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Area of triangle

Area of triangle. Area is base times height or multiplying on all of the sides. Area of a square. Circumference of a circle. Area of a circle . Finding the area you need to use the radius. The circumference. The circumference of an object is the size of it. Decagon.

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Area of triangle

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Area of triangle Area is base times height or multiplying on all of the sides

  2. Area of a square

  3. Circumference of a circle

  4. Area of a circle Finding the area you need to use the radius

  5. The circumference The circumference of an object is the size of it

  6. Decagon A decagon has ten sides

  7. A point is one of the basic terms in geometry A line is one of the basic terms in geometry Geometry The term intersect is used when lines, rays, line segments or figures meet, that is, they share a common point A line segment is one of the basic terms in geometry . A ray is one of the basic terms in geometry. Which cross each other

  8. Geometry Alphabet Example of the alphabets • ik

  9. Geometry Definitions

  10. Geo geometry Different base

  11. Area of a hexagon

  12. Geometry

  13. parrells Which are side by side in the same directions

  14. Perrimeter

  15. Ray’s of geometry

  16. Perimeter To find the perimeter of an object is you have to add all of the sides.

  17. Shapes of geometry

  18. Spherical geometry An area showing the degrees of a state

  19. Area of a trapezoid

  20. radius The radius of this sphere

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