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The Brazilian National School Feeding Program - NSFP

The Brazilian National School Feeding Program - NSFP. Mrs. Cássia Augusta Amaral buani NSFP. Contextualization of the NSFP. NSFP is the oldest social Federal Government program on feeding and nutrition area and the largest program worldwide with universal attendance.

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The Brazilian National School Feeding Program - NSFP

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  1. The Brazilian National School Feeding Program - NSFP Mrs. Cássia Augusta Amaral buani NSFP

  2. Contextualization of the NSFP NSFP is the oldest social Federal Government program on feeding and nutrition area and the largest program worldwide with universal attendance.

  3. Contextualization of the NSFP • 1950-80`s: agreements with USAID, UNICEF, WFP = food donation; Federal Government centralized management of the NSFP. • 1988: democratic Brazil’s Federal Constitution = school feeding as a State’s duty: Art. 208: The duty of the State towards education shall be fulfilled by ensuring the following: vii – assistance to students in all grades of basic education, by means of supplementary programmes providing school materials, transportation, food, and health care. • 1993/94: States and Municipalities as part on the management of the NSFP; End of international food donation.

  4. Brazil Political and Administrative Organization • Population: 190 millions of inhabitants; • Territorial Extension: 8.5 millions of square km; • Federative Republic of Brazil: 26 states + Federal District + 5564 municipalities = all of them are federated entities; • Public policies: responsibility of execution shared by Federal, state and municipal governments; • All the entities collect its own taxes, but there are transfer of financial resources from each state to its municipalities and from Federal government to states and municipalities.

  5. Brazilian Public Educational System University Higher Education Basic Education Federal Municipal State • The Federal Government sets thenationalpolicyofeducation; • Eachfederatedentitymanagestheschoolsunder its responsibility, includingprofessionalshiring (principals, academicadvisors, teachers, cooks, cleaning staff, etc.). They are obliged, byTheConstitution, to invest, atleast, 25% of taxes in Education; • The Federal Governmentalsoestablishestheminimunamountofmoney per studentwhichmustbeinvestedby municipal andstategovernments. There is theFund for theBasicEducationDevelopment in order to complementthisamount for thosegovernmentswhichcouldnotreachtheminimunwith its ownmoney.

  6. Legal Framework • 2009: Federal Law n.º 11.947. Achievements in NSFP: • School Feeding as a State Policy; • The increase in the attendance covering High School and Education for Young and Adults; • Strengthening community participation in the social control of the Federative agents developed actions; • The assurance of acquisition of at least 30% of products coming from household agriculture.

  7. NSFP Axels NSFP Food Supply NutritionalandFoodEducation • acquisition • preparation • distribution • training • projects • research ... focusing on... Law n.º 11.947/09: NSFP two main axels

  8. NSFP OBJECTIVES Contribute to learning, improving school performance and quality of basic education Guaranteeing the Right to Adequate Food during the school year


  10. Intersectorial Cooperation HEALTH EDUCATION NSFP AGRICULTURE ENVIRONMENT Food and Nutritional Security

  11. Governmental Intersectoriality MinistryofEducation MinistryofForeignAffairs MinistryofHealth MinistryofAgriculture Ministry of Planning and Finance Food and Nutritional Security - NSFP MinistryofFishery Ministry of Agrarian Development Ministry of Social Development

  12. NSFP Execution Federal Government Federal Schools Rendering account Rendering account Mayors State Government Executory Entities or Municipal Schools State Schools


  14. NSFP Execution States and municipalities must hire nutritionists according to the number of students. FoodandNutritionEducation Menu Elaboration StudentsNutritionalEvaluation Projects and Research Human Resources Formation Purchasing Public Call Hygiene and Sanitary Control NSFP Technical Responsible: Nutritionist

  15. School Feeding Menu Differentiation of per capita food by modality NSFP Principles and Guidelines Culture and eating habits Quantity: Nutrition References: Annex III Qualitative 70% Full Time Dietary restrictions Variety, balance Food groups 20% 1 meal 30% 2 or more meals, part time 30% 1 meal Maroon & Indigenous Food groups sanitary Control

  16. SOME FACTS...

  17. SOME ACTS... • Restrict the purchase of foods with high amounts of saturated fats, sodium and sugar; • Prohibition on acquisition of soft drinks, artificial (high amount of sugars and dyes), the constraint embedded foods, canned, ready to eat foods; • - Prohibition on acquisition of soft drinks, artificial (high amount of sugars and dyes), the constraint embedded foods, canned, ready to eat foods; • Mandatory offer of 3 servings of fruits and vegetables (200g/student/week); • Implementation of educational gardens in schools.

  18. www.educandocomahorta.org.br

  19. Guidance Manuals Household Agriculture and the NSFP in partnership with the MDA

  20. Collaborating Center of School Food and Nutrition CECANE • CECANES will give training to approximately 5800 NSFP actors, among them, the school feeding counselors, nutritionists, farmers, cooks and education workers • In 2012 instructional materials shown below were developed by the FNDE, in partnership with Cecanes,, which will be distributed to public and private schools.

