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6 Component That Affects Website Designing and Development

If you are preparing your business for the online platform then the company website is a must. Website development and designing is the most important factor and bad design negatively affects your online visibility and branding. So, before building a website keep these 6 components in your mind and prepare the website accordingly. <br>

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6 Component That Affects Website Designing and Development

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  1. Overview of Website Design and Development

  2. Overview of Website Design The design of websites displayed on the internet is referred to as web design. It usually depicts the user interface and user experience aspects of website development rather than coding or application/software development. A web designer works on the layout, appearance, navigation, content presentation and other design elements of a website. An impressive website can help you draw an increasing number of prospective audience to your website, resulting in increased sales.

  3. Overview of Website Development Web development refers to the coding or programming done to implement the design, create website architecture, backend, functions and features of the website and launch it in cyberspace. Efficient development work makes websites function flawlessly and successfully.

  4. Component of Website Development 01 02 Hosting Architecture 03 04 • Functions Aesthetics 05 06 User Experience • Content

  5. Reliable Hosting Service A web hosting service is a service to host websites over the Internet so that individuals and organisations can make their website accessible to their audience via the World Wide Web. A reliable hosting service is equally important for the performance of a website. Many times, due to poor hosting services, websites are unable to perform online.

  6. Mobile-friendly Template In this age when smartphones are fast occupying our personal space, mobile-friendly templates are most recommended for companies to expand their customer base.

  7. Website Architecture It is the foundation of the website. So, it is crucial to make the foundation strong so that it can hold the structure not only intact and make it perform effectively, but also allows it to expand in future without impacting its existing parts. If the structure is not correct then even the elements on it would go haywire. It decides how the website will appear, how the data will be stored and made accessible to users, how users can interact and also how its features would function.

  8. Function The functioning of the website is a crucial factor to consider while developing a website. Website performance plays a significant role today & depends on some functions that help to rank website on the top search engine pages. Page load speed, Video Performance Plug-ins Images Download 5. Data storage and accessibility 6. Smooth browsing from one page to another 7. APIs and third-party APIs if any, 8. Error-free software applications and forms

  9. Content ‘Content is king’! If your website does not carry good content, it is of no use. It is content that motivates and it is content that compels. The more content a website has, the more search-engine friendly a website becomes.

  10. Aesthetics It is said, the first impression is the last one. It is essential when your target audience visits you, your website must be able to impress them. Look and feel is very crucial, hence be careful while choosing images, colour, font, text and other design elements while developing your website.

  11. Hire an Experienced Website Development Firm If you too are planning to give your website a completely new look and feel, ensure you hire a professional agency with years of experience in the industry. A professional website development company with a team of skilled developers and designers can make your job much easier.

  12. Contact Us: Boulevard Plaza Tower 2, Downtown Dubai, UAE https://www.facebook.com/sudodotae/ https://twitter.com/sudodotae Office Phone: +971559290001 SUDO Technologies LLC https://www.instagram.com/sudodotae/ Email: hello@sudo.ae https://www.linkedin.com/company/sudoae https://www.sudouae.com/

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