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  1. Tooth Structure With Gingival Attachment

  2. Stages of caries development

  3. Tooth-Fillings Materials Talking about tooth fillings, options available is 1. Amalgam 2. Glass Ionomer Cement 3. Tooth Colour Material (Composite) 1] Amalgam Filling - Conventional fillings like amalgam filling also done in some special cases. Amalgam Filling with metal fillings. Once this has occurred, the patient can return custom-crafted replacement .

  4. 2] GLASS INOMER FILLING - They bond with tooth structure and contain substances like fluoride which also prevent further decay of tooth. Another benefit of tooth-colored fillings, allowing us to procedures in a single sitting and thus preventing further decay. 3] COMPOSITE FILLING- Are similar in color to natural teeth. They are available in various shades so we it can perfectly match with your original tooth shade and they look more natural and are less noticeable compared to other types of fillings. There are other advantages to composite, tooth-colored fillings such as, most importantly, its ability to bond to tooth structures and these fillings can be repaired by the addition of more filling material.

  5. Root Canal Treatment When root canal treatment needed? 1] Severe pain upon chewing or application of pressure. 2] Prolonged sensitivity [pain] to hot or cold temperatures. 3] Discoloration [Darkening] of tooth. 4] Swelling and tenderness in nearby gums. 5] Deep Tooth Decay [Cavity]. 6] Crack or chip in the tooth. 7] Prosthetic reasons: Lower anteriors must always be root canal treated before a crown or bridge preparation. 8] Traumatic dental injury

  6. Root Canal Treatment By Hand Root canal treatment using rotary

  7. Re- root canal therapy Re-root canal retreatment may be needed if a previously treated root canal tooth fails to heal or if a newly developing infection is evident. Root canal treatment has a very high rate of success, but as with other medical or dental procedures, infection or inflammation may persist or recur despite our best efforts. Is Retreatment The Best Choice For Me? Whenever possible, it is best to save your natural tooth. Retreated teeth can function well for years, even for a lifetime. Advances in technology are constantly changing the way root canal treatment is performed, so your endodontist may use new techniques that were not available when you had your first procedure. Your endodontist may be able to resolve your problem with retreatment. As with any dental or medical procedure, there are no guarantees. Your endodontist will discuss your options and the chances of success before beginning retreatment. What are the alternatives to endodontic retreatment and/or endodontic surgery? The only other alternative is the extraction of the tooth. The extracted tooth must then be replaced with an implant, bridge or removable partial denture to restore chewing function and to prevent adjacent teeth from shifting. Because these options require extensive surgery or dental procedures on adjacent healthy teeth, they can be far more costly and time-consuming than retreatment and restoration of the natural tooth.

  8. No matter how effective tooth replacements are—nothing is as good as your own natural tooth. You’ve already made an investment in saving your tooth. The payoff for choosing retreatment could be a healthy, functioning natural tooth for many years to come.

  9. Apexification Apexification is a procedure a dentist or endodontist performs to close the end of an open tooth root. It's often required for treating permanent teeth with incompletely formed roots that require root canal therapy. This straightforward procedure can usually be completed in a few hours by a dentist or by a root canal specialist called an endodontist. The Apex of a Tooth Apexification is named after the part of the tooth it treats the apex. The apex as the base of the tooth root. Your teeth roots extend under the gum and into the jawbone and contain the blood vessels and nerve fibers that keep the tooth alive. In developing teeth, the apex is open and remains open while the tooth grows. It usually takes three years for the apex to fully close once the tooth erupts into the mouth. While this open apex is normal in a child's growing tooth, it provides access for bacteria to enter the nerve and other structures contained within the tooth's inner pulp. The open apex also presents a challenge when filling a tooth with root canal material since there is no natural stop to contain the filling.

  10. Apicoectomy (Root End Surgery) It is a surgical procedure involving the section and removal of the tip of a tooth root along with the surrounding infected tissue. Conditions that require an apicoectomy include: • Infection persists even after completion of a root canal. • removed. An uncleaned root canal blocked by a fractured file that can not be • A fracture or crack on the tooth roots. • root tip. A badly curved root canal obstructing endodontic files from reaching the • cleaned and sealed. Several small branches at the sides of the root canal that can not be

  11. Diastema Closure A space or gap between two teeth is called a Diastema which is most commonly seen between Incisors and canines. Diastema is an adjustable or correctable dental condition. Diastemas are closed by orthodontics or restoration. Apart from traditional methods that are available for closure of the gaps like Orthodontic Clips and braces, modern methods are being adopted to close gaps in between the teeth with composite filling in a procedure called Composite Diastema closure. Specialists have been successful in handling all types of fillings both Posterior and Anterior with different types of filling material available including tooth colored fillings which lend an unmistakable appeal to the individual undergoing the procedure. A lot of importance is attached to keeping up the self esteem of an individual, particularly in the case of a diastema which can be embarrassing and a social stigma. The comforts and facilities that a Clinic /Hospital can offer a patient go a long way in reducing anxiety. This gap between two teeth occurs when there is a mismatch between the size of the jaw bones and the size of the teeth. One example of this is when the teeth are too small for the jaw bone.

  12. Diastema Closure is a part of Aesthetic and Prosthodontics procedures. As its aim to improve one teeth’s appearance resonates with the dental aesthetic, Front Teeth Closure delivers a life-changing smile makeover.

  13. Composite Veneer/Cosmetic Bonding /Direct Veneer They are quick fix of modern dentistry. They are also known as cosmetic bonding and direct veneer. It usually requires a single visit for complete treatment .Dental veneer are like contact lenses for the teeth .They hide away blemish underneath by covering them. Direct veneer are quickest method to camouflage mild discrepancies like- 1. Closes Spaces or Gaps between teeth. 2. Restore fracture or chipped tooth. 3. Correct tooth size proportion according to esthetics. 4. Correct your smile curve. 5. Mask discoloured tooth etc.

  14. Tooth Whitening/ Bleaching Tooth whitening /bleaching restores lost shine to your teeth and thus helps to excel your confidence. Professional tooth whitening or bleaching can get your smile looking its best. It is one of the most common procedures of dental cosmetics. It brightens teeth that are discolored, stained or have been darkened because of lifestyle and the aging process. Many things we do on a regular basis can contribute to stained teeth, such as drinking coffee, tea, soft drinks and red wine or smoking. This can be done by a dentist in the dental clinic or at home. So whether your teeth are naturally a little yellow, or it’s just a hectic lifestyle that has caused their luster to lessen, teeth whitening/bleaching restores your smile. There are two types of tooth stains: 1] Intrinsic stains: This means the stain occurs from within the tooth. This type of stain can not be removed by brushing and flossing and sometimes bleaching may not be effective. Some causes of intrinsic staining are injury to the tooth, certain medications [such as tetracycline] taken during tooth formation stage or an excess fluoride ingested during the formation of teeth. 2] Extrinsic stains: This is staining of the tooth surface. Some source of extrinsic stains are cigarettes, cigars, pan masala, coffee, tea or foods that contain a lot of spices. This type of staining can sometimes be removed by good tooth brushing habits or by professional oral prophylaxis [Scaling].

  15. Tooth Jewellery Tooth Jewellery is a much sought after procedure especially in the younger population who look for that additional 'sparkle' to their already sparkling and beautiful set of teeth. Tooth jewellery is painless and has no risk of infection and adds to the dazzling smile. Tooth jewellery can be crystals in many colors, precious stones cut to size, and glass crystals in various shapes and sizes. The Tooth Jewellery are removable and do not involve any kind of invasive procedures like drilling or chipping. The safety of this procedure is well documented.

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