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The First Americans

The First Americans. * Between 100,000 and 8,000 B.C. hunters and food gathers from Asia crossed a land bridge into the Americas. * This land bridge was called Berengia (today, it is the Bering Straits). * Geographic features of their new home was extremely diverse.

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The First Americans

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  1. The First Americans • * Between 100,000 and 8,000 B.C. hunters and food gathers from Asia crossed a land bridge into the Americas. • * This land bridge was called Berengia (today, it is the Bering Straits). • * Geographic features of their new home was extremely diverse. • * From the Arctic in the North to Cape Horn in S.A: • 1. Rockies, Appalachians, Sierra Nevada, Andes Mts. • 2. Brazilian Highlands & valleys • 3. Amazon, Mississippi rivers • 4. Deserts, plains & plateaus

  2. PRE-COLUMBIA CIVILIZATIONS AND CULTURAL GROUPS • * Several civilizations existed in the Americas when the first Europeans arrived (Olmec**,Aztec, Inca, Mayan, Toltec) * They had built cities, developed a written language, organized governments, etc. • * Teotihuacan first city. • * Cultural groups existed across the face of North America, and they had not achieved the features of civilzed people. • * These included thousands of tribes grouped according to locations, way of life,a common dialect, etc.

  3. Hernan Cortes 1519 • * Landed @ Veracruz, on the Gulf of Mexico. • * Welcomed by Aztec emperor Montezuma, who believed he was their God returning. • * After tensions arose, Aztec’s pyramids, palaces, and temples destroyed. • * Spanish built Mexico City, new capital.

  4. Location of the Incas, Aztecs and Mayan Cultural Civilizations

  5. Francisco Pizarro 1513-… • * Incan was still a strong empire when Spanish landed on the Pacific coast of South America. • * Smallpox swept thru entire villages…. • * Spanish horses, guns, brought defeat for Incans. • * New capital city, Lima established by Spanish.

  6. Incan Wardrobe


  8. Discovery of MaccuPichu • * Ruins of an ancient Inca city built Pre-Columbia high in the Andes Mountains. • * Discovered by Hiram Bingham, a Harvard • Archaeologist, in 1911. He named it the Great Peak”. • * The terraced cliffs indicates large amounts of food were grown here. The location also was used for religious ceremonies, it appears.

  9. Hiram Bingham

  10. Machu Picchu

  11. CULTURAL GROUPS • * Southeast * Eastern Woodlands • * Great Plains *Southwest • * Great Basin * Great Plateau • * California * Pacific Northwest • *Caribbean * Sub-artic • *Artic

  12. ACHIEVEMENTS OF FIRST AMERICANS • * Influenced adobe building & handcrafted pottery. • * Iroquois League was model for British colonies (5 groups who promoted common welfare). • * Compulsory military service became model. • * Mesa Verde cliff dwellings still exist. • * Developed agricultural practices still used.

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