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游客管理 Visitor Management

游客管理 Visitor Management. 朱璇. Content : National Park’s. I. Concept 一、概念、界定与类别 II. History and Management System 二、各国发展历程回顾及其管理体制 III. Resource management 三、资源管理 IV. Visitor management 四、游客管理 V. Interpretation management 五、解说管理. Visitor Management. The question of access

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游客管理 Visitor Management

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  1. 游客管理Visitor Management 朱璇

  2. Content:National Park’s • I. Concept • 一、概念、界定与类别 • II. History and Management System 二、各国发展历程回顾及其管理体制 • III. Resource management 三、资源管理 • IV. Visitor management 四、游客管理 • V. Interpretation management 五、解说管理

  3. Visitor Management • The question of access ( Part of “Park relations” on the textbook) • Tourism and NPs (p292-p304)

  4. Main issues in visitor management 1. The benefit of tourism promotion in national parks 2. Negative environmental impacts from overuse of protected areas by visitors 3. Strategies and tactics in the management of recreational use of National Park 4. Key skills in managing visitors 5. Summary

  5. Main issues in visitor management 1. The benefit of tourism promotion in national parks 2. Negative impacts from overuse of protected areas by visitors 3. Strategies and tactics in the management of recreational use of National Park 4. Key skills in managing visitors 5. Summary

  6. Main issues in visitor management 1. The benefit of tourism promotion in national parks 2. Negative impacts from overuse of protected areas by visitors (Table 10.2; Examples from Australia, table 10.3) • Resource management implies close monitoring of features of the environment to detect the rate, direction and character of change. (para.1, p296)→ Remedial action can be taken before unacceptable degradation. • Management implies the maintenance or even enhancement of the park’s resource base to provide satisfying recreation opportunity settings for visitors. (para.1, p296) →Visitor management complements (Table 10.4) ► A good balance needs to be struck between regulation and modification of visitor behaviour without too much regimentation (para.2, p296) (Figure 10.5).

  7. Main issues in visitor management 1. The benefit of tourism promotion in national parks 2. Negative impacts from overuse of protected areas by visitors 3. Strategies and tactics in the management of recreational use of National Park 4. Key skills in managing visitors 5. Summary

  8. Main issues in visitor management 3. Strategies and tactics in the management of recreational use of National Park * Difference between strategies (conceptual approaches, “limit recreational use”) and tactics (tools to carry out various management strategies, “the imposition of fees”, “erection of physical barriers”). • Classification of visitor management strategies: table 10.4 • Strategies for national park management : figure10.4 • Strategies and actions for reducing impact (on campsite for example): table 10.5

  9. 游客管理战略类型 (Table 10.4 on the textbook)

  10. 降低野营地影响的战略和行动方案(Table 10.5)

  11. Main issues in visitor management 1. The benefit of tourism promotion in national parks 2. Negative impacts from overuse of protected areas by visitors 3. Strategies and tactics in the management of recreational use of National Park 4. Key skills in managing visitors 5. Summary

  12. Main issues in visitor management 4. Key skills in managing visitors (1) Concentration of use (2) Regulation of use/ restrictions - enforcement of rules backed up by strenuous efforts at detection and punishment of offenders (3) Interpretation (4) On-site control (Table 10.5, such as site-hardening) (5) Zoning (reasons for zoning) (6) Scheduling/ zoning by time limitation/ time zoning (7) Rationing (three approaches) - Example: Milford track in New Zealand (8) De-marketing (under three circumstances; strategies) (9) Fees (the categories of fees/charges employed by NPs) 5. Summary: All rationing systems have shortcomings, thus monitoring visitor behaviour and user preferences plays an important part in visitor management.(para.4, p303) →Knowing what visitors do and want to do→ modifying recreation behaviour by persuasion and the provision of information (para.2, p304) → interpretation

  13. Orangutan Protected Area Borneo, Indonesia What kind of management is ecological?

  14. Lonely Monkey King, 落寞金丝,Shennongjia,May 2004

  15. Near To Buffalo, Yellowstone National Park

  16. 补充: Resource + Visitor Management = 游憩资源管理(recreational resource management) * Related theories of recreational resource management: • 游憩承载力(Recreation Carrying Capacity , RCC) • 游憩机会序列(Recreation Opportunity Spectrum , ROS) • 可接受的改变极限(Limits of Acceptable Change ,LAC) • 游客体验与资源保护(Visitor Experience& Resource Protection , VERP) • 游客风险管理(Visitor Risk Management , VRM) • 游客影响管理(Visitor Impact Management ,VIM) 体系/模型 • 游客活动管理程序(Visitor Activity Management Process , VAMP) • 最优化旅游管理模型( Tourism Optimization Management Model ,TOMM)

  17. Recreational Resource Management (I) General management idea:Preserving> Using 1、Objective:由视觉景观保护走向生物多样性保护 2、Method:由消极保护走向积极保护 3、Participation:由一方参与走向多方参与 4、Spatial structure:由散点状走向网络化 (II)管理的技术手段 Management techniques 1、LAC理论(Limits of Acceptable Change) -用以解决游憩环境容量问题的理论,旨在绝对保护和无限制利用之间,寻找一种妥协和平衡。 -不同的游客行为、游客素质、资源状况、时间和空间(小组规模)分布、管理水平等因素,对资源的影响区别很大。

  18. Process of LAC theory 1、确定规划地区的问题和关注点 2、界定并描述游憩机会种类或地区 3、选择有关资源状况和社会状况的监测指标 (1)指标应该反映某一区域的总体“健康”状况(长、短期重要性和前瞻性); (2)指标应该是容易测量的(可操作性、可行性和经济性)。 4、调查资源现状和社会现状 5、确定每种游憩机会类别的资源和社会状况标准 6、据1和4制定游憩机会类别/地区的替选方案(机会分配) 7、为每个替选方案制定管理行动计划 8、评价替选方案并选出最佳方案 9、实施行动计划并监测资源和社会状况

  19. 表1 资源条件指标和标准范例 Tab.1 Examples of Indications and Standards for Resource Conditions

  20. 表2 社会条件指标和标准范例 Tab.2 Examples of Indications and Standards for Social Conditions

  21. References *资源管理+服务管理的核心:游客管理 *资源管理+服务管理+游客管理=游憩资源管理 1.刘杨,高峻.国外旅游容量研究进展. 地理与地理信息科学. 2006, (6):103-107,112. 2.袁南果,杨锐.国家公园现行游客管理模式的比较研究.中国园林. 2005,(7): 27-30. 3.杨锐.美国国家公园规划体系评述.中国园林.2003,(1):44-47. 4.杨锐.试论世界国家公园运动的发展趋势.中国园林. 2003,(7):10-15. 5.杨锐. LAC理论:解决风景区资源保护与旅游利用矛盾的新思路.中国园林.2003, (3):19-21. 6.林明水,谢红彬. VERP对我国风景名胜区旅游环境容量研究的启示.人文地理.2007, (4):64-67. 7.蔡君.略论游憩机会谱框架体系.中国园林.2006, (7):73-77. 8.申世广,姚亦锋.探析加拿大国家公园确认与管理政策.中国园林,2001, (4):91-93. 9.唐纳德. 墨菲.美国国家公园资源保护和管理.风景园林, 2006, (3):28-33. 10. 蔡君.美国荒野的保护管理及使用限制.北京林业大学学报(社会科学版), 2005, (1): 34-39.

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