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OTHELLO. Othello Iago Desdemona Cassio. MAIN CHARACTERS. The martial and leader of Cyprus appointed by the Venetian govt. Referred to as “The Moor” meaning he is from North Africa Married to Desdemona His tragic flaw is jealousy which leads to his downfall. OTHELLO.

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  2. Othello • Iago • Desdemona • Cassio MAIN CHARACTERS

  3. The martial and leader of Cyprus appointed by the Venetian govt. • Referred to as “The Moor” meaning he is from North Africa • Married to Desdemona • His tragic flaw is jealousy which leads to his downfall OTHELLO

  4. The villain of the play • Othello’s trusted advisor who deceives him • Deceives Othello because he is angry that he was over-looked for lieutenant • Takes pleasure in manipulating others’ lives IAGO

  5. Othello’s wife • At the beginning of the play she is independent but throughout the play she becomes more submissive • She is murdered by her jealous husband DESDEMONA

  6. Othello’s good friend and lieutenant • He is framed and manipulated by Iago • Is caught up in a drunken brawl and loses trust of Othello • Thought by Othello to be having an affair with Desdemona CASSIO

  7. Jealousy is a reoccurring theme in Othello. It is what drives Iago to deceive Othello and it is what drives Othello to murder Desdemona. THEMES: Jealousy

  8. Deception is prominent throughout the play. It begins with Desdemona deceiving her father to marry Othello. • The rest of the deception is by Iago who deceives his wife, Othello, and Cassio in order to achieve lieutenant THEMES: Deception

  9. It has different meanings for different people • Desdemona views it as a symbol of Othello’s love for her • Othello views it as Desdemona’s marital fidelity and when it is lost Othello views that as a sign of infidelity. SYMBOLS: Handkerchief

  10. The lyrics of the song are about how men and women are unfaithful • Its not only a symbol of infidelity but also of death • Desdemona and her maid Barbary die right after singing the song. SYMBOLS: Willow Song

  11. Who Was Called “The Moor?” A)Iago B)Othello C)Cassio D)Desdemona A LITTLE TEST:

  12. That is Incorrect…go back and try again! SORRY…

  13. That is correct…move on to the next question GOOD JOB!

  14. A Symbol in Othello is: A)Jealousy B)Cassio C) Handkerchief D)Deception A LITTLE TEST:

  15. That is Incorrect…go back and try again! SORRY…

  16. That is correct…you have come to the end of the quiz! GOOD JOB!

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