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I can set a challenge or goal

Explore the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the impact of climate change, and ways to make a difference. Learn about poverty, education, healthcare, and more. Take action for a better future.

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I can set a challenge or goal

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  1. I can imagine how I would like our World to be I can set a challenge or goal I can think about the consequences of my actions, for myself, others & the environment Some of the ideas in this presentation are used with the permission of CAFOD

  2. I can explain what the SDGs are. I can explain the Greenhouse Effect & can tell you some ways that it is changing our Climate . I can tell you some things I can do to help prevent Climate Change.

  3. Dawnzy58 Flickr In the year 2015 world leaders agreed to 17 goals to help end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity by the year 2030

  4. These goals are called the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS

  5. In what year were the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)adopted by world leaders? 1975 2015 B A 1999 2006 D C

  6. www.UN.org Sorry, try again Show me the right answer

  7. www.UN.org Correct The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by world leaders in the year 2015.

  8. How many SDGs are there? 50 33 B A 17 9 C

  9. Sorry, try again Show me the right answer www.UN.org

  10. Correct There are 17 SustainableDevelopment Goals or MDGs. No poverty Zero hunger Decent work and economic growth Affordable and clean energy Quality education Gender equality Reduced inequalities Industry innovation and infrastructure Life on water Sustainable cities and communities Responsible consumption and production Clean water and sanitation Climate action Good health and well-being Life on land Partnerships for the goals Peace and justice, strong institutions

  11. Two American dollars ($2) are worth about 1.50GBP How many people in the world today liveon less than two dollars $2 a day? About two point seven billion 2,700,000,000 Over one million1,000,000 A B Over one billion1,000,000,000 About one hundred thousand100,000 D C

  12. Sorry, try again Show me the right answer

  13. Correct Around two point seven billion people live on about two US dollars, $2 (about 1.50GBP) a day.

  14. Sustainable Development Goal 1Nearly 1/2 of the world's population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day. 1 billion children worldwide are living in poverty. According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty.

  15. In our world today how many children do not have a chance to go to school? Over 100,000,000(one hundred million) About 10,000 (ten thousand) B A Less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) About 1000,000 (one million) D C

  16. Prolix6x Flickr Sorry, try again Show me the right answer

  17. Correct Over 100 million children in our world do not have access to education.

  18. Sustainable Development Goal 4 Make sure that by 2030 all children start and finish primary and secondary school.

  19. In our world today about 775 million (775,000,000) adults cannot read. What fraction of them are women? 1/4 1/2 B A 2/3 3/4 D C

  20. Lindsay Stark Flickr Sorry, try again Show me the right answer

  21. Correct2 of every 3 adults who cannot read or write are women. That’s over 573,000,000 women.

  22. Sustainable Development Goal 4 By 2030, make sure as many girls asboys go to school but that they both receive good quality education

  23. In the poorest countries of our world around one in every hundred babies will die before their first birthday. Which of these will not help to keep a baby healthy? medicine A football B A food clean water D C

  24. Crashmattb Flickr Sorry, try again Show me the right answer

  25. Correct A football will not help to keep a baby healthy. Babies and childrenneed food, clean water and medicine when they are sick.

  26. Sustainable Development Goal 3 By 2030, end preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age, with all countries aiming to reduce neonatal mortality to at least as low as 12 per 1,000 live births and under-5 mortality to at least as low as 25 per 1,000 live births.

  27. It is important for mums to stay healthy when theyare expecting a baby. Which of these do you thinkwill not help to keep a pregnant lady healthy? A health visitor A healthy diet B A The latest computer game Access to clean water D C

  28. Sorry, try again Show me the right answer Infidelic Flickr

  29. Correct. Mums don’t need the latest computer games to stay healthy. A balanced diet, clean water and regular check ups with the health visitor will help to keep mums healthy when they are expecting a new baby.

  30. Sustainable Development Goal 3 By 2030, reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100,000 live births

  31. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, the ocean has absorbed carbon dioxide released by human activities – how much? 1/3 1/2 B A 2/3 3/4 D C

  32. Jim Maragos/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Show me the right answer Sorry, try again

  33. Correct 1/3 – however this has a negative impact on the oceans as they become more acidic and this changes the natural balance

  34. Sustainable Development Goal 14 Minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification, including through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels

  35. Greenhouse gases are causing changes in weather patterns around the World. Which of these is NOT a big greenhouse gas polluter? Simon Forsyth Planes, cars… B D’Arcy Norman A Marcel Meier D C Chris Rustage

  36. Sorry, try again Show me the right answer

  37. Correctexhaust fumes, landfill sites & cows breaking wind all produce greenhouse gases which are damaging our Earth.

  38. Sustainable Development Goal 13By 2030 • Slow down climate change

  39. In 2005 lots of children and grown ups around the world worked together to tell politicians to MAKEPOVERTY what? MAKEPOVERTY GEOGRAPHY MAKEPOVERTYMATHS B A MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY MAKEPOVERTYART D C

  40. Sorry, try again Show me the right answer Elektra Noelani Fisher Flickr

  41. CorrectThe MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY campaign is an example of global partnership. Over 500 organisations, worked together to tell politicians to make the world a fairer place for everyone.

  42. Sustainable Development Goal 17 By 2030, all the nationsto work together to help all people live full lives; to be safe, secure and able to provide for themselves and their families.

  43. How many of the Suistainable Development Goals can you remember?

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