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Feudalism. Lords. Offered protection in return for service. Vassal. Served a lord in a military capacity. Knights. Armored cavalry. Fief. A grant of land Land was given to Knights and Vassals in exchange for military service.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Feudalism

  2. Lords Offered protection in return for service

  3. Vassal Served a lord in a military capacity

  4. Knights Armored cavalry

  5. Fief A grant of land Land was given to Knights and Vassals in exchange for military service

  6. Peasants and Serfs Worked the land and provided fees and services to the lord

  7. Feudal Contract A set of unwritten rules that determined the relationship between a lord and his vassal

  8. Nobility Kings, dukes, counts, barons, bishops and archbishops. People with political, social and economic power.

  9. Tournaments Contests where Knights show their fighting skills

  10. Jousts Individual contest between two knights

  11. Chivalry Code of honor for knights

  12. The Manorial System Manor- an agricultural estate run by a lord and worked by peasants and serfs

  13. Feudalism • Lords- offered protection in return for service • Vassal- served a lord in military capacity • Knights- armored cavalry. • Land was given to Knights and Vassals in exchange for military service • Fief- a grant of land • Peasants and Serfs- worked the land and provided fees and services to the lord • Feudal contract- a set of unwritten rules that determined the relationship between a lord and his vassal. • Nobility- Kings, dukes, counts, barons, bishops and archbishops • People with political, social and economic power • Tournaments- contests where Knights show their fighting skills • Jousts- individual contest between two knights • Chivalry- code of honor for knights • The Manorial System • Manor-An agricultural estate run by a lord and worked by peasants and serfs

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