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Colorines in the sky

Colorines in the sky. Characters. Carolina the cloud. The little birds. Colorines. The winds. The Vegetarian dinosaurs. The Carnivorous dinosaurs. Colorines was a beautiful bird with multi-coloured feathers and an orange beak with black spots. .

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Colorines in the sky

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Colorines in thesky

  2. Characters Carolina thecloud Thelittlebirds Colorines Thewinds TheVegetariandinosaurs TheCarnivorousdinosaurs

  3. Colorines was a beautifulbirdwithmulti-colouredfeathers and anorangebeakwithblack spots. He wore a blue vest, grey trousers and a blackhatwith a red ribbon.

  4. He lived in Pajarolandia, in a grey softcloudcalledCarolina. HisfriendsweretheLittle Birds.Colorinesplayedwiththemhide and seekamongtheclouds and therainbow. Theyalsolikedflyingdowntotherivertohave a bathorflyingtothefieldstoeatpulses.

  5. Ifhe was in problems he had a magicpower: justclickinghisfingers and sayingthemagicwordsAir isthemostbeatiful place onplanetEarth, he was back home again. Air isthemostbeatiful place onplanetEarth!

  6. Butnoteverythingwasamazingbecausecarnivorousdinosaurslivedonland and theywere a dangerforourfriendColorines.

  7. OneAutumnmorningColorineswassayingbye-byetohisfriendtheLittle Birdsbecausetheywereemigatingtowarmcountries. ThenColorines sawthehungryfamily of dinosaurslookingforfood. Colorinestriedtosayhismagicwordsbut he was so scaredthat he didn’tremember a word. Thedinosaurswerecomingcloser and closer and Colorinesclickedhisfingers once and againbut he onlyrememberedthesongsCarolina thecloudtaughthim: Pa-pa-rá, pa-pa-rá, Abracadabra, pata de cabra Pa-pa-rá, pa-pa-rá, Tierra, aire, fuego y agua

  8. LuckilyCarolina thecloudsawColorines was in danger and shewentdownfromthesky and shehid in a tree and usedhermagicpowertohelpColorines.Shesaid a magicsentence and turnedherselfinto a blackcloud and threw a big flash of lightningcausing a greatthunder.

  9. Thedinosaursranaway and Colorines escapedinto a blackcloud. Sssh! Colorines is in thecloud! Carolina thecloudcalledherfriendsTheWindstopushthecloudwhereColorines hadescaped.

  10. TheWindsblew so hardthatthecloudtravelledthroughtheskyuntilitarrivedto Mallorca island. Sssh! Colorines isstill in thecloud!

  11. Thereweredinosaurs in Mallorca too, buttheywerekind and familiar. Theylikedswimming in thebeach, walking in thefields and climbingthemountains in theisland. They ate seaweeds, fruit, fish and leaves. ThedinosaurswelcomedColorines and hismulti-colouredfeathers. TheyinvitedColorines tostaywiththem and he accepted. He washappywiththosepeacefuldinosaurs and thebeautifulisland.

  12. Buthappinessisnotforever. OnedayColorinesstartedgettingbored. He didn’twanttoeat. He didn’twanttoplay. He didn’twanttowalkortoclimbthemountainswithhisfriendsthedinosaurs. He missedhislife in thecloudswithhisfriendstheLittle birds.Then he hadan idea: he calledhisfriendsThewindstobringhimnewsfromhisfriendstheLittle birds and Carolina thecloud. Butthewindsdidn’tknowanythingaboutColorines’ friends. Colorines wasveryworried.

  13. Colorinesaskedthewindstopushhiminto a blackcloudtoPajarolandiatoseehisfriends, so thewindsblew and blew. Colorines is in thecloud!

  14. WhenColorinesarrivedtoPajarolandiahe saw, hidden in theblackcloud, thatthecarnivorousdinosaurshadcapturedhisfriendsthelittlebirdsand Carolina thecloud. Colorines is in thecloud!

  15. Colorinesaskedthewindstomovehim back to Mallorca toaskhisfriendsthevegetariandinosaursforhelp. So thewindsblew and blewagain. Colorines is in thecloud!

  16. TheVegetariandinosaurswantedtohelpColorines buthowcouldtheymovetoPajarolandia? Theywereverybig! ThenColorineshadan idea: He askedalltheblackclouds in Mallorca forhelptomovethevegetariandinosaurs. Theblackcloudsaccepted.

  17. All the clouds joined each other and made a “very big stormy cloud”. The dinosaurs got on the cloud as a surfboard and they slid through the sky towards Pajarolandia. Sssh! Colorines and thevegetariandinosaurs are in thebigstormycloud! On the way Colorines showed his magic words to his friends and asked them to join him to say the magic words together when they arrived to Pajarolandia, because “the most we are, the stronger we are”.

  18. As soon as they landed to PajarolandiaColorinesand all the vegetarian dinosaurs clicked their fingers and said the magic words: “Air is the most beautiful place on planet Earth”. “Air isthemostbeautiful place onPlanetEarth” Hurray! When the carnivorous dinosaurs saw them, they ran away at once because they were very scared. Colorines was very happy because finally he used his magic words.

  19. Then Colorineswent towards the cave where his friends were prisoners and freed them. Then they escaped to another island called Gran Canaria.

  20. Since then they live in Gran Canaria, in a beautiful place called Palmitos Park, where we can visit them when we want to. Colorineshad two babies who are called Colorín and Colorado, and this story it’s finished. Colorín & Colorado

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