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The Paradigm Shift in Physician Recruitment

The writers at The Ambulatory M&A Advisor tackle this question and explore the ins and outs of the physician recruitment process as well as how it has evolved in recent years.

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The Paradigm Shift in Physician Recruitment

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  1. TheParadigmShiftinPhysicianRecruitment Thewriters atTheAmbulatory M&AAdvisor tackle thisquestionandexplore theinsandouts of the physician recruitmentprocess aswellas howithas evolvedinrecentyears. Dallas,Texas,August14, 2014-Whenconsidering thefuturegrowthofASCs, whereistheconceptof physicianrecruitment going? The writersatThe AmbulatoryM&A Advisortacklethisquestionand exploretheinsand outsof thephysicianrecruitment processaswell ashowithas evolved inrecent years. “Physicianrecruitment istheprocess bywhichwerecruit physicianswho willdoprocedures inour surgerycenters,”explainsBlayneRush,President ofAmbulatoryAlliances,LLC.“Whenwerefertophysicianrecruitment,wearenot recruiting physicianstoinvest inthesurgerycenter —atleastnot until wehaveestablished asubstantial relationship withthem.Wewant them tousethe surgerycenterfortheircases.” Newstrategiesof physicianrecruitmentarediscussed inthearticle, whichcanbereadinfullhere.Sufficeit tosaythatwhenitcomes tophysicianrecruitmentchangeshaveoccurredandwillcontinuetodoso.It’s importanttoplaceconsistent emphasison thisareaof growing yourpractice. The AmbulatoryM&A Advisorisanonlinepublicationthatcovers themost up-to-datetrends and topicssurrounding ambulatorycarecenterdeal making,including informationon investmentbanking intheambulatorycarerealm. Toreadthisarticleandothers likeit,visit thepublicationatwww.ambulatoryadvisor.com Contact: BlayneRush,MHP,MBAAmbulatoryAlliances,LLC18181MidwayRdSte200 Dallas,Texas75287 469-385-7792 publisher@AmbulatoryAdvisor.comhttp://www.ambulatoryadvisor.com ###

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