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What are the Natural Ways to Increase Hemoglobin in Blood

If you are also looking for the best and effective natural ways to increase hemoglobin in the blood, Shuddhi Ayurveda presents the Shudhhi Divya FE.

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What are the Natural Ways to Increase Hemoglobin in Blood

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  1. What are the Natural Ways to Increase Hemoglobin in Blood Hemoglobin is an essential protein found in the red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen around the body. Besides carrying oxygen, it carried carbon dioxide out from the cells into the lungs. If the hemoglobin levels are low, it makes it difficult for the body to perform properly. So, how to increase in in blood blood? And which are the natural ways to do so? In this article, we will give the answers to these questions in detail. increase hemoglobin hemoglobin Types of Low Hemoglobin : 1. Vatika Pandu causes black discoloration, giddiness, tremors, burning sensation, and dryness in skin and eyes. 2. Kaphaja Pandu causes symptoms like drowsiness, heaviness in the body, edema, nausea, and laziness. 3. Paittika Pandu causes symptoms like the yellow color of eyes, urine, and skin. It also accompanies diarrhea, fever, dark yellow color of the body, and thirst. 4. Mrittika Bhaksgana Pandu causes swelling in body parts, indigestion, fatigue, loss of libido, and blood in the stool.

  2. Causes of Low Hemoglobin The normal hemoglobin levels in both men and women are different. For men, between 14-17.5 grams per deciliter is considered normal. While in women, between 12.3 and 15.3 gm/dL is normal. Low hemoglobin levels are also known as anemia, or low red blood count can happen for various reasons. ➢ Loss of blood due to bleeding, colon cancer, traumatic injury, or any other disease. ➢ Deficiency of iron, folate, and vitamin B12 ➢ Bone marrow issues ➢ Suppression by RBC synthesis by chemotherapy drugs ➢ Abnormal hemoglobin structure such as thalassemia or sickle cell anemia ➢ Kidney failure Symptoms of Low Hemoglobin in Blood So, how do you know if you have low hemoglobin levels in your blood? Well, there are many signs and symptoms you could have when your HB is low such as: ⌑ ⌑ ⌑ ⌑ ⌑ Irregular or fast heartbeat Pale gums and skin Weakness in muscles Fatigue or tiredness Unexplained or frequent bruising Recurring headaches ⌑

  3. Diagnosis Diagnosing anemia can be done in many ways. However, the most common way to diagnose low hemoglobin in the blood the most effective test is a Complete Blood Count (CBC). Other components include: 1. Hemoglobin levels 2. Hematocrit levels which involve RBCs comparing volume with the total blood volume 3. An RBC count A complete blood count test gives all indications of your overall health. Moreover, it also helps doctors to decide if the issue is due to kidney disease or leukemia. If red blood cells, hematocrit, and hemoglobin levels get low below the normal range, chances are, you have a form of anemia. How to Increase Hemoglobin in Blood? Usually, most anemic cases can be treated with a simple lifestyle such as eating a balanced and healthy diet along with regular exercise. In a few cases, iron medications and supplements may be required. Below are some tips and home remedies that can help increase increase hemoglobin hemoglobin in in the the blood blood. Intake Iron-rich foods The most common rich sources of iron are broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, tomatoes, green peas, fenugreek leaves, and beans. Also, some fruits that contain iron are oranges, beetroot, papaya, banana, lychees, guavas, watermelon, strawberries, and kiwi that provide natural iron. Besides these, one can consume legumes like chickpeas, lentils, dates, almonds, Indian gooseberry, brown rice,

  4. sesame seeds, and whole grains to normalize your hemoglobin levels. Include Vitamin C in your diet Along with iron-rich foods, it is essential to consume foods rich in Vitamin C. Only consuming iron-rich foods does not maintain your hemoglobin count. The reason is that the body does not properly absorb iron in the food. Therefore, when you include Vitamin C, it helps absorb iron in the body. The foods rich in Vitamin C are citrus foods such as oranges, strawberries, gooseberries, and dark leafy green vegetables. Add Folic Acid to your Diet Folate plays a vital role in red blood cell production. It will not only lower your HB levels but also increase your anemia risk. Therefore, it is important to consume foods that are rich in folic acid. This B-complex class of vitamin is found naturally in wheat germ, fortified cereals, green leafy vegetables, bananas, broccoli, rice, and dried beans. Although you can easily find folic acid supplements, make sure to take them after consulting a physician. Apart from this, you should simply avoid food that blocks iron absorption in the body, like tea, wine, beer, aerated drinks, and coffee. Make sure to opt for a high-density workout that not only keeps you fit but also improves your blood circulation, resulting in hemoglobin production. Ayurvedic Perspective to Increase Hemoglobin in Blood In Ayurveda, anemia is called Pandurog, which means a whitish tint on nails, eyes, and skin due to blood loss. It is generally caused due to weak digestive fire, blood loss, as well as a non-nutritious diet.

  5. Ayurveda recommends lifestyle changes and a few herbal remedies that can help to increase hemoglobin in the blood. The most effective herbs that help Natural ways to increase hemoglobin are: a) Amalaki b) Punarnava c) Bring raja d) Draksha e) Pippali f) Kumari g) Shunting h) Musta i) Haritaki j) Shilajit k) Guduchi l) Shatavari m) Daruharidra n) Kumari o) Vidalia Shuddhi Ayurveda- Natural ways to increase hemoglobin Of course, today, natural treatment has become most in-demand due to zero side effects and 100% effectiveness. Being the ancient and holistic approach to treating various ailments, Ayurveda ensures to provide the best ways to increase hemoglobin in the blood. If you are also looking for the best and effective natural ways to increase hemoglobin, the Shudhhi Shudhhi Divya Divya FE FE. Made of 100% Ayurvedic herbs, it helps in increasing RBSs, improves hemoglobin levels, makes the body healthy, eliminates weakness, and increases blood circulation in the body and brain. Shuddhi Ayurveda presents

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