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UNIT R001: Understanding Computer Systems

UNIT R001: Understanding Computer Systems. Electronic Data Capture. What type of person is this?. You are Learning. What the various methods of Automated Data Capture are How factors can affect the choice of data collection

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UNIT R001: Understanding Computer Systems

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Presentation Transcript

  1. UNIT R001: Understanding Computer Systems

  2. Electronic Data Capture

  3. What type of person is this?

  4. You are Learning What the various methods of Automated Data Capture are How factors can affect the choice of data collection Be able to compare these factors across online / paper and automated 12/03/2014

  5. Create a simple Form Create a simple form to collect data about: An event A favourite food or drink A person or band A product Create simple DCF

  6. Online and Paper based surveys

  7. Automated Data Capture

  8. Data capture forms - OMR LOTTRY

  9. http://padlet.com/wall/DataCapture

  10. Factors Affecting Choice Cost Availability Ease of Use Data security

  11. Add the Factors What are the factors Include reasons why BAD EXAMPLE : the cost is High Good Example: The cost of setting up RFID is high as the equipment is expensive Be able to compare these factors

  12. Bar Codes

  13. Near Field Communication

  14. NFC

  15. NFC

  16. Radio Frequency ID -RFID

  17. RFID

  18. Data capture forms - OCR

  19. Worksheet Wonder Think of an Animal • 4 LEGS = Wroksheet 1 • Flys = Work Sheet 2 • Furry = Work sheet 3 • Other = Free choice

  20. Plenary “Share with your table one new thing you have learnt today” Which picture best represents your learning and why? What have you learnt today?

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