  21. Guiding Manuals in partnership with Cecanes MANUAL Test Acceptability Guidance on methodologies Res. CD/FNDE 38/2009 Cookbook: Healthy Eating on Regional Cuisine. GUIDELINES MANUAL:- Role of the nutritionist- Students with diabetes, hypertension, celiac disease, phenylketonuria, lactose intolerance.School feeding in the different stages of education

  22. NSFP Execution NSFP Social Control: School Feeding Council – SFC • SFC: responsible to accompany and supervise the financial resources apllication for school feeding; • SFC: emit a conclusive opinion document approving or not the program execution. • FNDE, The Federal Tribunal Accounts and The Federal Secretariant of Internal Control are responsible to supervise the execution of NSFP by Executory Entities. • SFC Composition – 7 members • 2: education – teachers, students, other school workers; • 2: students parents; • 2: civil society – church, rural union, neighborhood association, others; • 1: local government representative • EACH STATE AND MUNICIPALITY MUST CONSTITUTE THE SFC, AS A CONDITION TO RECEIVE THE FEDERAL RESOURCES TO NSFP!

  23. NSFP Execution NSFP and the Household Agriculture: • NSFP andHouseholdAgriculture • Guarantee by law a minimum 30% purchase of products from family agriculture products; • Work together with government and civil society to train farmers to comply with the new legislation; • Increase communication between nutritionists and local family farmers; • Develop the local production. • About 60% of all food consumed in Brazil come from Household Agriculture; • About 84% of rural properties are from Household Agriculture, but it represents only 24% of the agriculture area; • Public Policies to strength Household Agriculture and improve life conditions of family farmers: PRONAF, PAA and NSFP.

  24. ARTICLE 18 OF RESOLUTION Nº 38 Representatives of Federal Government: FNDE, MDA, MDS, CONAB & MPA Managing Committee of Law 11.947/2009 – Adm. Rule 450/2010 Consulting group ; 14 institutions of the organized civil society

  25. ESTRATEGIC ACTIONS § 1º – Exempt of the public bidding FAMILY FARMING At least 30% of all financial resources transferred from the FNDE to the school feeding program, shall be used for direct purchase of the products from family farmers and rural family entrepreneurs;

  26. Art. 19 – The acquisition of food shall: II - be diversified and produced in local, regional, territorial, estate and national ambit, in the following order; III – prioritize products from the year´s crop of the year of delivery to the school; IV – to be subdivided in as many parcels as necessary considering seasonality and the family farming peculiarities ;

  27. Public Call • Public Call is an administrative process, focused specifically on selecting proposals of Family Farmers, dispensing the need of the formal bidding process, as long as the prices are compatible with the ones currently on the market. • ... Definition

  28. Purchase and Sale Process Who Buys Who Sells Formal Group Executing Entity Family Farmers Cooperative or association with Business DAP State Education Secretariat, City Adm. Schools. Articulating Entity SIBRATER or STR or SINTRAF or entities credited by the MDA to issue the DAP Informal Group Group of family farmers with Personal DAP

  29. Basics How to do the public call? Define the object to be purchased (food products); Estimate total value of the products to be selected, thru market surveys; Verify if the budget resources prediction (PNAE + own resources) used to pay the expenses and if it complies with the Law LRF; Refer to Law 8.666/93, Art. 15, § 7º, Item III and Resolution 38/2009, Art. 14 § 1, Art. 25, §1º e § 2º.

  30. 2.Articulation of role players 3.Elaboration of the menu 1. Budget 4. Definition of reference prices Step by Step of the purchase of Family farming products for the School feeding Program 10. Receiving Term 5. Elaboration of the Public Call 9. Acquisition Contract 6. Sales Project 8. Selection of the Sales Project 7. Sample for Quality Control

  31. Family Farming and the NSFP • In 2010, 52% of states and municipalities are making the purchase of family farming. • Without Purchase: 22.74% • Greater than 30%: 32.10% • Greater than or equal to 30%: 15.97% • NI: 29,79% Fonte: Cecane Uns – Análise PC/DAS (2010)

  32. Computerized tool that assists in monitoring the food offered in state and municipal schools located in various regions of the country. SIM-PNAE Monitoring System NSFP

  33. FAO . Signed in 2008 between the FNDE and FAO, the Memorandum of Understanding that initiated the project actions GCP/RLA/180/BRA - "Strengthening of School Feeding Programs in the framework Latin America Initiative without Hunger 2025".Its execution reaches 8 countries: Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Peru. WFP Consolidate strategies to build capacity for sustainable implementation of School Feeding Programs through training of professionals from various countries, international cooperation and the development of social technologies to support program implementation. Timor leste, Haiti, Mali, Guine Bissau, Malawi, Rwanda, Níger, Guinea Conakry, México, Gana, Haiti, Senegal, Congo, Bangladesh INTERNACIONAL COOPERATION

  34. NSFP – General Coordination Contact Cássia A. a. Buani Coordination of Monitoring and NSFP Control Support cassia.amaral@fnde.gov.br General Coordinator: Albaneide Peixinho Phones: + 55 61 2022-5666/5667 Fax: + 55 61 2022-4405 E-mail: gepae@fnde.gov.br Internet: www.fnde.gov.br

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