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Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Office of Institutional Effectiveness. Bob Boehmer, Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness Sue Achtemeier, Assistant Director for Institutional Effectiveness Ann Saye, Administrative Assistant. as-sess’ment

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Office of Institutional Effectiveness

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Office of Institutional Effectiveness

  2. Bob Boehmer, Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness • Sue Achtemeier, Assistant Director for Institutional Effectiveness • Ann Saye, Administrative Assistant

  3. as-sess’ment gathering (measurement), analyzing and interpreting information – usually with respect to stated outcomes e-val’u-a’tion the process of fixing judgment, value or worth to assessment

  4. SACS Accreditation • New “Principles of Accreditation” • Core Requirements and Comprehensive Standards, including institutional effectiveness, verified online off-site • Quality Enhancement Plan of institution’s choosing • Outcomes oriented • UGA in 2009-2011

  5. State Desired Outcomes The Assessment Cycle Plan Assessment “Close the Loop” Measure & Evaluate

  6. . . . Of students General Education Outcomes C-BASE Majors PRAC Graduate Outcomes . . . Of the environment CIRP NSSE FSSE Student Life/Affairs Assessment at UGA

  7. Institutional Level Evaluation • Program Review PRAC • Review of Academic and Administrative Support Units (New) IE • Annual Report of Institutional Progress

  8. Review of Academic and Administrative Support Units • The goal of the Review is to assure that each unit regularly evaluates its effectiveness, • and that it uses the findings of this review for improvement.

  9. The primary questions should be: • Does the strategic plan of the unit further the institutional strategic plan? • Is the unit making regular and measurable progress towards achieving its strategic goals? • Based on this review, what specific steps will be taken to improve?

  10. Schedule of Review of Units • Every seven years • University Libraries to be reviewed in 2006-2007

  11. Process of Review • Unit conducts self-study • Three-member review team submits report • Office of Institutional Effectiveness(IE) communicates report to Unit • Follow-up meeting #1 • IE reports to Provost • One-year follow-up report and meeting

  12. Office of Institutional Effectiveness http://www.uga.edu/provost/ Sue D. Achtemeier 3-24-2003

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