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Describe the overall scale and structure of the universe.

Describe the overall scale and structure of the universe. 8 th grade Science.

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Describe the overall scale and structure of the universe.

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  1. Describe the overall scale and structure of the universe. 8th grade Science

  2. Most of the Universe is made up of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. That is the all that black stuff out there in space. We are not sure what it is. It is not like matter on Earth. It is not a liquid, solid or gas. The only way we know it is there is because it seems to create gravitational pull on other structures out in space. It seems to be the “glue” that holds everything together in the universe.

  3. The planet Earth is one of the structure in our solar system. The diameter of planet Earth is 8,000 miles across. How much bigger across do you think the solar system is?

  4. A solar system is a collection of many structures located in one part of space. They contain planets, moons, asteroids and orbiting around a star. (our sun) The diameter of the solar system is much bigger than planet Earth. It is 7 billion miles across.

  5. Solar systems are big. Really big. But there are bigger structures in space. Galaxies are made of millions to billions of solar systems held together in one area of space by gravity. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way.

  6. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy. This means that the outside arms orbit around the center. The center of the galaxy is theorized to be a super massive black hole. Entire solar systems seem to be sucked into the black hole by a powerful gravitational pull. It takes 225 million years for our solar system to make one orbit around the Milky Way!

  7. On a clear night you can see one of the arms of the Milky Way from down here on Earth.

  8. Light can travel 186,000 miles a second! That is about 6 trillion miles in a year!Our galaxy measures approximately 100,000 light years in diameter. Galaxies are too big to measure in miles. Instead we use light years. A light year is the distance light can travel in 1 year.

  9. Galaxies also contain structures called Nebula clouds. They areas of small gas and dust particles left over from a super nova explosion of an old star.

  10. A super cluster is an area of space where many galaxies are located close together. The name of the super cluster that holds our galaxy is called the Virgo super cluster. The diameter of our super cluster is approximately 100 million light years across. That means it would take a beam of light 100 million years to get from one side to another.

  11. The Milky way galaxy is inside the Virgo Super Cluster.

  12. All the super clusters connected together make up the Filament structures of the universe. They are the largest structures in the universe. When you connect them together you get a map of space. More?

  13. The diameter of the universe is estimated to be 100 billion light years from one side to the other. Can you find where Earth is?

  14. Which structures in space match these diameters from smallest to largest? Scale Structure Light Year: the distance light can travel in one year.

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