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OPEN HOUSE 2007-2008

OPEN HOUSE 2007-2008. PRINCIPAL DR. CENTAMORE. ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS MR. TAPLER & MR. MOELLER. NEW YORK STATE TESTING: How parents can help prepare students. Assessments ELA: Grades 6-8 Mathematics: Grades 6-8 Science: Grade 8 Social Studies: Grade 8 Language Proficiencies

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OPEN HOUSE 2007-2008

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  2. NEW YORK STATE TESTING:How parents can help prepare students Assessments ELA: Grades 6-8 Mathematics: Grades 6-8 Science: Grade 8 Social Studies: Grade 8 Language Proficiencies Spanish/Italian/French: Grade 8 Regents Algebra (Accelerated Mathematics): Grade 8 Living Environment (Accelerated Science): Grade 8

  3. ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS • The English and Special Education teachers participate in ongoing professional development related to ELA test preparation including working with ELA consultants, and attending conferences and workshops where the teachers work together to analyze data, create test-taking strategies, and develop parallel tasks, or tasks that parallel and look like the state assessment. These strategies and tasks are then incorporated into the current curriculum. • Using the previous year’s exam, the English teachers in grades 6-8 conduct benchmark exams for all parts of the ELA assessment. This practice run allows our students to become familiar with the test formats, directions and content of the exams. The benchmark tests help the students to learn how to budget their time with specific tasks on the test. Additionally, teachers use the results of the exams to identify students for intervention (AIS) and to differentiate classroom planning and instruction. • Each year, teachers participate in staff development related to the preparation, administration and scoring of the ELA assessments. All English teachers attend scoring training for the tests. The teachers then have the opportunity to turnkey their training to the rest of the English and Special Education teachers.

  4. How parents can help in ELA • Encourage children to read and to analyze various texts such as books, poems, magazines, newspapers, and other nonfiction works. • Help your children plan out their assignments in steps: to read and follow directions and essay topics carefully, to brainstorm and then organize ideas, to create drafts, and to edit and revise papers carefully. • Stress the importance of being a literate young adult, as well as the importance of test-taking skills such as staying motivated and focused, budgeting time, and asking for help or clarification when necessary. • Partner with their child’s teacher who can provide progress reports, make suggestions for remediation, as well as enrichment, and who can provide extra help on a weekly basis. • Visit the New York State website at www.nysed.gov to review exam content and to locate lessons related to the specific tasks of the ELA assessments.

  5. SOCIAL STUDIES 6th Grade: Early World History – Civilizations and Cultures 7th & 8th Grade: United States History – Pre-colonization to Present Day • Ask your child to “teach” you what she/he has learned today. • Discuss the events in the news at the dinner table or in informal settings. • When taking a trip, show your youngster the route on a map. • When watching TV shows, sports, etc., get into a conversation where your child explains what has been seen. • Discuss a variety of viewpoints about programs that you watch together (Example: What do you think the suspect is thinking as he goes through his trial on Law and Order? Why do you think the witnesses might be lying on the stand? etc.) Great TV for Social Studies: • Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood WCBS Channel 2 Sundays from 9 to 10:30 AM

  6. SCIENCE • All classroom assessments parallel the 8th grade New York State Science Assessment and the Living Environment Regents in the 8th Grade Accelerated Science program. • Laboratory activities start in 6th Grade to prepare students for the 8th Grade New York State Performance Assessment and for future Science Regents classes in the High School.

  7. MATHEMATICS • All classroom assessments parallel the New York State Math Assessment and the Integrated Algebra Regents in the 8th Grade Accelerated Math program. • Benchmark exams are administered. • Professional development with consultants. • Emphasis on classroom climate enhancement to heighten student motivation and engagement.

  8. How parents can help in Science and Mathematics: • Review homework with your children. • Visit: www.emsc.nysed.gov/osa/home.html • Visit: www.regentsprep.org

  9. ESL • English as a Second Language (ESL). • Read with your children at home in English and/or his/her native language. • Reading development in the native language helps with reading development in the English language. • Communicate with your child’s ESL teacher regarding school. English fluency is not necessary. We will help.

  10. FOREIGN LANGUAGE • 21st century global world has made bilingualism a necessity for our children. • Foreign language study begins in the 7th grade. • Successful completion of Checkpoint A, foreign language study is a requirement for high school graduation. • Language choices: French, Italian, Spanish. • One language is not easier/harder than the other - motivation is key to success. • 7th and 8th grade foreign language study includes introductory level curriculum that follows NYS Checkpoint A guidelines. Vocabulary is a key component. • End of 8th grade, students will sit for NYS Second Language Proficiency Exam. • Second Language Proficiency Exam tests four essential language skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing • Students are awarded one high school credit at the end of 8th grade with successful completion of course and state proficiency exam.

  11. FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY TIPS • Attend extra-help. • Vocabulary flash-cards. • Study aloud - increases not only visual memory but also auditory memory and practice of pronunciation. • Language learning is cumulative. • Explore having an exchange student in your home. • Provide video, music and books in other languages. • Encourage attendance at cultural events.

  12. SPECIAL EDUCATION • Students with disabilities will be provided with the most appropriate Least Restrictive Environment. • Instructional support will begin with pre-referral strategies in mainstream classes and continue with differentiated instructional practices to support special education students in the mainstream. • Students with disabilities will meet the challenges of state standards and assessments. • Students and parents will be provided with opportunities to explore transition beyond the K-12 environment.

  13. Tips and strategies for parents on how to make this a great year… • Create a routine, set a daily schedule for homework. • Provide a quiet study place. • Limit distractions. • Encourage intellectual curiosity. • Allow free time. • Organize with day planner, monthly calendar and reminder checklists. • Study buddy. • Give praise and focus on effort. • Look over completed assignments. • Build relationships with teachers and share concerns with teachers.

  14. EDUCATION IS A PARTNERSHIP… …between parents/guardians, students, staff and the community. Together, we learn, grow, achieve and succeed. Please encourage your student to attend extra help. Also, please check the Middle School website and my eBoard (www.rockypointschools.org/ms), as well as our Bi-Weekly flyer for up-to-date school information. Thank you for attending, enjoy the evening.

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