” mob theory win the day? ) -Garrison Soldiers rebel recent military inductees join the rioters/revolutionaries. One day later Sack Peter and Paul Fortress (sounds like the Bastille) -The next day, Ex-Com and Duma Emergency Commission quiet things down. Imperial Guard desert the Romanovs

  26. New Govt. • 3/15 • PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT ESTABLISHED ->Duma Emergency Committee • Duma led by moderates and conservatives • Alexander Kerensky Minister of Justice • Attempt at overthrow by Conservative • Ex-Com proclaims all political matters were under the control of the Petrograd Soviets • Both Agreed Nicholas must abdicate • Nicholas supports the Provisional Govt. • 3/20 they’re arrested- sort of • Provisional Govt. Largely “Cadets”, supports War • No “Great Fear”! • Free Speech prevailed • Separatist movements thrive- Finnish Regiment threatens mutiny, • Kerensky made War Minister • July Russian Offensive fails, Front Collapses

  27. Alexander Kerensky From Minister of Justice to War Minister to Prime Minister in 4 months • Social Revolutionary- Socialist • Continued the War against Germany • Peasants began to desert the army • Initially w/a center right govt after Kornilov moves leftward- Goes from suppressing Lenin to accomodating

  28. Lenin Returns and then leaves PEACE, LAND AND BREADA Short Revolution • To 1917 in Exile, through the help of Germany (at war with Russia) secretly returns to Russia • Initially little popular support amongst Russians • June 1917 – proclaims ready to take power • July 1917- Kronstadt Naval Base Revolts->support Bolsheviks, Fails->Attempted coup fails->off to Finland, Trotsky arrested but subsequently released when Bolsheviks support the Govt. against Kornilov

  29. Leon Trotsky • Fellow leader of the Bolsheviks- Active since before the 1905 Revolution • Lenin’s right hand man, great orator • Battled with Stalin for power after Lenin’s death- many feared he would become a dictator • Stalin won- Trotsky escaped to Mexico City, later killed their by agents of Stalin’s Government

  30. Aug/Sept 1917 • Kornilov (Army General) attempts coup • Kerensky calls on Petrograd Soviets for help- Trotsky supports Kerensky and released. They now-> weapons • Kerensky moves leftward • Lenin and Bolsheviks gain popular support for defending Petrograd Victory fuels popular support of Bolsheviks

  31. Lenin Returns October 1917, Lenin returns Bolsheviks threaten to fire shells at the Provisional Government- the mere threat leads to the takeover by the Communists New Govt. formed. Mensheviks protest- puts Bolsheviks in charge October 27- Lenin chairman of Provisional Govt.

  32. ELECTION RESULTS – BOLSHEVIKS LOSE??? Before the Elections • Bolsheviks take government offices • Truce signed with Germany • Land Reform begins- Redistribution of Land • November 1917- FIRST ELECTION- Constituent Assembly • BOLSHEVIKS LOSE, win 175 seats of 705- Socialists win! • January 1918- Assembly reject Bolshevik Resolution-> Lenin orders guard to occupy, delegates locked out

  33. White Army • White Army fights Lenin • Mixed motives— • Lenin moves Capital to Moscow • Germans support Lenin! (Cable 5/18- from Kaisers Ambassador –”Bolsheviks should Survive”)

  34. WWI ends for Russia • Military in chaos • March 1918 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (1917) takes Russia out of the War->but at a cost. • Unintended Consequence • Central Force POWs were often radicalized and returned to Germany/Austria/Hungary and began strong Communist movements • Alienated Generals form White Army

  35. Romanov’s Gone- did they have to kill the children? • July 1918 • Nicholas w/his son in his arms, Alexandra and their 4 daughters , doctor and 3 servants, one dog- a Death sentence read. All shot, some bayoneted as well, later burned w/gasoline • Next night 5 grand dukes, 2 grand duchesses also executed.

  36. Communist “theology”

  37. Josef Stalin- Mad, Bad and Sad • Involved w/Lenin and Trotsky from early in the Century. • Ruled Soviet Union 1924-1953 • Totalitarian and ruthless leader- • Killed between 10 and 20 million people • Famous for his “purges” • Collectivized the “Kulaks” • Most Ukraine • Millions starved

  38. Kronstadt uprising A lesson learned! • Bolshevik Sailors Revolt against the new communist Government (March 1921) • Demand Free Elections, Speech and Abolition of the Secret Police • Government Brutally crushes the Rebellion Communist Government is beginning to look as bad or worse than the Czars

  39. New Economic Policy • Lenin changes course- Mixture of Capitalism and Socialism • Profit is allowed • Individuals can buy and sell goods • Some private business allowed • Lenin becomes disabled with several strokes and later dies w/his death also goes the NEP

  40. Lenin’s Death leads to a power struggle • Stalin will be Victorious, takes Absolute Rule • Totalitarian Government becomes Permanent

  41. Totalitarian Government • Use of all tools available to the Government • Censorship • Ownership of Industry • Secret Police (CHEKA) • Unfair legal system • Propaganda: Posters Radio, Movies, Speeches • Control Education

  42. Command Economy • Government dictates • What should be made • What the price will be • How much will be made • Shortages and Oversupplies become common • Workers have little to no rights • Consumers are given little consideration

  43. REBUILD THE ECONOMY • The 5 Year Plan! • Stalin devises several 5 year plans to make the Soviet Union an Industrial Powerhouse • INDUSTRIALIZE • Focus on Infrastructure, Railroads, Mines, Oil and Electrical Production • AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION • Collectivization • Europe and America undergo a Horrible Economic Depression as the Soviet Union moves forward at a rapid pace!!!

  44. Collectivization • Stalin forced Millions of people off their family farms and made enormous farms which the Government Owned • Millions were forced to move away, especially in the western Soviet area called the Ukraine • Estimated deaths due to starvation are in the Millions

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