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Part I: Petrine Era (2)

Part I: Petrine Era (2). L03 Petrine State-Building Reforms. Supreme Power Administration Finances Military Church. I. Main Themes. Systematization, rationalization Petrine, not Peter’s, reforms Multiple Western models, but adapted Shifting focus: mil/financial to new areas

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Part I: Petrine Era (2)

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  1. Part I: Petrine Era (2)

  2. L03 Petrine State-Building Reforms • Supreme Power • Administration • Finances • Military • Church

  3. I. Main Themes • Systematization, rationalization • Petrine, not Peter’s, reforms • Multiple Western models, but adapted • Shifting focus: mil/financial to new areas • Upgrading, not integrating, the Church • Uneven impact

  4. II. Supreme Power • Personal absolutism: a. Theorize: Truth of the Monarch’s Will b. Romanize c. Personalize d. Bureaucratize

  5. II. Supreme Power 2. The Missing Cabinet a. Demise of the Boyar Duma b. 1699: “Near Duma” (blizhniaia duma) c. 1708: “Consilium of Ministers”

  6. II. Supreme Power 3. Senate a. Why established? b. Subsequent elevation c. Supreme administrative organ d. Post-Petrine: Senate role, claims

  7. Senate (St. Petersburg)

  8. Petrine Senate (1912 painting)

  9. Senate Chamber1993

  10. Senate Interior (Archive)

  11. III. Administration • Early measures: • 1699: Urban and provincial reform • Creating, abolishing prikazy

  12. III. Administration 2. 1708-15: Decentralization • 17th Century: Prefects (voevoda) • Guberniia reform 1708 • Dolia (fractions), 1711-15

  13. III. Administration 3. Collegial reform, 1715-1718 a. Foreign models b. Initial system (1717) c. Modifications d. Durability Leibniz to Peter: “There cannot be good administration except with colleges; their mechanism is like that of watches, whose wheels mutually keep each other in movement.”

  14. Colleges

  15. Missing Units • Interior • Agriculture • Education • Court

  16. III. Administration • Provincial Reform (1718) a. Model and enactment b. Structure c. Shortcomings

  17. III. Administration 5. Judiciary a. Antecedents b. Law: proliferation, failure to codify c. Political police d. Judicial reform (1717-1719)

  18. III. Administration 6. Civil Service a. Key problems b. Building a bureaucratic class c. Table of Ranks (1722)

  19. Menshikov

  20. Boris I. Kurbatov

  21. Iaguzhinskii: Procurator-General

  22. IV. Finances • Emergency measures: debasement, special levies, trade monopolies, tariffs • Household tax: problem of “population decline” • Poll tax (1718) • Impact of poll tax system • Petrine state budget

  23. Population “Loss” 1678-1710 • 154,000 Households (19.5%) vanish. Reasons from reports on 19,000: 37% Landlord, state exactions 20% Conscription 1% Brigandage 42% Natural causes (death, pestilence)

  24. Impact of Poll Tax • Social: freezes social order (males) • Bifurcation • Amalgamation • Immiseration • Collective barrier to flight • Religious resistance: Old Believers

  25. State Budget

  26. V. Military • Problems: • Ineffective • Unreliable • Evasion • weak administration

  27. V. Military 2. Reforms a. Recruitment b. Structure (shtat of 1711) c. Logistics, provisioning d. Military Code (1716) e. Administration: Military Prikaz (1701) Military Chancellery (1706) Military College (1718)

  28. V. Military 3. Officer Corps a. Key problems b. Recruiting c. Training d. Russifying 1711: reduce by 1/3 1714: dismiss unfit 1720: Ban on new foreign hires 1722: Foreignersbeneath Russian in rank

  29. V. Military 4. Navy a. Costs b. Military role 1705 expenditures Fleet: 175,000 rubles Artillery: 263,000 rubles Administration: 12,166 rubles Education: 3,786 rubles

  30. V. Military 5. Impact of Petrine military reforms a. Regularization paradigm b. Military experience of elites c. Education d. Social and economic costs

  31. VI. Church Reform • Why reform? Politics, finances, culture, efficiency • Finances: De facto secularization (Monastery prikaz, 1701-24) • Church Role: auxiliary servitor • Synodal reform (1718-1721) • “Spiritual Command”

  32. Patriarch Adrian

  33. Stefan Iavorskii

  34. Feofan Prokopovich

  35. VII. Conclusions • Growing complexity, deliberation of reform • Shortcomings: lack of human, material resources • Indigenize, not westernize • Military paradigm • Political culture: identity of ruler, elites

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