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The Health Benefits of Braces - Solas Orthodontics

Solas Orthodontics presents a slideshow exploring the reasons that braces are beneficial to your overall health, not just for keeping your teeth straight.

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The Health Benefits of Braces - Solas Orthodontics

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  1. The Health Benefits of Braces

  2. When people think about getting braces, they often don’t think past getting straighter teeth. While it’s certainly true that a primary function of braces is to straighten your teeth and give you a beautiful smile, there are many other benefits that improve not only how your teeth look, but their health, too.

  3. How you speak is down to a lot more than just your vocal chords - in fact, your jaw alignment and teeth can have a great effect on your speech. Whether it’s your tongue hitting the roof of your mouth to form an ‘L’ or your teeth coming together to make a ‘T’, your mouth plays a large role in your speech patterns. As a result of this, teeth that lie either too far back or are pushed too far forward can be the source of a lisp, and children who have lost their front teeth can find it difficult to make an ‘S’ sound. With proper orthodontic care, these issues can be resolved, allowing you to speak with confidence. Improve Speech

  4. How you chew your food can impact how well it is digested, and oral issues such as misalignment and crowded teeth can make properly chewing food difficult. When you chew properly, the food gets broken down and it becomes easy to digest. When your teeth don’t fit together properly, it is more difficult to break down the food, which can lead to large chunks that are hard to digest. This can lead to stomach aches and other issues. Encourage Better Nutrition and Digestion

  5. A misaligned jaw can cause serious pain and disorders in the future - and not just in your jaw. Your jaw may try to resolve the problem itself, but this can result in chronic headache, jaw popping, and serious pain. If you do not get professional orthodontic help, you jaw will continue trying to resolve the misalignment itself, while can lead to long-term problems. With proper help, your jaw and teeth can be adjusted to relieve the symptoms of jaw disorders. Correct Jaw Pain and Disorders

  6. Misaligned, crowded, or crooked teeth pose risks that go far beyond being unhappy with one’s appearance. Due to the placement of the teeth, small, tight spaces can be created and, over time, food debris can become trapped. Even if you brush, floss, and use mouthwash daily, it can still be difficult to reach these ‘food traps’, and you can be at risk of developing cavities. Flossing is notoriously difficult for people with crowded teeth, as it can be tricky to navigate around the tight spaces and even harder to reach the gum line, which puts you at risk of gum disease. With braces, these issues can be resolved, and you will be able to brush and floss secure in the knowledge that you are reaching all areas of your mouth, reducing the risk of illness. Reduce the Incidence of Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

  7. People with dental issues such as protruding front teeth or misaligned bites are at a higher risk of dental injury. Protruding teeth are more vulnerable to damage, especially during sports, and misaligned bites can lead to a constant biting or chafing against the cheeks during talking or eating. While mouth guards can be a temporary resolution to these issues, the use of braces to permanently correct the problem is highly recommended. Having braces fitted can help to bring your teeth into proper alignment, resulting in a mouth that is healthy and happy. Prevent Dental Injuries

  8. To find out more about teeth straightening in Perth, contact Solas Orthodontics today and chat to one of our professionals.

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