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Work and Career

Plan your job search. Look up for the companies you want to work in and learn more about them. For more information visit the following link: https://www.careerz360.pk

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Work and Career

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  1. WORK AND CAREER In this presentation, a few of the most common work and career related topics have been discussed. To know the best tips to excel in your career, view this presentation and become successful. • www.careerz360.pk

  2. Worst mistakes you might make during a career change Don’t just opt for a career change based on salary if it doesn’t match your interests. It’s okay if you’ve had a bad week, don’t be quick in making career change decisions. Plan it all out before switching to a new career. Do an extensive research of the next career you’re planning to move forward to. Don’t plan to quit on your current career by looking at the success of others. Lastly, don’t quit until you have signed the contract for your next job.

  3. How to stay motivated during your job search? • Plan your job search. Look up for the companies you want to work in and learn more about them. • Create professional networking profiles and connect with people in the same field as yours to gain exposure. • You just don’t have to adjust yourself in any career forcefully. Take time to explore your options. • Job hunt is a time taking process so relax and take a break during your job search. • Learn something new during this process for new experiences and acquiring a new set of skills. • Don’t forget to stay positive during your job search.

  4. How to survive in the corporate jungle? • Prepare for the hard schedule in advance. • Learn to face the challenges in a positive manner. • Avoid getting into office politics and play your part right. • Manage time skillfully. • Respect your colleagues regardless of their ages. • Be a “smart” hard worker.

  5. How to be in office on time? • Fixing your routine is the first step to get to your office on time. Schedule your activities according to the time you have in the morning. • Get proper sleep at night as it will make you feel more active and fresh in the morning. • Observe the things that cause a delay and take steps to make a change in your daily activities. • Get organized a night before. • Set your alarm and try waking up when it rings for the first time. • Start up a little earlier than usual especially when you’re using a public transport.

  6. How to avoid neck and back pain at work? • Maintain your posture while you’re working on your desktop. • Make sure to keep your desk and chair on a comfortable level where your neck doesn’t get too stressed. • Walk around to work your muscles as sitting for hours will relax them a little too much. • Change your chair if it is too uncomfortable or add a back cushion for some support. • If your pain problem persists, get help before it worsens.

  7. Ways to get rid of bad work habits • Initiate by identifying your bad work habits. • Spend time to observe your bad habits and note how much time you’ve wasted on them to utilize your time wisely in the future. • Replace your bad habits. For e.g. if you check your phone after every 5 minutes while working, fix a time an check your phone on that fixed time. • Take baby steps to eliminate your bad habits. It took you time to develop them thus, you will take time to get rid of them. • Set goals and reward yourself for changing every bad work habit you had. • Accept challenges and push yourself in every step towards the change.

  8. Why is it important to do an internship before a job? • You will have a good exposure of industries along with gaining knowledge related to the professional world. You’ll easily be able to know if a certain field of career is meant for you or not. • There will be a good chance for you to get hired in the same company easily if they like your work. • You will acquire a good set of skills related to your career. • If you’re working in a paid internship, you might be able to make money along with learning a lot about your field. • You will have more professional contacts making it easier for you to find more jobs later. • Internships make you gain confidence as you meet a lot of people with experience and you learn a lot.

  9. How to stand out in an interview? • Dress up really well, not too formal and not too casual. • Be very kind to everyone and treat them with respect. • Try to arrive a little earlier than your interview time, always leaves a good impression on the people. • Do your research related to the company. Be a know it all! • Ask your interviewer questions. This will show that you’re really serious about your job interview and you have done your research. • Send a “thank you” note to your interviewer later. This is a really kind gesture that we don’t get to see much nowadays.

  10. How to use social media in your job search? • Create accounts of professional networking websites for e.g. Careerz360. • Let people know that you’re looking for a job. • Create connections online for the job you want. • Keep your profile up to date with all your experience and skills to attract employers. • Promote your expertise to build a good profile. • Don’t post much about your personal life to give a wrong impression to the hiring managers.

  11. What questions should you ask your job interviewer? • What types of opportunities do you offer? • Is there a room for growth in this organization? • What is the work culture of this company like? • How is employee performance measured? • What other benefits do you offer? • Do you have any doubts about me not suiting this role?

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