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Hydrometeorological Prediction for Hydropower Production on the Rhone River

Hydrometeorological Prediction for Hydropower Production on the Rhone River. Daniel JOUVE, Eric DIVET, Muriel HAOND Compagnie Nationale du Rhône Lyon, France. Summary. Presentation of CNR and its experience. CNR’s tools for discharge forecasting. Feedback process. Rhône River Developments.

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Hydrometeorological Prediction for Hydropower Production on the Rhone River

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  1. Hydrometeorological Prediction for Hydropower Production on the Rhone River Daniel JOUVE, Eric DIVET, Muriel HAOND Compagnie Nationale du Rhône Lyon, France

  2. Summary Presentation of CNR and its experience CNR’s tools for discharge forecasting Feedback process

  3. Rhône River Developments • Multipurpose development : • Hydroelectricity: 19 HPP, 3.000 MW, 16 TWh/year • Navigation: 330 km large gauge waterway, 14 locks • Harbors and industrial areas: 28,120 million tons x km, multimodal platforms (inland and maritime, railway, roads, pipeline) • Irrigation: 120.000 ha • Flood control: 40.000 ha protected, 400 km of embankments, maintenance and control of flood runof capacities • Environment: restoration of river works RUN-OFF-THE RIVER DEVELOPMENT • Catchment area: 100 000 km2 • Length: 517 km in France • Average discharge : 400 m3/s to 1.700 m3/s • 1000-year Flood:2.500 m3/s to 14.000 m3/s • Largest flood recorded: 12.500 m3/s (2003)

  4. OSCAR : GAIPAR: Hydraulic prediction Production prediction models models Resulting files: Operator formulated predictions PHARE: Professional Tributaries Flow rate prediction expertise models Meteo+ tool (Radar) Export modules HYDROMET Hydrometeorological database Automatic import modules (Internet, modem, satellite, radio …) Files Files Measurements Météo France OPALE CNR hydrometric (GFS model) ARPEGE model) ( network

  5. An hydrometeorological tool : HYDROMET

  6. HYDROMET – data collection Level Hydrografic boat Gauging ADCP Gauging Ultrasonic station

  7. HYDROMET – data treatment Flow-Rainfall Curve Gauss Galton Gumbel Pearson

  8. HYDROMET – Dissemination of data Hydrological and navigation Information system : www.inforhone.fr hydrometeorological information system : intranet tool - http://sih

  9. Meteo France web site developed with CNR using meteorological ARPEGE model OPALE : analog method developed by CNR using meteorological GFS model Comparative screen of both methods Rainfall forecasting

  10. sofisticated ARMAX prevision observed discharge MUSKINGUM model PHARE : Hydrological forecasting

  11. Feedback process - ex. Eyrieux river Original model Modified model

  12. OSCAR : GAIPAR: Hydraulic prediction Production prediction models models Resulting files: Operator formulated predictions PHARE: Professional Tributaries Flow rate prediction expertise models Meteo+ tool (Radar) Export modules HYDROMET Hydrometeorological database Automatic import modules (Internet, modem, satellite, radio …) Files Files Measurements Météo France OPALE CNR hydrometric (GFS model) ARPEGE model) ( network

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